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Example 1 with HostedField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class NativeImageHeap method writeObject.

private void writeObject(ObjectInfo info, final RelocatableBuffer roBuffer, final RelocatableBuffer rwBuffer) {
         * Write a reference from the object to its hub. This lives at layout.getHubOffset() from
         * the object base.
    final RelocatableBuffer buffer = bufferForPartition(info, roBuffer, rwBuffer);
    final int indexInSection = info.getIntIndexInSection(layout.getHubOffset());
    assert layout.isReferenceAligned(info.getOffsetInPartition());
    assert layout.isReferenceAligned(indexInSection);
    final HostedClass clazz = info.getClazz();
    final DynamicHub hub = clazz.getHub();
    final long objectHeaderBits = Heap.getHeap().getObjectHeader().setBootImageOnLong(0L);
    writeDynamicHub(buffer, indexInSection, hub, objectHeaderBits);
    if (clazz.isInstanceClass()) {
        JavaConstant con = SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(info.getObject());
        HybridLayout<?> hybridLayout = hybridLayouts.get(clazz);
        HostedField hybridArrayField = null;
        HostedField hybridBitsetField = null;
        int maxBitIndex = -1;
        Object hybridArray = null;
        if (hybridLayout != null) {
            hybridArrayField = hybridLayout.getArrayField();
            hybridArray = SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(hybridArrayField.readStorageValue(con));
            hybridBitsetField = hybridLayout.getBitsetField();
            if (hybridBitsetField != null) {
                BitSet bitSet = (BitSet) SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(hybridBitsetField.readStorageValue(con));
                if (bitSet != null) {
                         * Write the bits of the hybrid bit field. The bits are located between the
                         * array length and the instance fields.
                    int bitsPerByte = Byte.SIZE;
                    for (int bit = bitSet.nextSetBit(0); bit >= 0; bit = bitSet.nextSetBit(bit + 1)) {
                        final int index = info.getIntIndexInSection(hybridLayout.getBitFieldOffset()) + bit / bitsPerByte;
                        if (index > maxBitIndex) {
                            maxBitIndex = index;
                        int mask = 1 << (bit % bitsPerByte);
                        assert mask < (1 << bitsPerByte);
                        buffer.putByte(index, (byte) (buffer.getByte(index) | mask));
             * Write the regular instance fields.
        for (HostedField field : clazz.getInstanceFields(true)) {
            if (!field.equals(hybridArrayField) && !field.equals(hybridBitsetField) && field.isAccessed()) {
                assert field.getLocation() >= 0;
                assert info.getIntIndexInSection(field.getLocation()) > maxBitIndex;
                writeField(buffer, info, field, con, info);
        if (hub.getHashCodeOffset() != 0) {
            buffer.putInt(info.getIntIndexInSection(hub.getHashCodeOffset()), info.getIdentityHashCode());
        if (hybridArray != null) {
                 * Write the hybrid array length and the array elements.
            int length = Array.getLength(hybridArray);
            buffer.putInt(info.getIntIndexInSection(layout.getArrayLengthOffset()), length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                final int elementIndex = info.getIntIndexInSection(hybridLayout.getArrayElementOffset(i));
                final JavaKind elementKind = hybridLayout.getArrayElementKind();
                final Object array = Array.get(hybridArray, i);
                writeConstant(buffer, elementIndex, elementKind, array, info);
    } else if (clazz.isArray()) {
        JavaKind kind = clazz.getComponentType().getJavaKind();
        Object array = info.getObject();
        int length = Array.getLength(array);
        buffer.putInt(info.getIntIndexInSection(layout.getArrayLengthOffset()), length);
        buffer.putInt(info.getIntIndexInSection(layout.getArrayHashCodeOffset()), info.getIdentityHashCode());
        if (array instanceof Object[]) {
            Object[] oarray = (Object[]) array;
            assert oarray.length == length;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                final int elementIndex = info.getIntIndexInSection(layout.getArrayElementOffset(kind, i));
                final Object element = aUniverse.replaceObject(oarray[i]);
                writeConstant(buffer, elementIndex, kind, element, info);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                final int elementIndex = info.getIntIndexInSection(layout.getArrayElementOffset(kind, i));
                final Object element = Array.get(array, i);
                writeConstant(buffer, elementIndex, kind, element, info);
    } else {
        throw shouldNotReachHere();
Also used : HostedField( DynamicHub( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) JavaConstant( HostedClass( JavaKind(

Example 2 with HostedField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class NativeImageHeap method addObjectToBootImageHeap.

 * It has been determined that an object should be added to the model of the native image heap.
 * This is the mechanics of recursively adding the object and all its fields and array elements
 * to the model of the native image heap.
private void addObjectToBootImageHeap(final Object original, final Object canonicalObj, final boolean canonicalizable, boolean immutableFromParent, final int identityHashCode, final Object reason) {
    final Optional<HostedType> optionalType = getMetaAccess().optionalLookupJavaType(canonicalObj.getClass());
    if (!optionalType.isPresent() || !optionalType.get().isInstantiated()) {
        throw UserError.abort("Image heap writing found an object whose class was not seen as instantiated during static analysis. " + "Did a static field or an object referenced from a static field changed during native image generation? " + "For example, a lazily initialized cache could have been initialized during image generation, " + "in which case you need to force eager initialization of the cache before static analysis or reset the cache using a field value recomputation.\n" + "  object: " + original + "  of class: " + original.getClass().getTypeName() + "\n" + "  reachable through:\n" + fillReasonStack(new StringBuilder(), reason));
    final HostedType type = optionalType.get();
    if (type.isInstanceClass()) {
        final HostedInstanceClass clazz = (HostedInstanceClass) type;
        final JavaConstant con = SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(canonicalObj);
        final Object hybridArray;
        final long size;
        if (HybridLayout.isHybrid(clazz)) {
            HybridLayout<?> hybridLayout = hybridLayouts.get(clazz);
            if (hybridLayout == null) {
                hybridLayout = new HybridLayout<>(clazz, layout);
                hybridLayouts.put(clazz, hybridLayout);
                 * The hybrid array and bit set are written within the hybrid object. So they may
                 * not be written as separate objects. We use the blacklist to check that.
            HostedField bitsetField = hybridLayout.getBitsetField();
            if (bitsetField != null) {
                BitSet bitSet = (BitSet) SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(bitsetField.readStorageValue(con));
                if (bitSet != null) {
                    blacklist.put(bitSet, Boolean.TRUE);
            hybridArray = SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(hybridLayout.getArrayField().readStorageValue(con));
            blacklist.put(hybridArray, Boolean.TRUE);
            size = hybridLayout.getTotalSize(Array.getLength(hybridArray));
        } else {
            hybridArray = null;
            size = LayoutEncoding.getInstanceSize(clazz.getHub().getLayoutEncoding()).rawValue();
        // All canonicalizable objects are immutable,
        // as are instances of known immutable classes.
        final ObjectInfo info = addToHeapPartition(original, canonicalObj, clazz, size, identityHashCode, canonicalizable, immutableFromParent, reason);
        recursiveAddObject(clazz.getHub(), canonicalizable, false, info);
        // Recursively add all the fields of the object.
        // Even if the parent is not canonicalizable, the fields may be canonicalizable.
        final boolean fieldsAreImmutable = canonicalObj instanceof String;
        for (HostedField field : clazz.getInstanceFields(true)) {
            if (field.getType().getStorageKind() == JavaKind.Object && !HybridLayout.isHybridField(field) && field.isAccessed()) {
                assert field.getLocation() >= 0;
                recursiveAddObject(SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(field.readStorageValue(con)), canonicalizable, fieldsAreImmutable, info);
        if (hybridArray instanceof Object[]) {
            addArrayElements((Object[]) hybridArray, canonicalizable, info);
    } else if (type.isArray()) {
        HostedArrayClass clazz = (HostedArrayClass) type;
        int length = Array.getLength(canonicalObj);
        JavaKind kind = type.getComponentType().getJavaKind();
        final long size = layout.getArraySize(kind, length);
        final ObjectInfo info = addToHeapPartition(original, canonicalObj, clazz, size, identityHashCode, canonicalizable, immutableFromParent, reason);
        recursiveAddObject(clazz.getHub(), canonicalizable, false, info);
        if (kind == JavaKind.Object) {
            addArrayElements((Object[]) canonicalObj, canonicalizable, info);
    } else {
        throw shouldNotReachHere();
Also used : HostedField( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) JavaConstant( HostedInstanceClass( HostedType( HostedArrayClass( JavaKind(

Example 3 with HostedField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class NativeImageHeap method addStaticFields.

private void addStaticFields(DebugContext debug) {
    addObject(debug, StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticObjectFields(), false, false, "staticObjectFields");
    addObject(debug, StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticPrimitiveFields(), false, false, "staticPrimitiveFields");
         * We only have empty holder arrays for the static fields, so we need to add static object
         * fields manually.
    for (HostedField field : getUniverse().getFields()) {
        if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && field.wrapped.isWritten() && field.wrapped.isAccessed() && field.getType().getStorageKind() == JavaKind.Object) {
            addObject(debug, SubstrateObjectConstant.asObject(field.readStorageValue(null)), false, false, field);
Also used : HostedField(

Example 4 with HostedField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class NativeImageHeap method patchBootImageInfoField.

private void patchBootImageInfoField(ObjectInfo info, String fieldName, RelocatableBuffer roBuffer, RelocatableBuffer rwBuffer) {
    try {
        ObjectInfo staticFieldsInfo = objects.get(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticObjectFields());
        final HostedField field = getMetaAccess().lookupJavaField(NativeImageInfo.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName));
        final int index = staticFieldsInfo.getIntIndexInSection(field.getLocation());
        // Overwrite the previously written null-value with the actual object location.
        final RelocatableBuffer buffer = bufferForPartition(staticFieldsInfo, roBuffer, rwBuffer);
        writeReference(buffer, index, info.getObject(), staticFieldsInfo);
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
        throw shouldNotReachHere(ex);
Also used : HostedField( NativeImageInfo(

Example 5 with HostedField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class NativeImageHeap method writeStaticFields.

private void writeStaticFields(RelocatableBuffer buffer) {
         * Write the values of static fields. The arrays for primitive and object fields are empty
         * and just placeholders. This ensures we get the latest version, since there can be
         * Features registered that change the value of static fields late in the native image
         * generation process.
    ObjectInfo primitiveFields = objects.get(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticPrimitiveFields());
    ObjectInfo objectFields = objects.get(StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticObjectFields());
    for (HostedField field : getUniverse().getFields()) {
        if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && field.wrapped.isWritten() && field.wrapped.isAccessed()) {
            ObjectInfo fields = (field.getStorageKind() == JavaKind.Object) ? objectFields : primitiveFields;
            writeField(buffer, fields, field, null, null);
Also used : HostedField(


HostedField ( HostedType ( AnalysisField ( JavaKind ( DynamicHub ( SubstrateField ( HostedArrayClass ( HostedInstanceClass ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)2 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)2 JavaConstant ( AnalysisType ( AnalysisUniverse ( NativeImageInfo ( StringInternSupport ( ReadableJavaField ( SubstrateType ( HybridLayout ( HostedClass ( HostedInterface (