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Example 31 with Method

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ThreadsAccess method callInterrupt.

 * Lookups and calls the guest Thread.interrupt() method.
public void callInterrupt(StaticObject guestThread) {
    assert guestThread != null && getMeta().java_lang_Thread.isAssignableFrom(guestThread.getKlass());
    // Thread.interrupt is non-final.
    Method interruptMethod = guestThread.getKlass().vtableLookup(getMeta().java_lang_Thread_interrupt.getVTableIndex());
    assert interruptMethod != null;
Also used : Method(

Example 32 with Method

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class Target_sun_reflect_NativeMethodAccessorImpl method invoke0.

 * Invokes the underlying method represented by this {@code Method} object, on the specified
 * object with the specified parameters. Individual parameters are automatically unwrapped to
 * match primitive formal parameters, and both primitive and reference parameters are subject to
 * method invocation conversions as necessary.
 * <p>
 * If the underlying method is static, then the specified {@code receiver} argument is ignored.
 * It may be null.
 * <p>
 * If the number of formal parameters required by the underlying method is 0, the supplied
 * {@code args} array may be of length 0 or null.
 * <p>
 * If the underlying method is an instance method, it is invoked using dynamic method lookup as
 * documented in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, section; in
 * particular, overriding based on the runtime type of the target object will occur.
 * <p>
 * If the underlying method is static, the class that declared the method is initialized if it
 * has not already been initialized.
 * <p>
 * If the method completes normally, the value it returns is returned to the caller of invoke;
 * if the value has a primitive type, it is first appropriately wrapped in an object. However,
 * if the value has the type of an array of a primitive type, the elements of the array are
 * <i>not</i> wrapped in objects; in other words, an array of primitive type is returned. If the
 * underlying method return type is void, the invocation returns null.
 * @param receiver the object the underlying method is invoked from
 * @param args the arguments used for the method call
 * @return the result of dispatching the method represented by this object on {@code receiver}
 *         with parameters {@code args}
 *         IllegalAccessException if this {@code Method} object is enforcing Java language
 *         access control and the underlying method is inaccessible.
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the method is an instance method and the specified object
 *         argument is not an instance of the class or interface declaring the underlying method
 *         (or of a subclass or implementor thereof); if the number of actual and formal
 *         parameters differ; if an unwrapping conversion for primitive arguments fails; or if,
 *         after possible unwrapping, a parameter value cannot be converted to the corresponding
 *         formal parameter type by a method invocation conversion. // @exception
 *         InvocationTargetException if the underlying method throws an exception.
 *         NullPointerException if the specified object is null and the method is an instance
 *         method. exception ExceptionInInitializerError if the initialization provoked by this
 *         method fails.
public static StaticObject invoke0(@JavaType(java.lang.reflect.Method.class) StaticObject guestMethod, @JavaType(Object.class) StaticObject receiver, @JavaType(Object[].class) StaticObject args, @Inject Meta meta) {
    StaticObject curMethod = guestMethod;
    Method reflectedMethod = null;
    while (reflectedMethod == null) {
        reflectedMethod = (Method) meta.HIDDEN_METHOD_KEY.getHiddenObject(curMethod);
        if (reflectedMethod == null) {
            curMethod = meta.java_lang_reflect_Method_root.getObject(curMethod);
    Klass klass = meta.java_lang_reflect_Method_clazz.getObject(guestMethod).getMirrorKlass();
    if (klass == meta.java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle && (reflectedMethod.getName() == Name.invoke || reflectedMethod.getName() == Name.invokeExact)) {
        StaticObject cause = Meta.initExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_UnsupportedOperationException, "Cannot reflectively invoke MethodHandle.{invoke,invokeExact}");
        StaticObject invocationTargetException = Meta.initExceptionWithCause(meta.java_lang_reflect_InvocationTargetException, cause);
        throw meta.throwException(invocationTargetException);
    StaticObject parameterTypes = meta.java_lang_reflect_Method_parameterTypes.getObject(guestMethod);
    StaticObject result = callMethodReflectively(meta, receiver, args, reflectedMethod, klass, parameterTypes);
    return result;
Also used : Klass( ObjectKlass( StaticObject( Method(

Example 33 with Method

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassInfo method create.

public static ImmutableClassInfo create(Klass klass, InnerClassRedefiner innerClassRedefiner) {
    StringBuilder hierarchy = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder methods = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder fields = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder enclosing = new StringBuilder();
    Symbol<Name> name = klass.getName();
    Matcher matcher = InnerClassRedefiner.ANON_INNER_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(name.toString());
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        // fingerprints are only relevant for inner classes
        for (Klass itf : klass.getImplementedInterfaces()) {
        for (Method method : klass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
        for (Field field : klass.getDeclaredFields()) {
        ObjectKlass objectKlass = (ObjectKlass) klass;
        ConstantPool pool = klass.getConstantPool();
        NameAndTypeConstant nmt = pool.nameAndTypeAt(objectKlass.getEnclosingMethod().getMethodIndex());
    // find all currently loaded direct inner classes and create class infos
    ArrayList<ImmutableClassInfo> inners = new ArrayList<>(1);
    Set<ObjectKlass> loadedInnerClasses = innerClassRedefiner.findLoadedInnerClasses(klass);
    for (Klass inner : loadedInnerClasses) {
        matcher = InnerClassRedefiner.ANON_INNER_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(inner.getNameAsString());
        // only add anonymous inner classes
        if (matcher.matches()) {
    return new ImmutableClassInfo((ObjectKlass) klass, name, klass.getDefiningClassLoader(), hierarchy.toString(), methods.toString(), fields.toString(), enclosing.toString(), inners, null);
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectKlass( ParserMethod( Method( NameAndTypeConstant( Name( Field( ParserField( Klass( ObjectKlass( ParserKlass( ConstantPool(

Example 34 with Method

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassRedefinition method handleRemovedMethod.

 * @param accessingKlass the receiver's klass when the method is not static, resolutionSeed's
 *            declaring klass otherwise
public Method handleRemovedMethod(Method resolutionSeed, Klass accessingKlass) {
    // wait for potential ongoing redefinition to complete
    Method replacementMethod = accessingKlass.lookupMethod(resolutionSeed.getName(), resolutionSeed.getRawSignature(), accessingKlass);
    Meta meta = resolutionSeed.getMeta();
    if (replacementMethod == null) {
        throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_NoSuchMethodError, meta.toGuestString(resolutionSeed.getDeclaringKlass().getNameAsString() + "." + resolutionSeed.getName() + resolutionSeed.getRawSignature()) + " was removed by class redefinition");
    } else if (resolutionSeed.isStatic() != replacementMethod.isStatic()) {
        String message = resolutionSeed.isStatic() ? "expected static method: " : "expected non-static method:" + replacementMethod.getName();
        throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError, message);
    } else {
        // Update to the latest version of the replacement method
        return replacementMethod;
Also used : Meta( ParserMethod( Method( TruffleBoundary(

Example 35 with Method

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class MHInvokeBasicNode method call.

public Object call(Object[] args) {
    StaticObject mh = (StaticObject) args[0];
    StaticObject lform = form.getObject(mh);
    StaticObject mname = vmentry.getObject(lform);
    Method target = (Method) hiddenVmtarget.getHiddenObject(mname);
    return executeCall(args, target);
Also used : StaticObject( Method(


Method ( StaticObject ( Meta ( TruffleObject ( Klass ( JavaType ( ObjectKlass ( TruffleBoundary ( ExportMessage ( ArrayKlass ( NoSafepoint ( FrameInstance ( ArityException ( UnsupportedTypeException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Name ( EspressoException ( Field ( MethodParametersAttribute ( Signature (