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Example 6 with Type

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class VM method JVM_LookupDefineClass.

@VmImpl(isJni = true)
public StaticObject JVM_LookupDefineClass(@JavaType(Class.class) StaticObject lookup, @Pointer TruffleObject namePtr, @Pointer TruffleObject bufPtr, int len, @JavaType(ProtectionDomain.class) StaticObject pd, boolean initialize, int flags, @JavaType(Object.class) StaticObject classData) {
    if (StaticObject.isNull(lookup)) {
        throw getMeta().throwExceptionWithMessage(getMeta().java_lang_InternalError, "Lookup class is null");
    assert !getUncached().isNull(bufPtr);
    assert lookup.getMirrorKlass() instanceof ObjectKlass;
    boolean isNestMate = (flags & NESTMATE_CLASS) == NESTMATE_CLASS;
    boolean isHidden = (flags & HIDDEN_CLASS) == HIDDEN_CLASS;
    boolean isStrong = (flags & STRONG_LOADER_LINK) == STRONG_LOADER_LINK;
    boolean vmAnnotations = (flags & ACCESS_VM_ANNOTATIONS) == ACCESS_VM_ANNOTATIONS;
    ObjectKlass nest = null;
    if (isNestMate) {
        nest = (ObjectKlass) lookup.getMirrorKlass().nest();
    if (!isHidden) {
        if (!StaticObject.isNull(classData)) {
            throw getMeta().throwExceptionWithMessage(getMeta().java_lang_IllegalArgumentException, "classData is only applicable for hidden classes");
        if (isNestMate) {
            throw getMeta().throwExceptionWithMessage(getMeta().java_lang_IllegalArgumentException, "dynamic nestmate is only applicable for hidden classes");
        if (!isStrong) {
            throw getMeta().throwExceptionWithMessage(getMeta().java_lang_IllegalArgumentException, "an ordinary class must be strongly referenced by its defining loader");
        if (vmAnnotations) {
            throw getMeta().throwExceptionWithMessage(getMeta().java_lang_IllegalArgumentException, "vm annotations only allowed for hidden classes");
        if (flags != STRONG_LOADER_LINK) {
            throw getMeta().throwExceptionWithMessage(getMeta().java_lang_IllegalArgumentException, String.format("invalid flag 0x%x", flags));
    ByteBuffer buf = NativeUtils.directByteBuffer(bufPtr, len, JavaKind.Byte);
    final byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
    // can be null
    Symbol<Type> type = namePtrToInternal(namePtr);
    StaticObject loader = lookup.getMirrorKlass().getDefiningClassLoader();
    ObjectKlass k;
    if (isHidden) {
        // Special handling
        k = getRegistries().defineKlass(type, bytes, loader, new ClassRegistry.ClassDefinitionInfo(pd, nest, classData, isStrong));
    } else {
        k = getRegistries().defineKlass(type, bytes, loader, new ClassRegistry.ClassDefinitionInfo(pd));
    if (initialize) {
    } else {
    return k.mirror();
Also used : NativeType( Type( JavaType( StaticObject( ObjectKlass( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) JavaType( TruffleBoundary(

Example 7 with Type

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class MethodVerifier method verifyInvokeInterface.

private void verifyInvokeInterface(int bci, OperandStack stack) {
    // Check padding.
    verifyGuarantee(code.readUByte(bci + 4) == 0, "4th byte after INVOKEINTERFACE must be 0.");
    // Check CP validity
    MethodRefConstant mrc = getMethodRefConstant(bci);
    // Checks versioning
    Symbol<Name> calledMethodName = mrc.getName(pool);
    // Check guest is not invoking <clinit>
    verifyGuarantee(!isClassInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of class initializer!");
    // Only INVOKESPECIAL can call <init>
    verifyGuarantee(!isInstanceInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of instance initializer with opcode other than INVOKESPECIAL");
    Symbol<Signature> calledMethodSignature = mrc.getSignature(pool);
    Operand[] parsedSig = getOperandSig(calledMethodSignature);
    // Check signature is well formed.
    assert parsedSig.length > 0 : "Method ref with no return value !";
    // Pop arguments
    // Check signature conforms with count argument
    int count = code.readUByte(bci + 3);
    verifyGuarantee(count > 0, "Invalid count argument for INVOKEINTERFACE: " + count);
    // Has a receiver.
    int descCount = 1;
    for (int i = parsedSig.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (isType2(parsedSig[i])) {
    verifyGuarantee(count == descCount, "Inconsistent redundant argument count for INVOKEINTERFACE.");
    assert Validation.validClassNameEntry(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    Symbol<Type> methodHolder = getTypes().fromName(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    Operand methodHolderOp = kindToOperand(methodHolder);
    Operand returnOp = parsedSig[parsedSig.length - 1];
    if (!(returnOp == Void)) {
Also used : Type( MethodRefConstant( Signature( Name(

Example 8 with Type

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class MethodVerifier method verifyInvokeSpecial.

private void verifyInvokeSpecial(int bci, OperandStack stack, Locals locals) {
    // Check CP validity
    MethodRefConstant mrc = getMethodRefConstant(bci);
    // Checks versioning
    if (version51OrEarlier()) {
        verifyGuarantee(mrc.tag() != INTERFACE_METHOD_REF, "invokeSpecial refers to an interface method with classfile version " + majorVersion);
    Symbol<Name> calledMethodName = mrc.getName(pool);
    // Check guest is not invoking <clinit>
    verifyGuarantee(!isClassInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of class initializer!");
    Operand returnOp = popSignatureGetReturnOP(stack, mrc);
    assert Validation.validClassNameEntry(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    Symbol<Type> methodHolder = getTypes().fromName(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    Operand methodHolderOp = kindToOperand(methodHolder);
    if (isInstanceInit(calledMethodName)) {
        UninitReferenceOperand toInit = (UninitReferenceOperand) stack.popUninitRef(methodHolderOp);
        if (toInit.isUninitThis()) {
            verifyGuarantee(Name._init_.equals(methodName), "Encountered UninitializedThis outside of Constructor: " + toInit);
            boolean isValidInitThis = toInit.getType() == methodHolder || // have been handled by the previous check.
            toInit.getKlass().getSuperKlass().getType() == methodHolder;
            verifyGuarantee(isValidInitThis, "<init> method must call this.<init> or super.<init>");
            calledConstructor = true;
        } else {
            verifyGuarantee(code.opcode(toInit.newBCI) == NEW, "There is no NEW bytecode at bci: " + toInit.newBCI);
            // according to JCK's "vm/classfmt/ins/instr_03608m1" :
            // Calling parent's initializer of uninitialized new object is
            // illegal, but serialization does just that.
            // In particular, it generates a class whose method executes NEW
            // j.l.Number (an abstract class), then calls j.l.Object.<init> on
            // it.
            // A workaround would be to check if the underlying class is
            // abstract/interface, but that would feel really silly...
            verifyGuarantee(toInit.getType() == methodHolder, "Calling wrong initializer for a new object.");
        Operand stackOp = stack.initUninit(toInit);
        locals.initUninit(toInit, stackOp);
        checkProtectedMember(stackOp, methodHolder, mrc, true);
    } else {
        verifyGuarantee(checkMethodSpecialAccess(methodHolderOp), "invokespecial must specify a method in this class or a super class");
        Operand stackOp = checkInit(stack.popRef(methodHolderOp));
         * invokespecial, for other than an instance initialization method, must name a method
         * in the current class/interface or a superclass / superinterface.
        verifyGuarantee(checkReceiverSpecialAccess(stackOp), "Invalid use of INVOKESPECIAL");
    if (!(returnOp == Void)) {
Also used : Type( MethodRefConstant( Name(

Example 9 with Type

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassInfo method create.

public static HotSwapClassInfo create(ObjectKlass klass, Symbol<Name> name, byte[] bytes, StaticObject definingLoader, EspressoContext context) {
    Symbol<Type> type = context.getTypes().fromName(name);
    ParserKlass parserKlass = ClassfileParser.parse(new ClassfileStream(bytes, null), definingLoader, type, context);
    StringBuilder hierarchy = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder methods = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder fields = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder enclosing = new StringBuilder();
    Matcher matcher = InnerClassRedefiner.ANON_INNER_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(name.toString());
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        // fingerprints are only relevant for inner classes
        for (Symbol<Type> itf : parserKlass.getSuperInterfaces()) {
        for (ParserMethod method : parserKlass.getMethods()) {
        for (ParserField field : parserKlass.getFields()) {
        ConstantPool pool = parserKlass.getConstantPool();
        EnclosingMethodAttribute attr = (EnclosingMethodAttribute) parserKlass.getAttribute(EnclosingMethodAttribute.NAME);
        NameAndTypeConstant nmt = pool.nameAndTypeAt(attr.getMethodIndex());
    return new HotSwapClassInfo(klass, name, definingLoader, hierarchy.toString(), methods.toString(), fields.toString(), enclosing.toString(), new ArrayList<>(1), bytes);
Also used : ClassfileStream( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ParserMethod( NameAndTypeConstant( ParserField( Type( ConstantPool( ParserKlass( EnclosingMethodAttribute(

Example 10 with Type

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class EspressoContext method spawnVM.

private void spawnVM() {
    try (DebugCloseable spawn = SPAWN_VM.scope(timers)) {
        long initStartTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
        this.nativeAccess = spawnNativeAccess();
        // Spawn JNI first, then the VM.
        try (DebugCloseable vmInit = VM_INIT.scope(timers)) {
            // Mokapot is loaded
            this.vm = VM.create(getJNI());
        if (getJavaVersion().modulesEnabled()) {
        // TODO: link libjimage
        try (DebugCloseable metaInit = META_INIT.scope(timers)) {
            this.meta = new Meta(this);
        this.metaInitialized = true;
        this.threads = new ThreadsAccess(meta);
        this.blockingSupport = BlockingSupport.create(threads);
        this.interpreterToVM = new InterpreterToVM(this);
        try (DebugCloseable knownClassInit = KNOWN_CLASS_INIT.scope(timers)) {
            for (Symbol<Type> type : Arrays.asList(Type.java_lang_String, Type.java_lang_System, // JDK-8069005
            Type.java_lang_Class, Type.java_lang_ThreadGroup, Type.java_lang_Thread)) {
        if (meta.jdk_internal_misc_UnsafeConstants != null) {
        // Create main thread as soon as Thread class is initialized.
        try (DebugCloseable knownClassInit = KNOWN_CLASS_INIT.scope(timers)) {
            for (Symbol<Type> type : Arrays.asList(Type.java_lang_reflect_Method, Type.java_lang_ref_Finalizer)) {
        try (DebugCloseable systemInit = SYSTEM_INIT.scope(timers)) {
            // Call guest initialization
            if (getJavaVersion().java8OrEarlier()) {
            } else {
                assert getJavaVersion().java9OrLater();
                int e = (int) meta.java_lang_System_initPhase2.invokeDirect(null, false, false);
                if (e != 0) {
                    throw EspressoError.shouldNotReachHere();
                modulesInitialized = true;
        try (DebugCloseable knownClassInit = KNOWN_CLASS_INIT.scope(timers)) {
            // System exceptions.
            for (Symbol<Type> type : Arrays.asList(Type.java_lang_OutOfMemoryError, Type.java_lang_NullPointerException, Type.java_lang_ClassCastException, Type.java_lang_ArrayStoreException, Type.java_lang_ArithmeticException, Type.java_lang_StackOverflowError, Type.java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException, Type.java_lang_IllegalArgumentException)) {
        // Init memoryError instances
        StaticObject stackOverflowErrorInstance = meta.java_lang_StackOverflowError.allocateInstance();
        StaticObject outOfMemoryErrorInstance = meta.java_lang_OutOfMemoryError.allocateInstance();
        // Preemptively set stack trace.
        meta.HIDDEN_FRAMES.setHiddenObject(stackOverflowErrorInstance, VM.StackTrace.EMPTY_STACK_TRACE);
        meta.java_lang_Throwable_backtrace.setObject(stackOverflowErrorInstance, stackOverflowErrorInstance);
        meta.HIDDEN_FRAMES.setHiddenObject(outOfMemoryErrorInstance, VM.StackTrace.EMPTY_STACK_TRACE);
        meta.java_lang_Throwable_backtrace.setObject(outOfMemoryErrorInstance, outOfMemoryErrorInstance);
        this.stackOverflow = EspressoException.wrap(stackOverflowErrorInstance, meta);
        this.outOfMemory = EspressoException.wrap(outOfMemoryErrorInstance, meta);
        meta.java_lang_StackOverflowError.lookupDeclaredMethod(Name._init_, Signature._void_String).invokeDirect(stackOverflowErrorInstance, meta.toGuestString("VM StackOverFlow"));
        meta.java_lang_OutOfMemoryError.lookupDeclaredMethod(Name._init_, Signature._void_String).invokeDirect(outOfMemoryErrorInstance, meta.toGuestString("VM OutOfMemory"));
        // Create application (system) class loader.
        StaticObject systemClassLoader = null;
        try (DebugCloseable systemLoader = SYSTEM_CLASSLOADER.scope(timers)) {
            systemClassLoader = (StaticObject) meta.java_lang_ClassLoader_getSystemClassLoader.invokeDirect(null);
        topBindings = new EspressoBindings(systemClassLoader, getEnv().getOptions().get(EspressoOptions.ExposeNativeJavaVM));
        initDoneTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
        long elapsedNanos = initDoneTimeNanos - initStartTimeNanos;
        getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "VM booted in {0} ms", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(elapsedNanos));
Also used : Meta( Type( ThreadsAccess( InterpreterToVM( EspressoBindings( DebugCloseable(


Type ( Name ( JavaType ( NativeType ( ObjectKlass ( Meta ( StaticObject ( TruffleBoundary ( ArrayKlass ( Klass ( TruffleSafepoint ( ExplodeLoop ( EnclosingMethodAttribute ( MethodRefConstant ( PoolConstant ( Symbol ( Signature ( ParserField ( DebugCloseable ( BootstrapMethodsAttribute (