use of in project graal by oracle.
the class BreakpointInterceptor method loadClass.
private static boolean loadClass(JNIEnvironment jni, Breakpoint bp, InterceptedState state) {
assert experimentalClassLoaderSupport;
* There is no easy way to tell if it was the virtual machine that called the class loader
* because if so, the caller is simply the Java method that triggered loading the class. We
* have to check the current bytecode in the caller method whether it is in fact a call to
* loadClass().
JNIObjectHandle callerClass = nullHandle();
JvmtiFrameInfo frameInfo = StackValue.get(JvmtiFrameInfo.class);
CIntPointer frameCountPtr = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class);
if (jvmtiFunctions().GetStackTrace().invoke(jvmtiEnv(), nullHandle(), 1, 1, (WordPointer) frameInfo, frameCountPtr) == JvmtiError.JVMTI_ERROR_NONE && == 1) {
callerClass = getMethodDeclaringClass(frameInfo.getMethod());
if (callerClass.notEqual(nullHandle()) && jniFunctions().getIsAssignableFrom().invoke(jni, callerClass, agent.handles().javaLangClassLoader)) {
// ignore recursive class loader calls, we must have seen the root invocation
return true;
MethodLocation location = new MethodLocation(frameInfo.getMethod(), NumUtil.safeToInt(frameInfo.getLocation()));
if (!observedExplicitLoadClassCallSites.containsKey(location)) {
if (!isLoadClassInvocation(callerClass, location.method, location.bci, bp.specification.methodName, bp.specification.signature)) {
return true;
observedExplicitLoadClassCallSites.put(location, Boolean.TRUE);
JNIObjectHandle self = getObjectArgument(0);
JNIObjectHandle name = getObjectArgument(1);
String className = fromJniString(jni, name);
JNIObjectHandle clazz = Support.callObjectMethodL(jni, self, bp.method, name);
if (clearException(jni)) {
clazz = nullHandle();
traceBreakpoint(jni, bp.clazz, nullHandle(), callerClass, bp.specification.methodName, clazz.notEqual(nullHandle()), state.getFullStackTraceOrNull(), className);
return true;
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class EagerlyLoadedJavaStackAccess method getCurrentThreadStackTrace.
* Returns the stack trace of the current thread.
* The returned array contains the current thread's stack, with the first element representing
* the top of the stack. Elements in the array correspond to the raw value of JNIMethodId of the
* particular method on the stack.
private static JNIMethodId[] getCurrentThreadStackTrace() {
JvmtiEnv jvmti = Support.jvmtiEnv();
int threadStackFrameCount = getCurrentThreadStackFrameCount(jvmti);
if (threadStackFrameCount < 0) {
return new JNIMethodId[0];
* If we are unlucky, we may have a phase change while the stack trace entries are being
* initialized.
boolean wrongPhase = false;
int iterationCount = threadStackFrameCount / STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION;
if (threadStackFrameCount % STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION > 0) {
iterationCount = iterationCount + 1;
JNIMethodId[] stackTraceJMethodIDs = new JNIMethodId[threadStackFrameCount];
int frameInfoSize = SizeOf.get(JvmtiFrameInfo.class);
Pointer stackFramesBuffer = UnmanagedMemory.malloc(frameInfoSize * STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION);
CIntPointer readFrameCount = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class);
/* Build the stack trace incrementally in chunks of STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION frames. */
for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; ++i) {
JvmtiError error = jvmti.getFunctions().GetStackTrace().invoke(jvmti, nullHandle(), i * STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION, STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION, (WordPointer) stackFramesBuffer, readFrameCount);
if (error.equals(JvmtiError.JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE)) {
wrongPhase = true;
for (int j = 0; j <; ++j) {
JvmtiFrameInfo frameInfo = (JvmtiFrameInfo) stackFramesBuffer.add(j * frameInfoSize);
stackTraceJMethodIDs[i * STACK_FRAMES_PER_ITERATION + j] = frameInfo.getMethod();
return wrongPhase ? null : stackTraceJMethodIDs;
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class Support method getCallerMethod.
public static JNIMethodId getCallerMethod(int depth) {
JvmtiFrameInfo frameInfo = StackValue.get(JvmtiFrameInfo.class);
CIntPointer countPtr = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class);
JvmtiError result = jvmtiFunctions().GetStackTrace().invoke(jvmtiEnv(), nullHandle(), depth, 1, (WordPointer) frameInfo, countPtr);
if (result == JvmtiError.JVMTI_ERROR_NONE && == 1) {
return frameInfo.getMethod();
return nullPointer();
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class JavaStackTraceCreator method getStackTraceArray.
public JNIObjectHandle getStackTraceArray() {
int threadStackFrameCount = getCurrentThreadStackFrameCount();
int frameInfoSize = SizeOf.get(JvmtiFrameInfo.class);
Pointer stackFramesPtr = UnmanagedMemory.malloc(frameInfoSize * threadStackFrameCount);
CIntPointer readStackFramesPtr = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class);
check(jvmti.getFunctions().GetStackTrace().invoke(jvmti, nullHandle(), 0, threadStackFrameCount, (WordPointer) stackFramesPtr, readStackFramesPtr));
VMError.guarantee( == threadStackFrameCount);
NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent agent = JvmtiAgentBase.singleton();
JNIObjectHandle stackTraceArray = jni.getFunctions().getNewObjectArray().invoke(jni, threadStackFrameCount, agent.handles().javaLangStackTraceElement, nullHandle());
for (int i = 0; i < threadStackFrameCount; ++i) {
JvmtiFrameInfo frameInfo = (JvmtiFrameInfo) stackFramesPtr.add(i * frameInfoSize);
StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = constructStackTraceElement(frameInfo);
JNIObjectHandle classNameHandle = Support.toJniString(jni, stackTraceElement.getClassName());
JNIObjectHandle methodNameHandle = Support.toJniString(jni, stackTraceElement.getMethodName());
JNIObjectHandle sourceFileNameHandle = Support.toJniString(jni, stackTraceElement.getFileName());
int lineNumber = stackTraceElement.getLineNumber();
JNIObjectHandle stackTraceElementHandle = Support.newObjectLLLJ(jni, agent.handles().javaLangStackTraceElement, agent.handles().javaLangStackTraceElementCtor4, classNameHandle, methodNameHandle, sourceFileNameHandle, lineNumber);
jni.getFunctions().getSetObjectArrayElement().invoke(jni, stackTraceArray, i, stackTraceElementHandle);
return stackTraceArray;