use of in project graal by oracle.
the class AnalysisType method getCachedConstantObject.
public AnalysisObject getCachedConstantObject(BigBang bb, JavaConstant constant) {
* Constant caching is only used we certain analysis policies. Ideally we would store the
* cache in the policy, but it is simpler to store the cache for each type.
assert bb.analysisPolicy().needsConstantCache() : "The analysis policy doesn't specify the need for a constants cache.";
assert bb.trackConcreteAnalysisObjects(this);
assert !(constant instanceof PrimitiveConstant) : "The analysis should not model PrimitiveConstant.";
if (uniqueConstant != null) {
// The constants have been merged, return the unique constant
return uniqueConstant;
if (constantObjectsCache.size() > PointstoOptions.MaxConstantObjectsPerType.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
// The number of constant objects has increased above the limit,
// merge the constants in the uniqueConstant and return it
return uniqueConstant;
// Get the analysis ConstantObject modeling the JavaConstant
AnalysisObject result = constantObjectsCache.get(constant);
if (result == null) {
// Create a ConstantObject to model each JavaConstant
ConstantContextSensitiveObject newValue = new ConstantContextSensitiveObject(bb, this, constant);
ConstantContextSensitiveObject oldValue = constantObjectsCache.putIfAbsent(constant, newValue);
result = oldValue != null ? oldValue : newValue;
if (PointstoOptions.ProfileConstantObjects.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
return result;