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Example 66 with Meta

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class Target_java_lang_ref_Reference method init.

@Substitution(hasReceiver = true, methodName = "<init>")
public static void init(@JavaType(Reference.class) StaticObject self, @JavaType(Object.class) StaticObject referent, @JavaType(ReferenceQueue.class) StaticObject queue, @Inject EspressoContext context) {
    // Guest referent field is ignored for weak/soft/final/phantom references.
    EspressoReference ref = null;
    Meta meta = context.getMeta();
    if (InterpreterToVM.instanceOf(self, meta.java_lang_ref_WeakReference)) {
        ref = EspressoReference.createWeak(context, self, referent);
    } else if (InterpreterToVM.instanceOf(self, meta.java_lang_ref_SoftReference)) {
        ref = EspressoReference.createSoft(context, self, referent);
    } else if (InterpreterToVM.instanceOf(self, meta.java_lang_ref_FinalReference)) {
        ref = EspressoReference.createFinal(context, self, referent);
    } else if (InterpreterToVM.instanceOf(self, meta.java_lang_ref_PhantomReference)) {
        ref = EspressoReference.createPhantom(context, self, referent);
    if (ref != null) {
        // Weak/Soft/Final/Phantom reference.
        meta.HIDDEN_HOST_REFERENCE.setHiddenObject(self, ref);
    } else {
        // Strong reference.
        meta.java_lang_ref_Reference_referent.set(self, referent);
    if (StaticObject.isNull(queue)) {
        meta.java_lang_ref_Reference_queue.set(self, meta.java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue_NULL.get(meta.java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue.tryInitializeAndGetStatics()));
    } else {
        meta.java_lang_ref_Reference_queue.set(self, queue);
Also used : Meta( EspressoReference(

Example 67 with Meta

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class StaticObject method toString.

public final String toString() {
    if (this == NULL) {
        return "null";
    if (isForeignObject()) {
        return "foreign object: " + getKlass().getTypeAsString();
    if (getKlass() == getKlass().getMeta().java_lang_String) {
        Meta meta = getKlass().getMeta();
        StaticObject value = meta.java_lang_String_value.getObject(this);
        if (value == null || isNull(value)) {
            // Prevents debugger crashes when trying to inspect a string in construction.
            return "<UNINITIALIZED>";
        return Meta.toHostStringStatic(this);
    if (isArray()) {
        return unwrap().toString();
    if (getKlass() == getKlass().getMeta().java_lang_Class) {
        return "mirror: " + getMirrorKlass().toString();
    return getKlass().getType().toString();
Also used : Meta( TruffleBoundary(

Example 68 with Meta

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class BaseInterop method toDisplayString.

public static Object toDisplayString(StaticObject object, boolean allowSideEffects) {
    if (object.isForeignObject()) {
        InteropLibrary interopLibrary = InteropLibrary.getUncached();
        try {
            return "Foreign object: " + interopLibrary.asString(interopLibrary.toDisplayString(object.rawForeignObject(), allowSideEffects));
        } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) {
            throw EspressoError.shouldNotReachHere("Interop library failed to convert display string to string");
    if (StaticObject.isNull(object)) {
        return "NULL";
    Klass thisKlass = object.getKlass();
    Meta meta = thisKlass.getMeta();
    if (allowSideEffects) {
        // Call guest toString.
        int toStringIndex = meta.java_lang_Object_toString.getVTableIndex();
        Method toString = thisKlass.vtableLookup(toStringIndex);
        return meta.toHostString((StaticObject) toString.invokeDirect(object));
    // Handle some special instances without side effects.
    if (thisKlass == meta.java_lang_Class) {
        return "class " + thisKlass.getTypeAsString();
    if (thisKlass == meta.java_lang_String) {
        return meta.toHostString(object);
    return thisKlass.getTypeAsString() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object));
Also used : Meta( Klass( UnsupportedMessageException( InteropLibrary( Method( ExportMessage( TruffleBoundary(

Example 69 with Meta

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class EspressoInterop method fitsInShort.

static boolean fitsInShort(StaticObject receiver) {
    if (isNull(receiver)) {
        return false;
    Klass klass = receiver.getKlass();
    if (isAtMostShort(klass)) {
        return true;
    Meta meta = klass.getMeta();
    if (klass == meta.java_lang_Integer) {
        int content = meta.java_lang_Integer_value.getInt(receiver);
        return (short) content == content;
    if (klass == meta.java_lang_Long) {
        long content = meta.java_lang_Long_value.getLong(receiver);
        return (short) content == content;
    if (klass == meta.java_lang_Float) {
        float content = meta.java_lang_Float_value.getFloat(receiver);
        return (short) content == content && !isNegativeZero(content);
    if (klass == meta.java_lang_Double) {
        double content = meta.java_lang_Double_value.getDouble(receiver);
        return (short) content == content && !isNegativeZero(content);
    return false;
Also used : Meta( Klass( ObjectKlass( ArrayKlass( ExportMessage(

Example 70 with Meta

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class EspressoInterop method asDate.

static LocalDate asDate(StaticObject receiver, @Shared("error") @Cached BranchProfile error) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
    if (isDate(receiver)) {
        Meta meta = receiver.getKlass().getMeta();
        if (instanceOf(receiver, meta.java_time_LocalDate)) {
            int year = (int) meta.java_time_LocalDate_year.get(receiver);
            short month = (short) meta.java_time_LocalDate_month.get(receiver);
            short day = (short) meta.java_time_LocalDate_day.get(receiver);
            return LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
        } else if (instanceOf(receiver, meta.java_time_LocalDateTime)) {
            StaticObject localDate = (StaticObject) meta.java_time_LocalDateTime_toLocalDate.invokeDirect(receiver);
            assert instanceOf(localDate, meta.java_time_LocalDate);
            return asDate(localDate, error);
        } else if (instanceOf(receiver, meta.java_time_Instant)) {
            StaticObject zoneIdUTC = (StaticObject) meta.java_time_ZoneId_of.invokeDirect(null, meta.toGuestString("UTC"));
            assert instanceOf(zoneIdUTC, meta.java_time_ZoneId);
            StaticObject zonedDateTime = (StaticObject) meta.java_time_Instant_atZone.invokeDirect(receiver, zoneIdUTC);
            assert instanceOf(zonedDateTime, meta.java_time_ZonedDateTime);
            StaticObject localDate = (StaticObject) meta.java_time_ZonedDateTime_toLocalDate.invokeDirect(zonedDateTime);
            assert instanceOf(localDate, meta.java_time_LocalDate);
            return asDate(localDate, error);
        } else if (instanceOf(receiver, meta.java_time_ZonedDateTime)) {
            StaticObject localDate = (StaticObject) meta.java_time_ZonedDateTime_toLocalDate.invokeDirect(receiver);
            assert instanceOf(localDate, meta.java_time_LocalDate);
            return asDate(localDate, error);
        } else if (instanceOf(receiver, meta.java_util_Date)) {
            // return ((Date) obj).toInstant().atZone(UTC).toLocalDate();
            int index = meta.java_util_Date_toInstant.getVTableIndex();
            Method virtualToInstant = receiver.getKlass().vtableLookup(index);
            StaticObject instant = (StaticObject) virtualToInstant.invokeDirect(receiver);
            return asDate(instant, error);
    throw UnsupportedMessageException.create();
Also used : Meta( StaticObject( Method( ExportMessage( TruffleBoundary(


Meta ( StaticObject ( Method ( ExportMessage ( Klass ( ObjectKlass ( JavaType ( ArrayKlass ( TruffleBoundary ( ArityException ( UnsupportedTypeException ( NoSafepoint ( Name ( Type ( NativeType ( Field ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 TruffleObject ( UnsupportedMessageException ( RuntimeConstantPool (