use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CompileQueue method defaultCompileFunction.
private CompilationResult defaultCompileFunction(DebugContext debug, HostedMethod method, CompilationIdentifier compilationIdentifier, CompileReason reason, RuntimeConfiguration config) {
if (NativeImageOptions.PrintAOTCompilation.getValue()) {
System.out.println("Compiling " + method.format("%r %H.%n(%p)") + " [" + reason + "]");
Backend backend = config.lookupBackend(method);
StructuredGraph graph = method.compilationInfo.graph;
assert graph != null : method;
/* Operate on a copy, to keep the original graph intact for later inlining. */
graph = graph.copyWithIdentifier(compilationIdentifier, debug);
/* Check that graph is in good shape before compilation. */
assert GraphOrder.assertSchedulableGraph(graph);
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("Compiling", graph, method, this)) {
if (deoptimizeAll && method.compilationInfo.canDeoptForTesting) {
insertDeoptTests(method, graph);
method.compilationInfo.numNodesBeforeCompilation = graph.getNodeCount();
method.compilationInfo.numDeoptEntryPoints = graph.getNodes().filter(DeoptEntryNode.class).count();
method.compilationInfo.numDuringCallEntryPoints = graph.getNodes(MethodCallTargetNode.TYPE).snapshot().stream().map(MethodCallTargetNode::invoke).filter(invoke -> method.compilationInfo.isDeoptEntry(invoke.bci(), true, false)).count();
Suites suites = method.compilationInfo.isDeoptTarget() ? deoptTargetSuites : regularSuites;
LIRSuites lirSuites = method.compilationInfo.isDeoptTarget() ? deoptTargetLIRSuites : regularLIRSuites;
CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(compilationIdentifier, method.format("%H.%n(%p)")) {
public void close() {
* Do nothing, we do not want our CompilationResult to be closed because we
* aggregate all data items and machine code in the native image heap.
try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("compile %s", method)) {
GraalCompiler.compileGraph(graph, method, backend.getProviders(), backend, null, optimisticOpts, method.getProfilingInfo(), suites, lirSuites, result, new HostedCompilationResultBuilderFactory());
method.getProfilingInfo().setCompilerIRSize(StructuredGraph.class, method.compilationInfo.graph.getNodeCount());
method.compilationInfo.numNodesAfterCompilation = graph.getNodeCount();
if (method.compilationInfo.isDeoptTarget()) {
assert verifyDeoptTarget(method, result);
for (Infopoint infopoint : result.getInfopoints()) {
if (infopoint instanceof Call) {
Call call = (Call) infopoint;
HostedMethod callTarget = (HostedMethod);
if ( {
ensureCompiled(callTarget, new DirectCallReason(method, reason));
} else if (callTarget != null && callTarget.getImplementations() != null) {
for (HostedMethod impl : callTarget.getImplementations()) {
ensureCompiled(impl, new VirtualCallReason(method, callTarget, reason));
/* Shrink resulting code array to minimum size, to reduze memory footprint. */
if (result.getTargetCode().length > result.getTargetCodeSize()) {
result.setTargetCode(Arrays.copyOf(result.getTargetCode(), result.getTargetCodeSize()), result.getTargetCodeSize());
return result;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
GraalError error = ex instanceof GraalError ? (GraalError) ex : new GraalError(ex);
error.addContext("method: " + method.format("%r %H.%n(%p)") + " [" + reason + "]");
throw error;
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CompileQueue method canBeUsedForInlining.
protected boolean canBeUsedForInlining(Invoke invoke) {
HostedMethod caller = (HostedMethod) invoke.asNode().graph().method();
HostedMethod callee = (HostedMethod) invoke.callTarget().targetMethod();
if (canDeoptForTesting(caller) && Modifier.isNative(callee.getModifiers())) {
* We must not deoptimize in the stubs for native functions, since they don't have a
* valid bytecode state.
return false;
if (canDeoptForTesting(caller) && universe.getMethodsWithStackValues().contains(callee.wrapped)) {
* We must not inline a method that has stack values and can be deoptimized.
return false;
if (caller.compilationInfo.isDeoptTarget()) {
if (caller.compilationInfo.isDeoptEntry(invoke.bci(), true, false)) {
* The call can be on the stack for a deoptimization, so we need an actual
* non-inlined invoke to deoptimize too.
* We could lift this restriction by providing an explicit deopt entry point (with
* the correct exception handling edges) in addition to the inlined method.
return false;
if (CompilationInfoSupport.singleton().isDeoptInliningExclude(callee)) {
* The graphs for runtime compilation have an intrinisic for the callee, which might
* alter the behavior. Be safe and do not inline, otherwise we might optimize too
* aggressively.
* For example, the Truffle method CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode is
* intrinisified to return a constant with the opposite value than returned by the
* method we would inline here, i.e., we would constant-fold away the compiled-code
* only code (which is the code we need deoptimization entry points for).
return false;
if (callee.getAnnotation(Specialize.class) != null) {
return false;
if (callerAnnotatedWith(invoke, Specialize.class) && callee.getAnnotation(DeoptTest.class) != null) {
return false;
Uninterruptible calleeUninterruptible = callee.getAnnotation(Uninterruptible.class);
if (calleeUninterruptible != null && !calleeUninterruptible.mayBeInlined() && caller.getAnnotation(Uninterruptible.class) == null) {
return false;
if (!mustNotAllocateCallee(caller) && mustNotAllocate(callee)) {
return false;
if (isNotExecuted(caller) || isNotExecuted(callee)) {
return false;
if (!callee.canBeInlined()) {
return false;
return invoke.useForInlining();
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CompileQueue method printMethodHistogram.
private void printMethodHistogram() {
long sizeAllMethods = 0;
long sizeDeoptMethods = 0;
long sizeDeoptMethodsInNonDeopt = 0;
long sizeNonDeoptMethods = 0;
int numberOfMethods = 0;
int numberOfNonDeopt = 0;
int numberOfDeopt = 0;
long totalNumDeoptEntryPoints = 0;
long totalNumDuringCallEntryPoints = 0;
System.out.format("Code Size; Nodes Before; Nodes After; Is Trivial;" + " Deopt Target; Code Size; Nodes Before; Nodes After; Deopt Entries; Deopt During Call;" + " Entry Points; Direct Calls; Virtual Calls; Method\n");
List<CompileTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>(compilations.values());
tasks.sort(Comparator.comparing(t2 -> t2.method.format("%H.%n(%p) %r")));
for (CompileTask task : tasks) {
HostedMethod method = task.method;
CompilationResult result = task.result;
CompilationInfo ci = method.compilationInfo;
if (!ci.isDeoptTarget()) {
numberOfMethods += 1;
sizeAllMethods += result.getTargetCodeSize();
System.out.format("%8d; %5d; %5d; %s;", result.getTargetCodeSize(), ci.numNodesBeforeCompilation, ci.numNodesAfterCompilation, ci.isTrivialMethod ? "T" : " ");
int deoptMethodSize = 0;
if (ci.deoptTarget != null) {
CompilationInfo dci = ci.deoptTarget.compilationInfo;
numberOfDeopt += 1;
deoptMethodSize = compilations.get(ci.deoptTarget).result.getTargetCodeSize();
sizeDeoptMethods += deoptMethodSize;
sizeDeoptMethodsInNonDeopt += result.getTargetCodeSize();
totalNumDeoptEntryPoints += dci.numDeoptEntryPoints;
totalNumDuringCallEntryPoints += dci.numDuringCallEntryPoints;
System.out.format(" D; %6d; %5d; %5d; %4d; %4d;", deoptMethodSize, dci.numNodesBeforeCompilation, dci.numNodesAfterCompilation, dci.numDeoptEntryPoints, dci.numDuringCallEntryPoints);
} else {
sizeNonDeoptMethods += result.getTargetCodeSize();
numberOfNonDeopt += 1;
System.out.format(" ; %6d; %5d; %5d; %4d; %4d;", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
System.out.format(" %4d; %4d; %4d; %s\n", -> t instanceof EntryPointReason).count(), -> t instanceof DirectCallReason).count(), -> t instanceof VirtualCallReason).count(), method.format("%H.%n(%p) %r"));
System.out.println("Size all methods ; " + sizeAllMethods);
System.out.println("Size deopt methods ; " + sizeDeoptMethods);
System.out.println("Size deopt methods in non-deopt mode ; " + sizeDeoptMethodsInNonDeopt);
System.out.println("Size non-deopt method ; " + sizeNonDeoptMethods);
System.out.println("Number of methods ; " + numberOfMethods);
System.out.println("Number of non-deopt methods ; " + numberOfNonDeopt);
System.out.println("Number of deopt methods ; " + numberOfDeopt);
System.out.println("Number of deopt entry points ; " + totalNumDeoptEntryPoints);
System.out.println("Number of deopt during calls entries ; " + totalNumDuringCallEntryPoints);
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class CompileQueue method parseAheadOfTimeCompiledMethods.
* Regular compiled methods. Only entry points and manually marked methods are compiled, all
* transitively reachable methods are then identified by looking at the callees of already
* parsed methods.
private void parseAheadOfTimeCompiledMethods() {
universe.getMethods().stream().filter(method -> method.isEntryPoint() || CompilationInfoSupport.singleton().isForcedCompilation(method)).forEach(method -> ensureParsed(method, new EntryPointReason()));
SubstrateForeignCallsProvider foreignCallsProvider = (SubstrateForeignCallsProvider) runtimeConfig.getProviders().getForeignCalls();
foreignCallsProvider.getForeignCalls().keySet().stream().map(descriptor -> (HostedMethod) descriptor.findMethod(runtimeConfig.getProviders().getMetaAccess())).filter(method -> method.wrapped.isRootMethod()).forEach(method -> ensureParsed(method, new EntryPointReason()));
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class MustNotSynchronizeAnnotationChecker method printPath.
private void printPath() {
System.out.print(" [Path: ");
final Iterator<HostedMethod> methodIterator = methodPath.iterator();
final Iterator<HostedMethod> methodImplIterator = methodImplPath.iterator();
while (methodIterator.hasNext()) {
final HostedMethod method =;
final HostedMethod methodImpl =;
if (method.equals(methodImpl)) {
/* If the method and the implementation are the same, give a short message. */
System.err.print(" " + method.format("%h.%n(%p)"));
} else {
/* Else give a longer message to help people follow virtual calls. */
System.err.print(" " + method.format("%f %h.%n(%p)") + " implemented by " + methodImpl.format("%h.%n(%p)"));