use of in project graal by oracle.
the class PthreadVMCondition method beforeCompilation.
public void beforeCompilation(BeforeCompilationAccess access) {
ObjectLayout layout = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout();
int nextIndex = 0;
PthreadVMMutex[] mutexes = mutexReplacer.getReplacements().toArray(new PthreadVMMutex[0]);
int mutexSize = NumUtil.roundUp(SizeOf.get(Pthread.pthread_mutex_t.class), 8);
for (PthreadVMMutex mutex : mutexes) {
mutex.structOffset = WordFactory.unsigned(layout.getArrayElementOffset(JavaKind.Byte, nextIndex));
nextIndex += mutexSize;
PthreadVMCondition[] conditions = conditionReplacer.getReplacements().toArray(new PthreadVMCondition[0]);
int conditionSize = NumUtil.roundUp(SizeOf.get(Pthread.pthread_cond_t.class), 8);
for (PthreadVMCondition condition : conditions) {
condition.structOffset = WordFactory.unsigned(layout.getArrayElementOffset(JavaKind.Byte, nextIndex));
nextIndex += conditionSize;
PthreadVMLockSupport lockSupport = ImageSingletons.lookup(PthreadVMLockSupport.class);
lockSupport.mutexes = mutexes;
lockSupport.conditions = conditions;
lockSupport.pthreadStructs = new byte[nextIndex];
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CollectingObjectReferenceVisitor method verifyVirtualObject.
private void verifyVirtualObject(CompilationResult compilation, VirtualObject expectedObject, ValueInfo[] actualObject, FrameInfoQueryResult actualFrame, BitSet visitedVirtualObjects) {
if (visitedVirtualObjects.get(expectedObject.getId())) {
ObjectLayout objectLayout = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout();
SharedType expectedType = (SharedType) expectedObject.getType();
if (expectedType.isArray()) {
JavaKind kind = expectedType.getComponentType().getJavaKind();
int expectedLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedObject.getValues().length; i++) {
JavaValue expectedValue = expectedObject.getValues()[i];
UnsignedWord expectedOffset = WordFactory.unsigned(objectLayout.getArrayElementOffset(expectedType.getComponentType().getJavaKind(), expectedLength));
ValueInfo actualValue = findActualArrayElement(actualObject, expectedOffset);
verifyValue(compilation, expectedValue, actualValue, actualFrame, visitedVirtualObjects);
JavaKind valueKind = expectedObject.getSlotKind(i);
if (objectLayout.sizeInBytes(kind) == 4 && objectLayout.sizeInBytes(valueKind) == 8) {
* Truffle uses arrays in a non-standard way: it declares an int[] array and
* uses it to also store long and double values. These values span two array
* elements - so we have to add 2 to the length.
expectedLength += 2;
} else {
int actualLength = actualObject[1].value.asInt();
assert expectedLength == actualLength;
} else {
SharedField[] expectedFields = (SharedField[]) expectedType.getInstanceFields(true);
int fieldIdx = 0;
int valueIdx = 0;
while (valueIdx < expectedObject.getValues().length) {
SharedField expectedField = expectedFields[fieldIdx];
fieldIdx += 1;
JavaValue expectedValue = expectedObject.getValues()[valueIdx];
JavaKind valueKind = expectedObject.getSlotKind(valueIdx);
valueIdx += 1;
JavaKind kind = expectedField.getStorageKind();
if (objectLayout.sizeInBytes(kind) == 4 && objectLayout.sizeInBytes(valueKind) == 8) {
* Truffle uses fields in a non-standard way: it declares a couple of
* (consecutive) int fields, and uses them to also store long and double values.
* These values span two fields - so we have to ignore a field.
UnsignedWord expectedOffset = WordFactory.unsigned(expectedField.getLocation());
ValueInfo actualValue = findActualField(actualObject, expectedOffset);
verifyValue(compilation, expectedValue, actualValue, actualFrame, visitedVirtualObjects);
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CollectingObjectReferenceVisitor method findActualArrayElement.
private static ValueInfo findActualArrayElement(ValueInfo[] actualObject, UnsignedWord expectedOffset) {
DynamicHub hub = KnownIntrinsics.convertUnknownValue(SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(actualObject[0].getValue()), DynamicHub.class);
ObjectLayout objectLayout = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout();
assert LayoutEncoding.isArray(hub.getLayoutEncoding());
return findActualValue(actualObject, expectedOffset, objectLayout, LayoutEncoding.getArrayBaseOffset(hub.getLayoutEncoding()), 2);
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class FrameInfoVerifier method makeVirtualObject.
private void makeVirtualObject(FrameData data, VirtualObject virtualObject) {
int id = virtualObject.getId();
if (data.virtualObjects[id] != null) {
/* Install a non-null value to support recursive VirtualObjects. */
data.virtualObjects[id] = MARKER;
/* Objects must contain only compressed references when compression is enabled */
boolean compressedRefs = ReferenceAccess.singleton().haveCompressedReferences();
List<ValueInfo> valueList = new ArrayList<>(virtualObject.getValues().length + 4);
SharedType type = (SharedType) virtualObject.getType();
/* The first element is the hub of the virtual object. */
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, JavaKind.Object, SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(type.getHub())));
ObjectLayout objectLayout = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout();
assert type.isArray() == LayoutEncoding.isArray(type.getHub().getLayoutEncoding()) : "deoptimization code uses layout encoding to determine if type is an array";
if (type.isArray()) {
/* We do not know the final length yet, so add a placeholder. */
int length = 0;
JavaKind kind = ((SharedType) type.getComponentType()).getStorageKind();
for (int i = 0; i < virtualObject.getValues().length; i++) {
JavaValue value = virtualObject.getValues()[i];
JavaKind valueKind = virtualObject.getSlotKind(i);
if (objectLayout.sizeInBytes(kind, compressedRefs) == 4 && objectLayout.sizeInBytes(valueKind, compressedRefs) == 8) {
* Truffle uses arrays in a non-standard way: it declares an int[] array and
* uses it to also store long and double values. These values span two array
* elements - so we have to write this element with the actual value kind and
* add 2 to the length.
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, valueKind, value));
length += 2;
} else {
assert objectLayout.sizeInBytes(valueKind.getStackKind(), compressedRefs) <= objectLayout.sizeInBytes(kind.getStackKind(), compressedRefs);
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, kind, value));
assert objectLayout.getArrayElementOffset(type.getComponentType().getJavaKind(), length) == objectLayout.getArrayBaseOffset(type.getComponentType().getJavaKind()) + computeOffset(valueList.subList(2, valueList.size()), compressedRefs);
assert valueList.get(1) == null;
valueList.set(1, makeValueInfo(data, JavaKind.Int, JavaConstant.forInt(length)));
} else {
* We must add filling constants for padding, so that values are contiguous. The
* deoptimization code does not have access to field information.
SharedField[] fields = (SharedField[]) type.getInstanceFields(true);
long curOffset = objectLayout.getFirstFieldOffset();
int fieldIdx = 0;
int valueIdx = 0;
while (valueIdx < virtualObject.getValues().length) {
SharedField field = fields[fieldIdx];
fieldIdx += 1;
JavaValue value = virtualObject.getValues()[valueIdx];
JavaKind valueKind = virtualObject.getSlotKind(valueIdx);
valueIdx += 1;
JavaKind kind = field.getStorageKind();
if (objectLayout.sizeInBytes(kind, compressedRefs) == 4 && objectLayout.sizeInBytes(valueKind, compressedRefs) == 8) {
* Truffle uses fields in a non-standard way: it declares a couple of
* (consecutive) int fields, and uses them to also store long and double values.
* These values span two fields - so we have to ignore a field.
kind = valueKind;
assert fields[fieldIdx].getJavaKind() == field.getJavaKind();
if (field.getLocation() >= 0) {
assert curOffset <= field.getLocation();
while (curOffset + 7 < field.getLocation()) {
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, JavaKind.Long, JavaConstant.LONG_0));
curOffset += 8;
if (curOffset + 3 < field.getLocation()) {
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, JavaKind.Int, JavaConstant.INT_0));
curOffset += 4;
if (curOffset + 1 < field.getLocation()) {
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, JavaKind.Short, JavaConstant.forShort((short) 0)));
curOffset += 2;
if (curOffset < field.getLocation()) {
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, JavaKind.Byte, JavaConstant.forByte((byte) 0)));
curOffset += 1;
assert curOffset == field.getLocation();
assert curOffset == computeOffset(valueList, compressedRefs);
valueList.add(makeValueInfo(data, kind, value));
curOffset += objectLayout.sizeInBytes(kind, compressedRefs);
data.virtualObjects[id] = valueList.toArray(new ValueInfo[valueList.size()]);
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class RecomputedFields method compute.
public Object compute(ResolvedJavaField original, ResolvedJavaField annotated, Object receiver) {
try {
ObjectLayout layout = ImageSingletons.lookup(ObjectLayout.class);
* ASHIFT is a hard-coded constant in the original implementation, so there is no need
* to recompute it. It is a private field, so we need reflection to access it.
Field ashiftField = java.util.concurrent.Exchanger.class.getDeclaredField("ASHIFT");
int ashift = ashiftField.getInt(null);
* The original implementation uses Node[].class, but we know that all Object arrays
* have the same kind and layout. The kind denotes the element type of the array.
JavaKind ak = JavaKind.Object;
// ABASE absorbs padding in front of element 0
int abase = layout.getArrayBaseOffset(ak) + (1 << ashift);
/* Sanity check. */
final int s = layout.getArrayIndexScale(ak);
if ((s & (s - 1)) != 0 || s > (1 << ashift)) {
throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Unsupported array scale");
return abase;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException ex) {
throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(ex);