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Example 1 with Call

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class Stub method checkStubInvariants.

 * Checks the conditions a compilation must satisfy to be installed as a RuntimeStub.
private boolean checkStubInvariants(CompilationResult compResult) {
    assert compResult.getExceptionHandlers().isEmpty() : this;
    // assumptions and there is no point in recording evol_method dependencies
    assert compResult.getAssumptions() == null : "stubs should not use assumptions: " + this;
    for (DataPatch data : compResult.getDataPatches()) {
        if (data.reference instanceof ConstantReference) {
            ConstantReference ref = (ConstantReference) data.reference;
            if (ref.getConstant() instanceof HotSpotMetaspaceConstant) {
                HotSpotMetaspaceConstant c = (HotSpotMetaspaceConstant) ref.getConstant();
                if (c.asResolvedJavaType() != null && c.asResolvedJavaType().getName().equals("[I")) {
                    // embedding the type '[I' is safe, since it is never unloaded
        assert !(data.reference instanceof ConstantReference) : this + " cannot have embedded object or metadata constant: " + data.reference;
    for (Infopoint infopoint : compResult.getInfopoints()) {
        assert infopoint instanceof Call : this + " cannot have non-call infopoint: " + infopoint;
        Call call = (Call) infopoint;
        assert instanceof HotSpotForeignCallLinkage : this + " cannot have non runtime call: " +;
        HotSpotForeignCallLinkage callLinkage = (HotSpotForeignCallLinkage);
        assert !callLinkage.isCompiledStub() || callLinkage.getDescriptor().equals(UNCOMMON_TRAP_HANDLER) : this + " cannot call compiled stub " + callLinkage;
    return true;
Also used : Call( ConstantReference( DataPatch( HotSpotForeignCallLinkage(org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage) Infopoint( HotSpotMetaspaceConstant(

Example 2 with Call

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class InstalledCodeBuilder method patchCalls.

private int patchCalls(AMD64InstructionPatcher patcher) {
         * Patch the direct call instructions. TODO: This is highly x64 specific. Should be
         * rewritten to generic backends.
    Map<Long, Integer> directTargets = new HashMap<>();
    int currentPos = codeSize;
    for (Infopoint infopoint : compilation.getInfopoints()) {
        if (infopoint instanceof Call && ((Call) infopoint).direct) {
            Call call = (Call) infopoint;
            long targetAddress = getTargetCodeAddress(call);
            long pcDisplacement = targetAddress - (code.rawValue() + call.pcOffset);
            if (pcDisplacement != (int) pcDisplacement || testTrampolineJumps) {
                     * In case a trampoline jump is need we just "call" the trampoline jump at the
                     * end of the code.
                Long destAddr = Long.valueOf(targetAddress);
                Integer trampolineOffset = directTargets.get(destAddr);
                if (trampolineOffset == null) {
                    trampolineOffset = currentPos;
                    directTargets.put(destAddr, trampolineOffset);
                    currentPos += TRAMPOLINE_JUMP_SIZE;
                pcDisplacement = trampolineOffset - call.pcOffset;
            assert pcDisplacement == (int) pcDisplacement;
            // Patch a PC-relative call.
            patcher.findPatchData(call.pcOffset, (int) pcDisplacement).apply(compiledBytes);
    if (directTargets.size() > 0) {
             * Insert trampoline jumps. Note that this is only a fail-safe, because usually the code
             * should be within a 32-bit address range.
        currentPos = ObjectLayout.roundUp(currentPos, 8);
        ByteBuffer codeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(compiledBytes).order(ConfigurationValues.getTarget().arch.getByteOrder());
        for (Entry<Long, Integer> entry : directTargets.entrySet()) {
            long targetAddress = entry.getKey();
            int trampolineOffset = entry.getValue();
            // Write the "jmp [rip+offset]" instruction
            codeBuffer.put(trampolineOffset + 0, (byte) 0xff);
            codeBuffer.put(trampolineOffset + 1, (byte) 0x25);
            codeBuffer.putInt(trampolineOffset + 2, currentPos - (trampolineOffset + TRAMPOLINE_JUMP_SIZE));
            // Write the target address
            codeBuffer.putLong(currentPos, targetAddress);
            currentPos += 8;
    return currentPos;
Also used : Call( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Infopoint( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) Infopoint(

Example 3 with Call

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class InstanceOfTest method test10.

public void test10() {
    Call callAt63 = new Call(null, 63, 5, true, null);
    Mark markAt63 = new Mark(63, "1");
    test("compareSites", callAt63, callAt63);
    test("compareSites", callAt63, markAt63);
    test("compareSites", markAt63, callAt63);
    test("compareSites", markAt63, markAt63);
Also used : Call( Mark( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with Call

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class HotSpotMonitorValueTest method addMethod.

protected InstalledCode addMethod(DebugContext debug, ResolvedJavaMethod method, CompilationResult compResult) {
    for (Infopoint i : compResult.getInfopoints()) {
        if (i instanceof Call) {
            Call call = (Call) i;
            if ( instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod) {
                ResolvedJavaMethod target = (ResolvedJavaMethod);
                if (target.equals(lookupObjectWait())) {
                    BytecodeFrame frame = call.debugInfo.frame();
                    BytecodeFrame caller = frame.caller();
                    assertDeepEquals(2, frame.numLocks);
                    assertDeepEquals(2, caller.numLocks);
                    StackLockValue lock1 = (StackLockValue) frame.getLockValue(0);
                    StackLockValue lock2 = (StackLockValue) frame.getLockValue(1);
                    StackLockValue lock3 = (StackLockValue) caller.getLockValue(0);
                    StackLockValue lock4 = (StackLockValue) caller.getLockValue(1);
                    List<StackLockValue> locks = Arrays.asList(lock1, lock2, lock3, lock4);
                    for (StackLockValue lock : locks) {
                        for (StackLockValue other : locks) {
                            if (other != lock) {
                                // Every lock must have a different stack slot
                                assertThat(lock.getSlot(), not(other.getSlot()));
                    assertDeepEquals(lock3.getOwner(), lock4.getOwner());
                    assertThat(lock1.getOwner(), not(lock2.getOwner()));
                    return super.addMethod(debug, method, compResult);
    throw new AssertionError("Could not find debug info for call to Object.wait(long)");
Also used : Call( BytecodeFrame( StackLockValue( Infopoint( ResolvedJavaMethod(

Example 5 with Call

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class CompilationResult method recordCall.

 * Records a call in the code array.
 * @param codePos the position of the call in the code array
 * @param size the size of the call instruction
 * @param target the being called
 * @param debugInfo the debug info for the call
 * @param direct specifies if this is a {@linkplain Call#direct direct} call
public void recordCall(int codePos, int size, InvokeTarget target, DebugInfo debugInfo, boolean direct) {
    final Call call = new Call(target, codePos, size, direct, debugInfo);
Also used : Call(


Call ( Infopoint ( DeoptEntryInfopoint ( CompilationResult (org.graalvm.compiler.code.CompilationResult)4 HostedMethod ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 BytecodeFrame ( DataPatch ( StructuredGraph (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph)3 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)2 DebugInfo ( Backend ( DebugContext (org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext)2 GraalError (org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError)2 Indent (org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent)2 LIRSuites (org.graalvm.compiler.lir.phases.LIRSuites)2 Suites (org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.Suites)2 Purpose ( HostedProviders ( SubstrateIntrinsicGraphBuilder (