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Example 1 with Tag

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassfileParser method parseField.

private ParserField parseField(boolean isInterface) {
    int fieldFlags = stream.readU2();
    int nameIndex = stream.readU2();
    int typeIndex = stream.readU2();
    final Symbol<Name> name = pool.symbolAt(nameIndex, "field name");
    verifyFieldFlags(name, fieldFlags, isInterface);
    final boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(fieldFlags);
    Symbol<ModifiedUTF8> rawDescriptor = pool.symbolAt(typeIndex, "field descriptor");
    final Symbol<Type> descriptor = Types.fromSymbol(rawDescriptor);
    if (descriptor == null) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid descriptor: " + rawDescriptor);
    final int attributeCount = stream.readU2();
    final Attribute[] fieldAttributes = spawnAttributesArray(attributeCount);
    ConstantValueAttribute constantValue = null;
    CommonAttributeParser commonAttributeParser = new CommonAttributeParser(InfoType.Field);
    for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i) {
        final int attributeNameIndex = stream.readU2();
        final Symbol<Name> attributeName = pool.symbolAt(attributeNameIndex, "attribute name");
        final int attributeSize = stream.readS4();
        final int startPosition = stream.getPosition();
        if (isStatic && attributeName.equals(Name.ConstantValue)) {
            if (constantValue != null) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate ConstantValue attribute");
            fieldAttributes[i] = constantValue = new ConstantValueAttribute(stream.readU2());
            if (constantValue.getConstantValueIndex() == 0) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid ConstantValue index");
        } else if (attributeName.equals(Name.Synthetic)) {
            fieldFlags |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;
            fieldAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, null);
        } else if (majorVersion >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION) {
            Attribute attr = commonAttributeParser.parseCommonAttribute(attributeName, attributeSize);
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            fieldAttributes[i] = attr == null ? new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize)) : attr;
        } else {
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            fieldAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize));
        if (attributeSize != stream.getPosition() - startPosition) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid attribute_length for " + attributeName + " attribute");
    final JavaKind kind = Types.getJavaKind(descriptor);
    if (kind == JavaKind.Void) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Fields cannot be of type void");
    if (constantValue != null) {
        Tag tag = pool.tagAt(constantValue.getConstantValueIndex());
        boolean valid = false;
        switch(kind) {
            // fall through
            case Boolean:
            // fall through
            case Byte:
            // fall through
            case Short:
            // fall through
            case Char:
            case // fall through
                valid = (tag == Tag.INTEGER);
            case Float:
                valid = (tag == Tag.FLOAT);
            case Long:
                valid = (tag == Tag.LONG);
            case Double:
                valid = (tag == Tag.DOUBLE);
            case Object:
                valid = (tag == Tag.STRING) && descriptor.equals(Type.java_lang_String);
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Cannot have ConstantValue for fields of type " + kind);
        if (!valid) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("ConstantValue attribute does not match field type");
    return new ParserField(fieldFlags, name, descriptor, fieldAttributes);
Also used : BootstrapMethodsAttribute( EnclosingMethodAttribute( StackMapTableAttribute( NestHostAttribute( SourceFileAttribute( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute( PermittedSubclassesAttribute( LineNumberTableAttribute( ExceptionsAttribute( CodeAttribute( NestMembersAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( MethodParametersAttribute( Attribute( InnerClassesAttribute( RecordAttribute( SignatureAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( ParserField( Name( Type( ModifiedUTF8( Tag( JavaKind(


Tag ( BootstrapMethodsAttribute ( CodeAttribute ( ConstantValueAttribute ( EnclosingMethodAttribute ( ExceptionsAttribute ( InnerClassesAttribute ( LineNumberTableAttribute ( MethodParametersAttribute ( NestHostAttribute ( NestMembersAttribute ( PermittedSubclassesAttribute ( RecordAttribute ( SignatureAttribute ( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute ( SourceFileAttribute ( StackMapTableAttribute ( ModifiedUTF8 ( Name ( Type (