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Example 1 with LLVMContext

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMDispatchNode method getSignature.

private String getSignature() {
    if (signature == null) {
        try {
            LLVMContext context = getContextReference().get();
            NFIContextExtension nfiContextExtension = context.getContextExtension(NFIContextExtension.class);
            this.signature = nfiContextExtension.getNativeSignature(type, LLVMCallNode.USER_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
        } catch (UnsupportedNativeTypeException ex) {
            throw new AssertionError(ex);
    return signature;
Also used : LLVMContext( UnsupportedNativeTypeException( NFIContextExtension(

Example 2 with LLVMContext

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMGlobalRootNode method execute.

public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
    try (StackPointer basePointer = getContext().getThreadingStack().getStack().newFrame()) {
        try {
            TruffleObject appPath = (TruffleObject) ctxRef.get().getEnv().asGuestValue(applicationPath.getBytes());
            LLVMTruffleObject applicationPathObj = new LLVMTruffleObject(LLVMTypedForeignObject.createUnknown(appPath));
            Object[] realArgs = new Object[] { basePointer, mainFunctionType, applicationPathObj };
            Object result =;
            return result;
        } catch (LLVMExitException e) {
            LLVMContext context = getContext();
            // if any variant of exit or abort was called, we know that all the necessary
            // cleanup was already done
            return e.getReturnCode();
        } catch (SulongRuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (GuestLanguageRuntimeException e) {
            return e.handleExit();
        } finally {
            // if not done already, we want at least call a shutdown command
Also used : LLVMContext( SulongRuntimeException( GuestLanguageRuntimeException( LLVMExitException( TruffleObject( LLVMTruffleObject( LLVMTypedForeignObject( StackPointer( TruffleObject( LLVMTruffleObject( LLVMTruffleObject( ExplodeLoop(

Example 3 with LLVMContext

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMNativeDispatchNode method identityFunction.

protected TruffleObject identityFunction() {
    LLVMContext context = getContextReference().get();
    NFIContextExtension nfiContextExtension = context.getContextExtension(NFIContextExtension.class);
    String signature;
    try {
        signature = nfiContextExtension.getNativeSignature(type, LLVMCallNode.USER_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
    } catch (UnsupportedNativeTypeException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return nfiContextExtension.getNativeFunction(context, "@identity", String.format("(POINTER):%s", signature));
Also used : LLVMContext( UnsupportedNativeTypeException( NFIContextExtension( TruffleBoundary(

Example 4 with LLVMContext

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMPolyglotExport method doExport.

protected Object doExport(Object name, Object value, @Cached("getContextReference()") ContextReference<LLVMContext> ctxRef) {
    String symbolName = readString.executeWithTarget(name);
    LLVMContext ctx = ctxRef.get();
    Object escaped = escape.executeWithTarget(value);
    try {
        ForeignAccess.sendWrite(write, (TruffleObject) ctx.getEnv().getPolyglotBindings(), symbolName, escaped);
    } catch (InteropException ex) {
        throw ex.raise();
    return null;
Also used : LLVMContext( TruffleObject( InteropException( Specialization(

Example 5 with LLVMContext

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMRunDestructorFunctions method runDestructorFunctions.

private void runDestructorFunctions() {
    // is only executed once per context so it will be executed in the interpreter only
    LLVMContext context = getContextReference().get();
    RootCallTarget[] targets = context.getDestructorFunctions().toArray(new RootCallTarget[0]);
    for (RootCallTarget target : targets) {
        try (StackPointer stackPointer = context.getThreadingStack().getStack().newFrame()) {
  , new Object[] { stackPointer });
Also used : LLVMContext( StackPointer( RootCallTarget( TruffleBoundary(


LLVMContext ( TruffleObject ( NFIContextExtension ( StackPointer ( TruffleBoundary ( RootCallTarget ( Specialization ( InteropException ( ExplodeLoop ( Source ( LLVMTruffleObject ( UnsupportedNativeTypeException ( LLVMStack ( Truffle ( FrameDescriptor ( ArityException ( UnknownIdentifierException ( UnsupportedMessageException ( UnsupportedTypeException ( RootNode (