use of in project graal by oracle.
the class VM method JVM_LoadLibrary.
public TruffleObject JVM_LoadLibrary(@Pointer TruffleObject namePtr) {
String name = NativeUtils.interopPointerToString(namePtr);
getLogger().fine(String.format("JVM_LoadLibrary: '%s'", name));
TruffleObject lib = getNativeAccess().loadLibrary(Paths.get(name));
if (lib == null) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_UnsatisfiedLinkError, name);
long handle = getLibraryHandle(lib);
handle2Lib.put(handle, lib);
getLogger().fine(String.format("JVM_LoadLibrary: Successfully loaded '%s' with handle %x", name, handle));
return RawPointer.create(handle);
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class VM method extractNativePackages.
private String[] extractNativePackages(TruffleObject pkgs, int numPackages, SubstitutionProfiler profiler) {
String[] packages = new String[numPackages];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < numPackages; i++) {
String pkg = NativeUtils.interopPointerToString((TruffleObject) getUncached().execute(getPackageAt, pkgs, i));
if (!Validation.validBinaryName(pkg)) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_IllegalArgumentException, cat("Invalid package name: ", pkg));
packages[i] = pkg;
} catch (UnsupportedMessageException | ArityException | UnsupportedTypeException e) {
throw EspressoError.shouldNotReachHere();
return packages;
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class BytecodeNode method putField.
// endregion Misc. checks
// region Field read/write
* Returns the stack effect (slot delta) that cannot be inferred solely from the bytecode. e.g.
* GETFIELD always pops the receiver, but the (read) result size (1 or 2) is unknown.
* <pre>
* top += putField(frame, top, resolveField(...)); break; // stack effect that depends on the field
* top += Bytecodes.stackEffectOf(curOpcode); // stack effect that depends solely on PUTFIELD.
* // at this point `top` must have the correct value.
* curBCI =;
* </pre>
private int putField(VirtualFrame frame, int top, Field field, int curBCI, int opcode, int statementIndex) {
assert opcode == PUTFIELD || opcode == PUTSTATIC;
* PUTFIELD: Otherwise, if the resolved field is a static field, putfield throws an
* IncompatibleClassChangeError.
* PUTSTATIC: Otherwise, if the resolved field is not a static (class) field or an interface
* field, putstatic throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError.
if (field.isStatic() != (opcode == PUTSTATIC)) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError, String.format("Expected %s field %s.%s", (opcode == PUTSTATIC) ? "static" : "non-static", field.getDeclaringKlass().getNameAsString(), field.getNameAsString()));
* PUTFIELD: Otherwise, if the field is final, it must be declared in the current class, and
* the instruction must occur in an instance initialization method (<init>) of the current
* class. Otherwise, an IllegalAccessError is thrown.
* PUTSTATIC: Otherwise, if the field is final, it must be declared in the current class,
* and the instruction must occur in the <clinit> method of the current class. Otherwise, an
* IllegalAccessError is thrown.
if (field.isFinalFlagSet()) {
if (field.getDeclaringKlass() != getDeclaringKlass()) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_IllegalAccessError, String.format("Update to %s final field %s.%s attempted from a different class (%s) than the field's declaring class", (opcode == PUTSTATIC) ? "static" : "non-static", field.getDeclaringKlass().getNameAsString(), field.getNameAsString(), getDeclaringKlass().getNameAsString()));
boolean enforceInitializerCheck = (getContext().SpecCompliancyMode == STRICT) || // HotSpot enforces this only for >= Java 9 (v53) .class files.
field.getDeclaringKlass().getMajorVersion() >= ClassfileParser.JAVA_9_VERSION;
if (enforceInitializerCheck && ((opcode == PUTFIELD && !getMethod().isConstructor()) || (opcode == PUTSTATIC && !getMethod().isClassInitializer()))) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_IllegalAccessError, String.format("Update to %s final field %s.%s attempted from a different method (%s) than the initializer method %s ", (opcode == PUTSTATIC) ? "static" : "non-static", field.getDeclaringKlass().getNameAsString(), field.getNameAsString(), getMethod().getNameAsString(), (opcode == PUTSTATIC) ? "<clinit>" : "<init>"));
assert field.isStatic() == (opcode == PUTSTATIC);
// -receiver
int slot = top - field.getKind().getSlotCount() - 1;
StaticObject receiver = field.isStatic() ? field.getDeclaringKlass().tryInitializeAndGetStatics() : // Do not release the object, it might be read again in PutFieldNode
nullCheck(popObject(frame, slot));
if (!noForeignObjects.isValid() && opcode == PUTFIELD) {
if (receiver.isForeignObject()) {
// Restore the receiver for quickening.
putObject(frame, slot, receiver);
return quickenPutField(frame, top, curBCI, opcode, statementIndex, field);
switch(field.getKind()) {
case Boolean:
boolean booleanValue = stackIntToBoolean(popInt(frame, top - 1));
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, booleanValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldBoolean(booleanValue, receiver, field);
case Byte:
byte byteValue = (byte) popInt(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, byteValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldByte(byteValue, receiver, field);
case Char:
char charValue = (char) popInt(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, charValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldChar(charValue, receiver, field);
case Short:
short shortValue = (short) popInt(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, shortValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldShort(shortValue, receiver, field);
case Int:
int intValue = popInt(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, intValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldInt(intValue, receiver, field);
case Double:
double doubleValue = popDouble(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, doubleValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldDouble(doubleValue, receiver, field);
case Float:
float floatValue = popFloat(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, floatValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldFloat(floatValue, receiver, field);
case Long:
long longValue = popLong(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, longValue);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldLong(longValue, receiver, field);
case Object:
StaticObject value = popObject(frame, top - 1);
if (instrumentation != null) {
instrumentation.notifyFieldModification(frame, statementIndex, field, receiver, value);
InterpreterToVM.setFieldObject(value, receiver, field);
throw EspressoError.shouldNotReachHere("unexpected kind");
return -field.getKind().getSlotCount();
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class JniEnv method GetStaticFieldID.
* <h3>jfieldID GetStaticFieldID(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *name, const char *sig);
* </h3>
* <p>
* Returns the field ID for a static field of a class. The field is specified by its name and
* signature. The GetStatic<type>Field and SetStatic<type>Field families of accessor functions
* use field IDs to retrieve static fields.
* <p>
* GetStaticFieldID() causes an uninitialized class to be initialized.
* @param clazz a Java class object.
* @param namePtr the static field name in a 0-terminated modified UTF-8 string.
* @param typePtr the field signature in a 0-terminated modified UTF-8 string.
* @return a field ID, or NULL if the specified static field cannot be found.
* @throws NoSuchFieldError if the specified static field cannot be found.
* @throws ExceptionInInitializerError if the class initializer fails due to an exception.
* @throws OutOfMemoryError if the system runs out of memory.
public long GetStaticFieldID(@JavaType(Class.class) StaticObject clazz, @Pointer TruffleObject namePtr, @Pointer TruffleObject typePtr) {
String name = NativeUtils.interopPointerToString(namePtr);
String type = NativeUtils.interopPointerToString(typePtr);
assert name != null && type != null;
Field field = null;
Symbol<Name> fieldName = getNames().lookup(name);
if (fieldName != null) {
Symbol<Type> fieldType = getTypes().lookup(type);
if (fieldType != null) {
Klass klass = clazz.getMirrorKlass();
// Lookup only if name and type are known symbols.
field = klass.lookupField(fieldName, fieldType, Klass.LookupMode.STATIC_ONLY);
assert field == null || field.getType().equals(fieldType);
if (field == null || !field.isStatic()) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
throw meta.throwExceptionWithMessage(meta.java_lang_NoSuchFieldError, name);
return fieldIds.handlify(field);
use of in project graal by oracle.
the class JniEnv method NewDirectByteBuffer.
// endregion Release*ArrayElements
// region DirectBuffers
* <h3>jobject NewDirectByteBuffer(JNIEnv* env, void* address, jlong capacity);</h3>
* <p>
* Allocates and returns a direct java.nio.ByteBuffer referring to the block of memory starting
* at the memory address address and extending capacity bytes.
* <p>
* Native code that calls this function and returns the resulting byte-buffer object to
* Java-level code should ensure that the buffer refers to a valid region of memory that is
* accessible for reading and, if appropriate, writing. An attempt to access an invalid memory
* location from Java code will either return an arbitrary value, have no visible effect, or
* cause an unspecified exception to be thrown.
* @param addressPtr the starting address of the memory region (must not be NULL)
* @param capacity the size in bytes of the memory region (must be positive)
* @return a local reference to the newly-instantiated java.nio.ByteBuffer object. Returns NULL
* if an exception occurs, or if JNI access to direct buffers is not supported by this
* virtual machine.
* @throws OutOfMemoryError if allocation of the ByteBuffer object fails
@JavaType(internalName = "Ljava/nio/DirectByteBuffer;")
public StaticObject NewDirectByteBuffer(@Pointer TruffleObject addressPtr, long capacity) {
Meta meta = getMeta();
StaticObject instance = meta.java_nio_DirectByteBuffer.allocateInstance();
long address = NativeUtils.interopAsPointer(addressPtr);
meta.java_nio_DirectByteBuffer_init_long_int.invokeDirect(instance, address, (int) capacity);
return instance;