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Example 1 with StructureType

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class AsmFactory method parseArguments.

private void parseArguments() {
    argInfo = new ArrayList<>();
    String[] tokens = asmFlags.substring(1, asmFlags.length() - 1).split(",");
    int index = REG_START_INDEX + (retType instanceof StructureType ? 1 : 0);
    int outIndex = 0;
    for (String token : tokens) {
        if (token.isEmpty()) {
        boolean isTilde = false;
        boolean isInput = true;
        boolean isOutput = false;
        boolean isMemory = false;
        boolean isAnonymous = false;
        String source = null;
        String registerName = null;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < token.length() && source == null; i++) {
            switch(token.charAt(i)) {
                case '~':
                    isTilde = true;
                    isInput = false;
                case '+':
                    isInput = true;
                    isOutput = true;
                case '=':
                    isInput = false;
                    isOutput = true;
                case '*':
                    isMemory = true;
                case '&':
                    source = token.substring(i);
        if (isTilde) {
        int start = source.indexOf('{');
        int end = source.lastIndexOf('}');
        if (start != -1 && end != -1) {
            registerName = source.substring(start + 1, end);
        } else if (source.equals(CONSTRAINT_REG) || source.equals(CONSTRAINT_REG_L)) {
            registerName = TEMP_REGISTER_PREFIX + argInfo.size();
            isAnonymous = true;
        } else if (source.length() == 1 && Character.isDigit(source.charAt(0))) {
            int id = Character.digit(source.charAt(0), 10);
            Argument arg = argInfo.get(id);
            assert isInput && !isOutput;
            isInput = true;
            isOutput = false;
            if (arg.isRegister()) {
                registerName = arg.getRegister();
            isAnonymous = arg.isAnonymous();
        assert registerName == null || AsmRegisterOperand.isRegister(registerName) || registerName.startsWith(TEMP_REGISTER_PREFIX);
        int idIn = index;
        int idOut = outIndex;
        Type type;
        if (isInput) {
            type = argTypes[index++];
        } else if (retType instanceof StructureType) {
            if (isMemory) {
                type = argTypes[index];
                idOut = index++;
            } else {
                type = retTypes[outIndex++];
        } else if (isOutput) {
            type = retType;
            if (isMemory) {
                idOut = index++;
        } else {
            throw new AssertionError("neither input nor output");
        if (isAnonymous && type instanceof PointerType) {
            assert registerName != null;
            addFrameSlot(registerName, type);
        argInfo.add(new Argument(isInput, isOutput, isMemory, isAnonymous, type, argInfo.size(), idIn, idOut, source, registerName));
    assert index == argTypes.length;
    assert retType instanceof StructureType ? outIndex == retOffsets.length : outIndex == 0;
Also used : PrimitiveType( PointerType( StructureType( VoidType( Type( StructureType( PointerType(

Example 2 with StructureType

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMForeignCallNode method callIndirect.

@Specialization(replaces = "callDirectCached")
protected Object callIndirect(LLVMFunctionDescriptor function, Object[] arguments, @Cached("create()") IndirectCallNode callNode, @Cached("createSlowPackArguments()") SlowPackForeignArgumentsNode slowPack, @Cached("create()") LLVMGetStackNode getStack, @Cached("getLLVMMemory()") LLVMMemory memory) {
    assert !(function.getType().getReturnType() instanceof StructureType);
    LLVMStack stack = getStack.executeWithTarget(function.getContext().getThreadingStack(), Thread.currentThread());
    Object result;
    try (StackPointer stackPointer = stack.newFrame()) {
        result =, slowPack.pack(function, memory, arguments, stackPointer));
    return prepareValueForEscape.executeWithTarget(result);
Also used : StructureType( StackPointer( LLVMStack( Specialization(

Example 3 with StructureType

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMSymbolReadResolver method resolveElementPointer.

public LLVMExpressionNode resolveElementPointer(SymbolImpl base, List<SymbolImpl> indices) {
    LLVMExpressionNode currentAddress = resolve(base);
    Type currentType = base.getType();
    for (int i = 0, indicesSize = indices.size(); i < indicesSize; i++) {
        final SymbolImpl indexSymbol = indices.get(i);
        final Type indexType = indexSymbol.getType();
        final Long indexInteger = evaluateLongIntegerConstant(indexSymbol);
        if (indexInteger == null) {
            // the index is determined at runtime
            if (currentType instanceof StructureType) {
                // according to
                throw new IllegalStateException("Indices on structs must be constant integers!");
            AggregateType aggregate = (AggregateType) currentType;
            final long indexedTypeLength = runtime.getContext().getIndexOffset(1, aggregate);
            currentType = aggregate.getElementType(1);
            final LLVMExpressionNode indexNode = resolve(indexSymbol);
            currentAddress = runtime.getNodeFactory().createTypedElementPointer(runtime, currentAddress, indexNode, indexedTypeLength, currentType);
        } else {
            // the index is a constant integer
            AggregateType aggregate = (AggregateType) currentType;
            final long addressOffset = runtime.getContext().getIndexOffset(indexInteger, aggregate);
            currentType = aggregate.getElementType(indexInteger);
            // computed by getelementptr even if it is the same as the basepointer
            if (addressOffset != 0 || i == indicesSize - 1) {
                final LLVMExpressionNode indexNode;
                if (indexType == PrimitiveType.I32) {
                    indexNode = runtime.getNodeFactory().createLiteral(runtime, 1, PrimitiveType.I32);
                } else if (indexType == PrimitiveType.I64) {
                    indexNode = runtime.getNodeFactory().createLiteral(runtime, 1L, PrimitiveType.I64);
                } else {
                    throw new AssertionError(indexType);
                currentAddress = runtime.getNodeFactory().createTypedElementPointer(runtime, currentAddress, indexNode, addressOffset, currentType);
    return currentAddress;
Also used : SymbolImpl( VariableBitWidthType( LLVMConversionType( PrimitiveType( MetaType( VectorType( StructureType( ArrayType( AggregateType( OpaqueType( LLVMArithmeticInstructionType( Type( PointerType( FunctionType( VoidType( StructureType( LLVMExpressionNode( AggregateType(

Example 4 with StructureType

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMBitcodeInstructionVisitor method visit.

public void visit(InvokeInstruction call) {
    final Type targetType = call.getType();
    int argumentCount = getArgumentCount(call.getArgumentCount(), targetType);
    final LLVMExpressionNode[] argNodes = new LLVMExpressionNode[argumentCount];
    final Type[] argTypes = new Type[argumentCount];
    int argIndex = 0;
    argNodes[argIndex] = nodeFactory.createFrameRead(runtime, PointerType.VOID, getStackSlot());
    argTypes[argIndex] = new PointerType(null);
    if (targetType instanceof StructureType) {
        argTypes[argIndex] = new PointerType(targetType);
        argNodes[argIndex] = nodeFactory.createAlloca(runtime, targetType);
    for (int i = 0; argIndex < argumentCount; i++, argIndex++) {
        argNodes[argIndex] = symbols.resolve(call.getArgument(i));
        argTypes[argIndex] = call.getArgument(i).getType();
        final AttributesGroup paramAttr = call.getParameterAttributesGroup(i);
        if (isByValue(paramAttr)) {
            argNodes[argIndex] = capsuleAddressByValue(argNodes[argIndex], argTypes[argIndex], paramAttr);
    final SymbolImpl target = call.getCallTarget();
    int regularIndex = call.normalSuccessor().getBlockIndex();
    int unwindIndex = call.unwindSuccessor().getBlockIndex();
    List<FrameSlot> normalTo = new ArrayList<>();
    List<FrameSlot> unwindTo = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Type> normalType = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Type> unwindType = new ArrayList<>();
    List<LLVMExpressionNode> normalValue = new ArrayList<>();
    List<LLVMExpressionNode> unwindValue = new ArrayList<>();
    if (blockPhis != null) {
        for (Phi phi : blockPhis) {
            FrameSlot slot = getSlot(phi.getPhiValue().getName());
            LLVMExpressionNode value = symbols.resolve(phi.getValue());
            if (call.normalSuccessor() == phi.getBlock()) {
            } else {
    LLVMExpressionNode normalPhi = nodeFactory.createPhi(runtime, normalValue.toArray(new LLVMExpressionNode[normalValue.size()]), normalTo.toArray(new FrameSlot[normalTo.size()]), normalType.toArray(Type.EMPTY_ARRAY));
    LLVMExpressionNode unwindPhi = nodeFactory.createPhi(runtime, unwindValue.toArray(new LLVMExpressionNode[unwindValue.size()]), unwindTo.toArray(new FrameSlot[unwindTo.size()]), unwindType.toArray(Type.EMPTY_ARRAY));
    final LLVMSourceLocation source = sourceFunction.getSourceLocation(call);
    LLVMExpressionNode function = nodeFactory.createLLVMBuiltin(runtime, target, argNodes, argCount, null);
    if (function == null) {
        function = symbols.resolve(target);
    LLVMControlFlowNode result = nodeFactory.createFunctionInvoke(runtime, getSlot(call.getName()), function, argNodes, new FunctionType(targetType, argTypes, false), regularIndex, unwindIndex, normalPhi, unwindPhi, source);
Also used : LLVMControlFlowNode( FrameSlot( FunctionType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PointerType( LLVMSourceLocation( Phi( SymbolImpl( LLVMConversionType( PrimitiveType( StructureType( ArrayType( AggregateType( LLVMArithmeticInstructionType( Type( PointerType( FunctionType( AttributesGroup( StructureType( LLVMExpressionNode(

Example 5 with StructureType

use of in project sulong by graalvm.

the class LLVMParserRuntime method resolveStructor.

private LLVMExpressionNode[] resolveStructor(GlobalValueSymbol globalVar, Comparator<Pair<Integer, ?>> priorityComparator) {
    if (!(globalVar.getValue() instanceof ArrayConstant)) {
        // array globals of length 0 may be initialized with scalar null
        return LLVMExpressionNode.NO_EXPRESSIONS;
    final Object globalVariableDescriptor = scope.getGlobalVariable(globalVar.getName());
    final ArrayConstant arrayConstant = (ArrayConstant) globalVar.getValue();
    final int elemCount = arrayConstant.getElementCount();
    final StructureType elementType = (StructureType) arrayConstant.getType().getElementType();
    final int structSize = getContext().getByteSize(elementType);
    final FunctionType functionType = (FunctionType) ((PointerType) elementType.getElementType(1)).getPointeeType();
    final int indexedTypeLength = getContext().getByteAlignment(functionType);
    final ArrayList<Pair<Integer, LLVMExpressionNode>> structors = new ArrayList<>(elemCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < elemCount; i++) {
        final LLVMExpressionNode globalVarAddress = nodeFactory.createLiteral(this, globalVariableDescriptor, new PointerType(globalVar.getType()));
        final LLVMExpressionNode iNode = nodeFactory.createLiteral(this, i, PrimitiveType.I32);
        final LLVMExpressionNode structPointer = nodeFactory.createTypedElementPointer(this, globalVarAddress, iNode, structSize, elementType);
        final LLVMExpressionNode loadedStruct = nodeFactory.createLoad(this, elementType, structPointer);
        final LLVMExpressionNode oneLiteralNode = nodeFactory.createLiteral(this, 1, PrimitiveType.I32);
        final LLVMExpressionNode functionLoadTarget = nodeFactory.createTypedElementPointer(this, loadedStruct, oneLiteralNode, indexedTypeLength, functionType);
        final LLVMExpressionNode loadedFunction = nodeFactory.createLoad(this, functionType, functionLoadTarget);
        final LLVMExpressionNode[] argNodes = new LLVMExpressionNode[] { nodeFactory.createFrameRead(this, PointerType.VOID, rootFrame.findFrameSlot(LLVMStack.FRAME_ID)) };
        final LLVMExpressionNode functionCall = nodeFactory.createFunctionCall(this, loadedFunction, argNodes, functionType, null);
        final StructureConstant structorDefinition = (StructureConstant) arrayConstant.getElement(i);
        final SymbolImpl prioritySymbol = structorDefinition.getElement(0);
        final Integer priority = LLVMSymbolReadResolver.evaluateIntegerConstant(prioritySymbol);
        structors.add(new Pair<>(priority != null ? priority : LEAST_CONSTRUCTOR_PRIORITY, functionCall));
Also used : FunctionType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PointerType( SymbolImpl( StructureConstant( StructureType( LLVMExpressionNode( ArrayConstant( Pair(


StructureType ( PointerType ( PrimitiveType ( Type ( FunctionType ( LLVMExpressionNode ( ArrayType ( LLVMArithmeticInstructionType ( LLVMConversionType ( AggregateType ( VoidType ( MetaType ( VectorType ( SymbolImpl ( LLVMInteropType ( VariableBitWidthType ( FrameSlot ( LLVMSourcePointerType ( LLVMSourceType ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3