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Example 1 with ValueInfo

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class Deoptimizer method constructTargetFrame.

 * Constructs the frame entries for the deopimization target method.
 * @param targetInfo The bytecode frame (+ some other info) of the target.
 * @param sourceFrame The bytecode frame of the source.
private VirtualFrame constructTargetFrame(CodeInfoQueryResult targetInfo, FrameInfoQueryResult sourceFrame) {
    FrameInfoQueryResult targetFrame = targetInfo.getFrameInfo();
    long targetFrameSize = targetInfo.getTotalFrameSize() - FrameAccess.returnAddressSize();
    VirtualFrame result = new VirtualFrame(targetFrame);
    /* The first word of the new content is the return address into the target method. */
    result.returnAddress = new DeoptimizedFrame.ReturnAddress(targetContentSize, targetInfo.getIP().rawValue());
    targetContentSize += FrameAccess.returnAddressSize();
    /* The source and target bytecode frame must match (as they stem from the same BCI). */
    assert sourceFrame.getNumLocals() == targetFrame.getNumLocals();
    assert sourceFrame.getNumStack() == targetFrame.getNumStack();
    assert sourceFrame.getNumLocks() == targetFrame.getNumLocks();
    assert targetFrame.getVirtualObjects().length == 0;
    assert sourceFrame.getValueInfos().length >= targetFrame.getValueInfos().length;
    int numValues = targetFrame.getValueInfos().length;
         * Create stack entries for all values of the source frame.
    int newEndOfParams = endOfParams;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
        ValueInfo targetValue = targetFrame.getValueInfos()[idx];
        if (targetValue.getKind() == JavaKind.Illegal) {
                 * The target value is optimized out, e.g. at a position after the lifetime of a
                 * local variable. Actually we don't care what's the source value in this case, but
                 * most likely it's also "illegal".
        } else {
            JavaConstant con = readValue(sourceFrame.getValueInfos()[idx], sourceFrame);
            assert con.getJavaKind() != JavaKind.Illegal;
            if (con.getJavaKind().isObject() && SubstrateObjectConstant.isCompressed(con) != targetValue.isCompressedReference()) {
                // rewrap in constant with the appropriate compression for the target value
                Object obj = SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(con);
                con = SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(obj, targetValue.isCompressedReference());
            relockVirtualObject(sourceFrame, idx, con);
            switch(targetValue.getType()) {
                case StackSlot:
                         * The target value is on the stack
                    int targetOffset = TypeConversion.asS4(targetValue.getData());
                    assert targetOffset != targetFrameSize : "stack slot would overwrite return address";
                    int totalOffset = targetContentSize + targetOffset;
                    assert totalOffset >= endOfParams : "stack location overwrites param area";
                    if (targetOffset < targetFrameSize) {
                             * This is the most common case: a regular slot in the stack frame,
                             * which e.g. holds a variable.
                        assert totalOffset >= targetContentSize;
                        result.values[idx] = DeoptimizedFrame.ConstantEntry.factory(totalOffset, con);
                    } else if (sourceFrame.getCaller() != null) {
                             * Handle stack parameters for inlined calls: write the value to the
                             * outgoing parameter area of the caller frame.
                        assert totalOffset >= targetContentSize;
                        result.values[idx] = DeoptimizedFrame.ConstantEntry.factory(totalOffset, con);
                        int endOffset = totalOffset + ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().sizeInBytes(con.getJavaKind(), targetValue.isCompressedReference());
                        if (endOffset > newEndOfParams) {
                            newEndOfParams = endOffset;
                case DefaultConstant:
                case Constant:
                         * The target value was constant propagated. Check that source and target
                         * performed the same constant propagation
                    assert verifyConstant(targetFrame, targetValue, con);
                         * There must not be any other target value types because deoptimization
                         * target methods are only optimized in a limited way. Especially there must
                         * not be Register values because registers cannot be alive across method
                         * calls; and there must not be virtual objects because no escape analysis
                         * is performed.
                    throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("unknown deopt target value " + targetValue);
    targetContentSize += targetFrameSize;
    endOfParams = newEndOfParams;
    return result;
Also used : VirtualFrame( ValueInfo( JavaConstant( FrameInfoQueryResult(

Example 2 with ValueInfo

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class Deoptimizer method relockVirtualObject.

 * Locks re-materialized virtual objects in the deoptimization target.
private void relockVirtualObject(FrameInfoQueryResult sourceFrame, int valueInfoIndex, JavaConstant valueConstant) {
    ValueInfo valueInfo = sourceFrame.getValueInfos()[valueInfoIndex];
    if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue() && valueInfoIndex >= sourceFrame.getNumLocals() + sourceFrame.getNumStack() && valueInfo.getType() == ValueType.VirtualObject) {
        Object lockee = KnownIntrinsics.convertUnknownValue(SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(valueConstant), Object.class);
        int lockeeIndex = TypeConversion.asS4(valueInfo.getData());
        assert lockee == materializedObjects[lockeeIndex];
        if (relockedObjects == null) {
            relockedObjects = new Object[sourceFrame.getVirtualObjects().length];
        assert relockedObjects[lockeeIndex] == null || relockedObjects[lockeeIndex] == lockee;
        relockedObjects[lockeeIndex] = lockee;
Also used : ValueInfo(

Example 3 with ValueInfo

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class FrameInfoVerifier method verifyValues.

private static void verifyValues(ValueInfo[] expectedValues, ValueInfo[] actualValues) {
    assert expectedValues.length == actualValues.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) {
        ValueInfo expectedValue = expectedValues[i];
        ValueInfo actualValue = actualValues[i];
        assert expectedValue.type == actualValue.type;
        assert expectedValue.kind.equals(actualValue.kind);
        assert expectedValue.isCompressedReference == actualValue.isCompressedReference;
        assert ==;
        verifyConstant(expectedValue.value, actualValue.value);
        assert Objects.equals(,;
        assert expectedValue.nameIndex == actualValue.nameIndex;
Also used : ValueInfo( Infopoint(

Example 4 with ValueInfo

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class FrameInfoVerifier method addFrame.

private FrameInfoQueryResult addFrame(FrameData data, BytecodeFrame frame, boolean isDeoptEntry, boolean needLocalValues) {
    FrameInfoQueryResult result = new FrameInfoQueryResult();
    if (frame.caller() != null) {
        assert !isDeoptEntry : "Deoptimization entry point information for caller frames is not encoded";
        result.caller = addFrame(data, frame.caller(), false, needLocalValues);
    result.virtualObjects = data.virtualObjects;
    result.encodedBci = encodeBci(frame.getBCI(), frame.duringCall, frame.rethrowException);
    result.isDeoptEntry = isDeoptEntry;
    result.needLocalValues = needLocalValues;
    SharedMethod method = (SharedMethod) frame.getMethod();
    if (customization.shouldStoreMethod()) {
        result.deoptMethod = method;
    result.deoptMethodOffset = method.getDeoptOffsetInImage();
    result.numLocals = frame.numLocals;
    result.numStack = frame.numStack;
    result.numLocks = frame.numLocks;
    ValueInfo[] valueInfos = null;
    if (needLocalValues) {
        JavaValue[] values = frame.values;
        int numValues = 0;
        for (int i = values.length; --i >= 0; ) {
            if (!ValueUtil.isIllegalJavaValue(values[i])) {
                // Found the last non-illegal value, i.e., the last value we have to encode.
                numValues = i + 1;
        valueInfos = new ValueInfo[numValues];
        for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
            valueInfos[i] = makeValueInfo(data, getFrameValueKind(frame, i), values[i]);
    result.valueInfos = valueInfos;
    return result;
Also used : ValueInfo( JavaValue( SharedMethod( Infopoint(

Example 5 with ValueInfo

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class CollectingObjectReferenceVisitor method verifyFrame.

private void verifyFrame(CompilationResult compilation, BytecodeFrame expectedFrame, FrameInfoQueryResult actualFrame, BitSet visitedVirtualObjects) {
    assert (expectedFrame == null) == (actualFrame == null);
    if (expectedFrame == null || !actualFrame.needLocalValues) {
    verifyFrame(compilation, expectedFrame.caller(), actualFrame.getCaller(), visitedVirtualObjects);
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedFrame.values.length; i++) {
        JavaValue expectedValue = expectedFrame.values[i];
        if (i >= actualFrame.getValueInfos().length) {
            assert ValueUtil.isIllegalJavaValue(expectedValue);
        ValueInfo actualValue = actualFrame.getValueInfos()[i];
        JavaKind expectedKind = FrameInfoEncoder.getFrameValueKind(expectedFrame, i);
        assert expectedKind == actualValue.getKind();
        verifyValue(compilation, expectedValue, actualValue, actualFrame, visitedVirtualObjects);
Also used : JavaValue( ValueInfo( Infopoint( DeoptEntryInfopoint( JavaKind(


ValueInfo ( Infopoint ( JavaKind ( JavaValue ( ObjectLayout ( DeoptEntryInfopoint ( JavaConstant ( UnsignedWord (org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord)3 SharedField ( SharedType ( Counters ( FrameInfoQueryResult ( ValueType ( VirtualFrame ( DynamicHub ( SharedMethod ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 BytecodeFrame ( DebugInfo ( StackSlot (