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Example 1 with VMThreadLocalSTSupport

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class VMThreadSTFeature method duringSetup.

public void duringSetup(DuringSetupAccess config) {
    ImageSingletons.add(VMThreadLocalSTSupport.class, new VMThreadLocalSTSupport());
Also used : VMThreadLocalSTSupport(

Example 2 with VMThreadLocalSTSupport

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class VMThreadSTFeature method beforeCompilation.

public void beforeCompilation(BeforeCompilationAccess config) {
    List<VMThreadLocalInfo> sortedThreadLocalInfos = threadLocalCollector.sortThreadLocals(config);
    ObjectLayout layout = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout();
    int nextObject = 0;
    int nextPrimitive = 0;
    for (VMThreadLocalInfo info : sortedThreadLocalInfos) {
        if (info.isObject) {
            info.offset = layout.getArrayElementOffset(JavaKind.Object, nextObject);
            nextObject += 1;
        } else {
            assert nextPrimitive % Math.min(8, info.sizeInBytes) == 0 : "alignment mismatch: " + info.sizeInBytes + ", " + nextPrimitive;
            info.offset = layout.getArrayElementOffset(JavaKind.Byte, nextPrimitive);
            nextPrimitive += info.sizeInBytes;
    VMThreadLocalSTSupport support = ImageSingletons.lookup(VMThreadLocalSTSupport.class);
    support.objectThreadLocals = new Object[nextObject];
    support.primitiveThreadLocals = new byte[nextPrimitive];
    /* Remember the final sorted list. */
Also used : VMThreadLocalSTSupport( ObjectLayout( VMThreadLocalInfo(


VMThreadLocalSTSupport ( ObjectLayout ( VMThreadLocalInfo (