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Example 1 with ParserField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassInfo method create.

public static HotSwapClassInfo create(ObjectKlass klass, Symbol<Name> name, byte[] bytes, StaticObject definingLoader, EspressoContext context) {
    Symbol<Type> type = context.getTypes().fromName(name);
    ParserKlass parserKlass = ClassfileParser.parse(new ClassfileStream(bytes, null), definingLoader, type, context);
    StringBuilder hierarchy = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder methods = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder fields = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder enclosing = new StringBuilder();
    Matcher matcher = InnerClassRedefiner.ANON_INNER_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(name.toString());
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        // fingerprints are only relevant for inner classes
        for (Symbol<Type> itf : parserKlass.getSuperInterfaces()) {
        for (ParserMethod method : parserKlass.getMethods()) {
        for (ParserField field : parserKlass.getFields()) {
        ConstantPool pool = parserKlass.getConstantPool();
        EnclosingMethodAttribute attr = (EnclosingMethodAttribute) parserKlass.getAttribute(EnclosingMethodAttribute.NAME);
        NameAndTypeConstant nmt = pool.nameAndTypeAt(attr.getMethodIndex());
    return new HotSwapClassInfo(klass, name, definingLoader, hierarchy.toString(), methods.toString(), fields.toString(), enclosing.toString(), new ArrayList<>(1), bytes);
Also used : ClassfileStream( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ParserMethod( NameAndTypeConstant( ParserField( Type( ConstantPool( ParserKlass( EnclosingMethodAttribute(

Example 2 with ParserField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassRedefinition method detectClassChanges.

// detect all types of class changes, but return early when a change that require arbitrary
// changes
private static ClassChange detectClassChanges(ParserKlass newParserKlass, ObjectKlass oldKlass, DetectedChange collectedChanges, ParserKlass finalParserKlass) throws RedefintionNotSupportedException {
    ClassChange result = ClassChange.NO_CHANGE;
    ParserKlass oldParserKlass = oldKlass.getLinkedKlass().getParserKlass();
    boolean isPatched = finalParserKlass != null;
    // detect method changes (including constructors)
    ParserMethod[] newParserMethods = newParserKlass.getMethods();
    List<Method> oldMethods = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(oldKlass.getDeclaredMethods()));
    List<ParserMethod> newMethods = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(newParserMethods));
    Map<Method, ParserMethod> bodyChanges = new HashMap<>();
    List<ParserMethod> newSpecialMethods = new ArrayList<>(1);
    boolean constantPoolChanged = false;
    if (!Arrays.equals(oldParserKlass.getConstantPool().getRawBytes(), newParserKlass.getConstantPool().getRawBytes())) {
        constantPoolChanged = true;
    Iterator<Method> oldIt = oldMethods.iterator();
    Iterator<ParserMethod> newIt;
    while (oldIt.hasNext()) {
        Method oldMethod =;
        ParserMethod oldParserMethod = oldMethod.getLinkedMethod().getParserMethod();
        // verify that there is a new corresponding method
        newIt = newMethods.iterator();
        while (newIt.hasNext()) {
            ParserMethod newMethod =;
            if (isSameMethod(oldParserMethod, newMethod)) {
                // detect method changes
                ClassChange change = detectMethodChanges(oldParserMethod, newMethod);
                switch(change) {
                    case NO_CHANGE:
                        if (isPatched) {
                            checkForSpecialConstructor(collectedChanges, bodyChanges, newSpecialMethods, oldMethod, oldParserMethod, newMethod);
                        } else if (constantPoolChanged) {
                            if (isObsolete(oldParserMethod, newMethod, oldParserKlass.getConstantPool(), newParserKlass.getConstantPool())) {
                                result = ClassChange.CONSTANT_POOL_CHANGE;
                                collectedChanges.addMethodBodyChange(oldMethod, newMethod);
                            } else {
                        } else {
                    case METHOD_BODY_CHANGE:
                        result = change;
                        if (isPatched) {
                            checkForSpecialConstructor(collectedChanges, bodyChanges, newSpecialMethods, oldMethod, oldParserMethod, newMethod);
                        } else {
                            collectedChanges.addMethodBodyChange(oldMethod, newMethod);
                        return change;
    if (isPatched) {
        ParserMethod[] finalMethods = finalParserKlass.getMethods();
        // map found changed methods
        for (Map.Entry<Method, ParserMethod> entry : bodyChanges.entrySet()) {
            Method oldMethod = entry.getKey();
            ParserMethod changed = entry.getValue();
            for (int i = 0; i < newParserMethods.length; i++) {
                if (newParserMethods[i] == changed) {
                    collectedChanges.addMethodBodyChange(oldMethod, finalMethods[i]);
        // map found new methods
        for (ParserMethod changed : newMethods) {
            for (int i = 0; i < newParserMethods.length; i++) {
                if (newParserMethods[i] == changed) {
    } else {
    for (Method oldMethod : oldMethods) {
    if (!oldMethods.isEmpty()) {
        result = ClassChange.REMOVE_METHOD;
    } else if (!newMethods.isEmpty()) {
        result = ClassChange.ADD_METHOD;
    if (isPatched) {
        result = ClassChange.CLASS_NAME_CHANGED;
    // detect field changes
    Field[] oldFields = oldKlass.getDeclaredFields();
    ParserField[] newFields = newParserKlass.getFields();
    ArrayList<Field> oldFieldsList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(oldFields));
    ArrayList<ParserField> newFieldsList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(newFields));
    Map<ParserField, Field> compatibleFields = new HashMap<>();
    Iterator<Field> oldFieldsIt = oldFieldsList.iterator();
    Iterator<ParserField> newFieldsIt;
    while (oldFieldsIt.hasNext()) {
        Field oldField =;
        newFieldsIt = newFieldsList.iterator();
        // search for a new corresponding field
        while (newFieldsIt.hasNext()) {
            ParserField newField =;
            // first look for a perfect match
            if (isUnchangedField(oldField, newField, compatibleFields)) {
                // A nested anonymous inner class may contain a field reference to the outer
                // class instance. Since we match against the patched (inner class rename rules
                // applied) if the current class was patched (renamed) the resulting outer
                // field pointer will have a changed type. Hence we should mark it as a new
                // field.
                Matcher matcher = InnerClassRedefiner.ANON_INNER_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(oldField.getType().toString());
                if (isPatched && matcher.matches()) {
    if (!newFieldsList.isEmpty()) {
        if (isPatched) {
            ParserField[] finalFields = finalParserKlass.getFields();
            // lookup the final new field based on the index in the parser field array
            for (ParserField parserField : newFieldsList) {
                for (int i = 0; i < newFields.length; i++) {
                    if (parserField == newFields[i]) {
        } else {
        result = ClassChange.SCHEMA_CHANGE;
    if (!oldFieldsList.isEmpty()) {
        result = ClassChange.SCHEMA_CHANGE;
    // detect class-level changes
    if (newParserKlass.getFlags() != oldParserKlass.getFlags()) {
        result = ClassChange.SCHEMA_CHANGE;
    // detect changes to superclass and implemented interfaces
    Klass superKlass = oldKlass.getSuperKlass();
    if (!newParserKlass.getSuperKlass().equals(oldParserKlass.getSuperKlass())) {
        result = ClassChange.CLASS_HIERARCHY_CHANGED;
        superKlass = getLoadedKlass(newParserKlass.getSuperKlass(), oldKlass);
    collectedChanges.addSuperKlass((ObjectKlass) superKlass);
    ObjectKlass[] newSuperInterfaces = oldKlass.getSuperInterfaces();
    if (!Arrays.equals(newParserKlass.getSuperInterfaces(), oldParserKlass.getSuperInterfaces())) {
        result = ClassChange.CLASS_HIERARCHY_CHANGED;
        newSuperInterfaces = new ObjectKlass[newParserKlass.getSuperInterfaces().length];
        for (int i = 0; i < newParserKlass.getSuperInterfaces().length; i++) {
            newSuperInterfaces[i] = (ObjectKlass) getLoadedKlass(newParserKlass.getSuperInterfaces()[i], oldKlass);
    return result;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectKlass( RedefineAddedField( Field( ParserField( ParserKlass( ParserMethod( ParserMethod( Method( ParserField( Klass( ObjectKlass( ParserKlass( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) EconomicMap(org.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with ParserField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassfileParser method parseField.

private ParserField parseField(boolean isInterface) {
    int fieldFlags = stream.readU2();
    int nameIndex = stream.readU2();
    int typeIndex = stream.readU2();
    final Symbol<Name> name = pool.symbolAt(nameIndex, "field name");
    verifyFieldFlags(name, fieldFlags, isInterface);
    final boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(fieldFlags);
    Symbol<ModifiedUTF8> rawDescriptor = pool.symbolAt(typeIndex, "field descriptor");
    final Symbol<Type> descriptor = Types.fromSymbol(rawDescriptor);
    if (descriptor == null) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid descriptor: " + rawDescriptor);
    final int attributeCount = stream.readU2();
    final Attribute[] fieldAttributes = spawnAttributesArray(attributeCount);
    ConstantValueAttribute constantValue = null;
    CommonAttributeParser commonAttributeParser = new CommonAttributeParser(InfoType.Field);
    for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i) {
        final int attributeNameIndex = stream.readU2();
        final Symbol<Name> attributeName = pool.symbolAt(attributeNameIndex, "attribute name");
        final int attributeSize = stream.readS4();
        final int startPosition = stream.getPosition();
        if (isStatic && attributeName.equals(Name.ConstantValue)) {
            if (constantValue != null) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate ConstantValue attribute");
            fieldAttributes[i] = constantValue = new ConstantValueAttribute(stream.readU2());
            if (constantValue.getConstantValueIndex() == 0) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid ConstantValue index");
        } else if (attributeName.equals(Name.Synthetic)) {
            fieldFlags |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;
            fieldAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, null);
        } else if (majorVersion >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION) {
            Attribute attr = commonAttributeParser.parseCommonAttribute(attributeName, attributeSize);
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            fieldAttributes[i] = attr == null ? new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize)) : attr;
        } else {
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            fieldAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize));
        if (attributeSize != stream.getPosition() - startPosition) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid attribute_length for " + attributeName + " attribute");
    final JavaKind kind = Types.getJavaKind(descriptor);
    if (kind == JavaKind.Void) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Fields cannot be of type void");
    if (constantValue != null) {
        Tag tag = pool.tagAt(constantValue.getConstantValueIndex());
        boolean valid = false;
        switch(kind) {
            // fall through
            case Boolean:
            // fall through
            case Byte:
            // fall through
            case Short:
            // fall through
            case Char:
            case // fall through
                valid = (tag == Tag.INTEGER);
            case Float:
                valid = (tag == Tag.FLOAT);
            case Long:
                valid = (tag == Tag.LONG);
            case Double:
                valid = (tag == Tag.DOUBLE);
            case Object:
                valid = (tag == Tag.STRING) && descriptor.equals(Type.java_lang_String);
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Cannot have ConstantValue for fields of type " + kind);
        if (!valid) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("ConstantValue attribute does not match field type");
    return new ParserField(fieldFlags, name, descriptor, fieldAttributes);
Also used : BootstrapMethodsAttribute( EnclosingMethodAttribute( StackMapTableAttribute( NestHostAttribute( SourceFileAttribute( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute( PermittedSubclassesAttribute( LineNumberTableAttribute( ExceptionsAttribute( CodeAttribute( NestMembersAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( MethodParametersAttribute( Attribute( InnerClassesAttribute( RecordAttribute( SignatureAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( ParserField( Name( Type( ModifiedUTF8( Tag( JavaKind(

Example 4 with ParserField

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassfileParser method parseClassImpl.

private ParserKlass parseClassImpl() {
    minorVersion = stream.readU2();
    majorVersion = stream.readU2();
    verifyVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion);
    try (DebugCloseable closeable = CONSTANT_POOL.scope(context.getTimers())) {
        this.pool = ConstantPool.parse(context.getLanguage(), stream, this, classDefinitionInfo.patches, context, majorVersion, minorVersion);
    // JVM_ACC_MODULE is defined in JDK-9 and later.
    if (majorVersion >= JAVA_9_VERSION) {
        classFlags = stream.readU2() & (JVM_RECOGNIZED_CLASS_MODIFIERS | ACC_MODULE);
    } else {
        classFlags = stream.readU2() & (JVM_RECOGNIZED_CLASS_MODIFIERS);
    if ((classFlags & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0 && majorVersion < JAVA_6_VERSION) {
        // Set abstract bit for old class files for backward compatibility
        classFlags |= ACC_ABSTRACT;
    boolean isModule = (classFlags & ACC_MODULE) != 0;
    if (isModule) {
        throw ConstantPool.noClassDefFoundError(classType + " is not a class because access_flag ACC_MODULE is set");
    if (badConstantSeen != null) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError(String.format("Unknown constant tag %s [in class file %s]", badConstantSeen, classfile));
    verifyClassFlags(classFlags, majorVersion);
    // this class
    int thisKlassIndex = stream.readU2();
    Symbol<Name> thisKlassName = pool.classAt(thisKlassIndex).getName(pool);
    final boolean isInterface = Modifier.isInterface(classFlags);
    // TODO(peterssen): Verify class names.
    Symbol<Type> thisKlassType = context.getTypes().fromName(thisKlassName);
    if (Types.isPrimitive(thisKlassType) || Types.isArray(thisKlassType)) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError(".this_class cannot be array nor primitive " + classType);
    // Update classType which could be null previously to reflect the name in the constant pool.
    classType = thisKlassType;
    // Checks if name in class file matches requested name
    if (requestedClassType != null && !classDefinitionInfo.isHidden() && !requestedClassType.equals(classType)) {
        throw ConstantPool.noClassDefFoundError(classType + " (wrong name: " + requestedClassType + ")");
    Symbol<Type> superKlass = parseSuperKlass();
    if (!Type.java_lang_Object.equals(classType) && superKlass == null) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Class " + classType + " must have a superclass");
    if (isInterface && !Type.java_lang_Object.equals(superKlass)) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Interface " + classType + " must extend java.lang.Object");
    Symbol<Type>[] superInterfaces;
    try (DebugCloseable closeable = PARSE_INTERFACES.scope(context.getTimers())) {
        superInterfaces = parseInterfaces();
    final ParserField[] fields;
    try (DebugCloseable closeable = PARSE_FIELD.scope(context.getTimers())) {
        fields = parseFields(isInterface);
    final ParserMethod[] methods;
    try (DebugCloseable closeable = PARSE_METHODS.scope(context.getTimers())) {
        methods = parseMethods(isInterface);
    final Attribute[] attributes;
    try (DebugCloseable closeable = PARSE_CLASSATTR.scope(context.getTimers())) {
        attributes = parseClassAttributes();
    // Ensure there are no trailing bytes
    if (classDefinitionInfo.isHidden()) {
        assert requestedClassType != null;
        int futureKlassID = context.getNewKlassId();
        thisKlassName = context.getNames().getOrCreate(Types.hiddenClassName(requestedClassType, futureKlassID));
        thisKlassType = context.getTypes().fromName(thisKlassName);
        pool = pool.patchForHiddenClass(thisKlassIndex, thisKlassName);
    return new ParserKlass(pool, classDefinitionInfo.patchFlags(classFlags), thisKlassName, thisKlassType, superKlass, superInterfaces, methods, fields, attributes, thisKlassIndex);
Also used : ParserMethod( BootstrapMethodsAttribute( EnclosingMethodAttribute( StackMapTableAttribute( NestHostAttribute( SourceFileAttribute( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute( PermittedSubclassesAttribute( LineNumberTableAttribute( ExceptionsAttribute( CodeAttribute( NestMembersAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( MethodParametersAttribute( Attribute( InnerClassesAttribute( RecordAttribute( SignatureAttribute( Symbol( ParserField( Name( Type( DebugCloseable( ParserKlass(


ParserField ( EnclosingMethodAttribute ( Type ( ParserKlass ( ParserMethod ( BootstrapMethodsAttribute ( CodeAttribute ( ConstantValueAttribute ( ExceptionsAttribute ( InnerClassesAttribute ( LineNumberTableAttribute ( MethodParametersAttribute ( NestHostAttribute ( NestMembersAttribute ( PermittedSubclassesAttribute ( RecordAttribute ( SignatureAttribute ( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute ( SourceFileAttribute ( StackMapTableAttribute (