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Example 11 with TypeState

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class TypeFlow method update.

public void update(BigBang bb) {
    TypeState curState = getState();
    for (TypeFlow<?> use : getUses()) {
        use.addState(bb, curState);
Also used : TypeState(

Example 12 with TypeState

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UniverseBuilder method collectHashCodeFieldInfo.

private void collectHashCodeFieldInfo(BigBang bb) {
    AnalysisMethod method;
    try {
        method = aMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(System.class.getMethod("identityHashCode", Object.class));
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
        throw shouldNotReachHere();
    if (method == null) {
    DebugContext debug = bb.getDebug();
    try (Indent ignore = debug.logAndIndent("check types for which identityHashCode is invoked")) {
        // Check which types may be a parameter of System.identityHashCode (which is invoked by
        // Object.hashCode).
        TypeState thisParamState = method.getTypeFlow().getParameterTypeState(bb, 0);
        assert thisParamState != null;
        Iterable<AnalysisType> typesNeedHashCode = thisParamState.types();
        if (typesNeedHashCode == null || thisParamState.isUnknown()) {
            // This is the case if the identityHashCode parameter type is unknown. So all
            // classes get the hashCode field.
            // But this is only a fail-safe, because it cannot happen in the current
            // implementation of the analysis pass.
            debug.log("all types need a hashCode field");
            for (HostedType hType : hUniverse.getTypes()) {
                if (hType.isInstanceClass()) {
                    ((HostedInstanceClass) hType).setNeedHashCodeField();
        } else {
            for (AnalysisType type : typesNeedHashCode) {
                debug.log("type %s is argument to identityHashCode", type);
                     * Array types get a hash-code field by default. So we only have to deal with
                     * instance types here.
                if (type.isInstanceClass()) {
                    HostedInstanceClass hType = (HostedInstanceClass) hUniverse.lookup(type);
Also used : AnalysisType( AnalysisMethod( Indent(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent) TypeState( DebugContext(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext)

Example 13 with TypeState

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UniverseBuilder method collectMonitorFieldInfo.

// @formatter:off
// /**
// * New version of the method that uses the static analysis results collected by the static
// * analysis results builder instead of accessing the type states directly.
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("try")
// private void collectHashCodeFieldInfo() {
// AnalysisMethod method = null;
// try {
// method = aMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(System.class.getMethod("identityHashCode", Object.class));
// } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
// throw shouldNotReachHere();
// }
// if (method == null) {
// return;
// }
// try (Indent indent = Debug.logAndIndent("check types for which identityHashCode is invoked")) {
// // Check which types may be a parameter of System.identityHashCode (which is invoked by
// // Object.hashCode).
// HostedMethod hMethod = hUniverse.methods.get(method);
// JavaTypeProfile paramProfile = hMethod.getProfilingInfo().getParameterTypeProfile(0);
// if (paramProfile == null) {
// // This is the case if the identityHashCode parameter type is unknown. So all
// // classes get the hashCode field.
// // But this is only a fail-safe, because it cannot happen in the current
// // implementation of the analysis pass.
// Debug.log("all types need a hashCode field");
// for (HostedType hType : hUniverse.getTypes()) {
// if (hType.isInstanceClass()) {
// ((HostedInstanceClass) hType).setNeedHashCodeField();
// }
// }
// hUniverse.getObjectClass().setNeedHashCodeField();
// } else {
// // Mark all paramter types of System.identityHashCode to have a hash-code field.
// for (ProfiledType type : paramProfile.getTypes()) {
// Debug.log("type %s is argument to identityHashCode", type);
// /*
// * Array types get a hash-code field by default. So we only have to deal with
// * instance types here.
// */
// if (type.getType().isInstanceClass()) {
// HostedInstanceClass hType = (HostedInstanceClass) hUniverse.lookup(type.getType());
// hType.setNeedHashCodeField();
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// @formatter:on
private void collectMonitorFieldInfo(BigBang bb) {
    if (!SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) {
        /* No locking information needed in single-threaded mode. */
    TypeState allSynchronizedTypeState = bb.getAllSynchronizedTypeState();
    for (AnalysisType aType : allSynchronizedTypeState.types()) {
        if (canHaveMonitorFields(aType)) {
            final HostedInstanceClass hostedInstanceClass = (HostedInstanceClass) hUniverse.lookup(aType);
Also used : AnalysisType( TypeState(

Example 14 with TypeState

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class StaticAnalysisResultsBuilder method makeResults.

public StaticAnalysisResults makeResults(AnalysisMethod method) {
    MethodTypeFlow methodFlow = method.getTypeFlow();
    MethodFlowsGraph originalFlows = methodFlow.getOriginalMethodFlows();
    ArrayList<JavaTypeProfile> paramProfiles = new ArrayList<>(originalFlows.getParameters().length);
    for (int i = 0; i < originalFlows.getParameters().length; i++) {
        JavaTypeProfile paramProfile = makeTypeProfile(methodFlow.foldTypeFlow(bb, originalFlows.getParameter(i)));
        if (paramProfile != null) {
            ensureSize(paramProfiles, i);
            paramProfiles.set(i, paramProfile);
    JavaTypeProfile[] parameterTypeProfiles = null;
    if (paramProfiles.size() > 0) {
        parameterTypeProfiles = paramProfiles.toArray(new JavaTypeProfile[paramProfiles.size()]);
    JavaTypeProfile resultTypeProfile = makeTypeProfile(methodFlow.foldTypeFlow(bb, originalFlows.getResult()));
    ArrayList<BytecodeEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(method.getCodeSize());
    for (InstanceOfTypeFlow originalInstanceOf : originalFlows.getInstaceOfFlows()) {
        if (BytecodeLocation.hasValidBci(originalInstanceOf.getLocation())) {
            int bci = originalInstanceOf.getLocation().getBci();
            /* Fold the instanceof flows. */
            TypeState instanceOfTypeState = methodFlow.foldTypeFlow(bb, originalInstanceOf);
            originalInstanceOf.setState(bb, instanceOfTypeState);
            JavaTypeProfile typeProfile = makeTypeProfile(instanceOfTypeState);
            if (typeProfile != null) {
                ensureSize(entries, bci);
                assert entries.get(bci) == null : "In " + method.format("%h.%n(%p)") + " a profile with bci=" + bci + " already exists: " + entries.get(bci);
                entries.set(bci, createBytecodeEntry(method, bci, typeProfile, null, null));
    for (InvokeTypeFlow originalInvoke : originalFlows.getInvokes()) {
        if (BytecodeLocation.hasValidBci(originalInvoke.getLocation())) {
            int bci = originalInvoke.getLocation().getBci();
            TypeState invokeTypeState = TypeState.forEmpty();
            if (originalInvoke.getTargetMethod().hasReceiver()) {
                invokeTypeState = methodFlow.foldTypeFlow(bb, originalInvoke.getReceiver());
                originalInvoke.setState(bb, invokeTypeState);
            TypeFlow<?> originalReturn = originalInvoke.getActualReturn();
            TypeState returnTypeState = null;
            if (originalReturn != null) {
                returnTypeState = methodFlow.foldTypeFlow(bb, originalReturn);
                originalReturn.setState(bb, returnTypeState);
            JavaTypeProfile typeProfile = makeTypeProfile(invokeTypeState);
            JavaMethodProfile methodProfile = makeMethodProfile(originalInvoke.getCallees());
            JavaTypeProfile invokeResultTypeProfile = originalReturn == null ? null : makeTypeProfile(returnTypeState);
            if (typeProfile != null || methodProfile != null || invokeResultTypeProfile != null) {
                ensureSize(entries, bci);
                assert entries.get(bci) == null : "In " + method.format("%h.%n(%p)") + " a profile with bci=" + bci + " already exists: " + entries.get(bci);
                entries.set(bci, createBytecodeEntry(method, bci, typeProfile, methodProfile, invokeResultTypeProfile));
    if (PointstoOptions.PrintSynchronizedAnalysis.getValue(bb.getOptions())) {
        originalFlows.getMonitorEntries().stream().filter(m -> m.getState().typesCount() > 20).sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(m2 -> m2.getState().typesCount())).forEach(monitorEnter -> {
            TypeState monitorEntryState = monitorEnter.getState();
            String typesString = monitorEntryState.closeToAllInstantiated(bb) ? "close to all instantiated" :, false).map(AnalysisType::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
            StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();
            strb.append("Location: ");
            String methodName = method.format("%h.%n(%p)");
            int bci = monitorEnter.getLocation().getBci();
            if (bci != BytecodeLocation.UNKNOWN_BCI) {
                StackTraceElement traceElement = method.asStackTraceElement(bci);
                String sourceLocation = traceElement.getFileName() + ":" + traceElement.getLineNumber();
            } else {
            strb.append("Synchronized types #: ").append(monitorEntryState.typesCount()).append("\n");
            strb.append("Types: ").append(typesString).append("\n");
    BytecodeEntry first = null;
    for (int i = entries.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        BytecodeEntry cur = entries.get(i);
        if (cur != null) {
   = first;
            first = cur;
    return createStaticAnalysisResults(method, parameterTypeProfiles, resultTypeProfile, first);
Also used : AnalysisType( BytecodeEntry( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TypeState( InstanceOfTypeFlow( JavaMethodProfile( InvokeTypeFlow( MethodTypeFlow( MethodFlowsGraph( JavaTypeProfile(

Example 15 with TypeState

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class SpecialInvokeTypeFlow method onObservedUpdate.

public void onObservedUpdate(BigBang bb) {
    assert this.isClone();
         * Initialize the callee lazily so that if the invoke flow is not reached in this context,
         * i.e. for this clone, there is no callee linked.
    if (callee == null) {
        MethodCallTargetNode target = (MethodCallTargetNode) invoke.callTarget();
        callee = ((AnalysisMethod) target.targetMethod()).getTypeFlow();
        // set the callee in the original invoke too
        ((DirectInvokeTypeFlow) originalInvoke).callee = callee;
    TypeState invokeState = getReceiver().getState();
    for (AnalysisObject receiverObject : invokeState.objects()) {
        AnalysisContext calleeContext = bb.contextPolicy().calleeContext(bb, receiverObject, callerContext, callee);
        MethodFlowsGraph calleeFlows = callee.addContext(bb, calleeContext, this);
        if (calleesFlows.putIfAbsent(calleeFlows, Boolean.TRUE) == null) {
            linkCallee(bb, false, calleeFlows);
        updateReceiver(bb, calleeFlows, receiverObject);
Also used : AnalysisObject( MethodCallTargetNode( TypeState( AnalysisContext(


TypeState ( AnalysisType ( AnalysisObject ( AnalysisMethod ( AnalysisContext ( AnalysisField ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 BigBang ( PointstoOptions ( BytecodeLocation ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)2 ValueNode (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode)2 CEntryPoint (org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPoint)2 AnalysisPolicy ( UnsupportedFeatureException ( AllInstantiatedTypeFlow ( ArrayElementsTypeFlow ( FieldTypeFlow ( InstanceOfTypeFlow ( InvokeTypeFlow (