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Example 1 with ConnectionWatcher

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class Session method connect.

private Object connect() {
    if (iss != null) {
        throw new InspectorStateException("The inspector session is already connected");
    InspectorExecutionContext execContext = contextSupplier.get();
    iss = InspectServerSession.create(execContext, false, new ConnectionWatcher());;
    // Enable the Runtime by default
    iss.sendCommand(new Command("{\"id\":0,\"method\":\"Runtime.enable\"}"));
    return undefinedProvider.get();
Also used : Command( InspectorExecutionContext( ConnectionWatcher(

Example 2 with ConnectionWatcher

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class InspectorInstrument method onCreate.

protected void onCreate(Env env) {
    OptionValues options = env.getOptions();
    if (options.hasSetOptions()) {
        HostAndPort hostAndPort = options.get(Inspect);
        connectionWatcher = new ConnectionWatcher();
        try {
            server = new Server(env, "Main Context", hostAndPort, options.get(Attach), options.get(Suspend), options.get(WaitAttached), options.get(HideErrors), options.get(Internal), options.get(Initialization), options.get(Path), options.hasBeenSet(Secure), options.get(Secure), new KeyStoreOptions(options), options.get(SourcePath), connectionWatcher);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new InspectorIOException(hostAndPort.getHostPort(), e);
    env.registerService(new Inspector(env, server != null ? server.getConnection() : null, new InspectorServerConnection.Open() {

        // The parameters port and host should not be assigned
        public synchronized InspectorServerConnection open(int port, String host, boolean wait) {
            if (server != null && server.wss != null) {
                return null;
            HostAndPort hostAndPort = options.get(Inspect);
            if (port < 0) {
                port = hostAndPort.port;
            if (host == null) {
                host =;
            connectionWatcher = new ConnectionWatcher();
            hostAndPort = new HostAndPort(host, port);
            try {
                server = new Server(env, "Main Context", hostAndPort, false, false, wait, options.get(HideErrors), options.get(Internal), options.get(Initialization), null, options.hasBeenSet(Secure), options.get(Secure), new KeyStoreOptions(options), options.get(SourcePath), connectionWatcher);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                PrintWriter info = new PrintWriter(env.err());
                info.println(new InspectorIOException(hostAndPort.getHostPort(), e).getLocalizedMessage());
            return server != null ? server.getConnection() : null;
    }, new Supplier<InspectorExecutionContext>() {

        public InspectorExecutionContext get() {
            if (server != null) {
                return server.getConnection().getExecutionContext();
            } else {
                PrintWriter err = (options.get(HideErrors)) ? null : new PrintWriter(env.err(), true);
                return new InspectorExecutionContext("Main Context", options.get(Internal), options.get(Initialization), env, Collections.emptyList(), err);
Also used : OptionValues(org.graalvm.options.OptionValues) InspectorServer( WSInterceptorServer( InspectorExecutionContext( IOException( ConnectionWatcher( Inspector( Supplier(java.util.function.Supplier) PrintWriter(

Example 3 with ConnectionWatcher

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class InspectSessionInfo method onCreate.

protected void onCreate(final Env env) {
    env.registerService(new InspectSessionInfoProvider() {

        public InspectSessionInfo getSessionInfo(final boolean suspend, final boolean inspectInternal, final boolean inspectInitialization, final List<URI> sourcePath) {
            return new InspectSessionInfo() {

                private InspectServerSession iss;

                private InspectorExecutionContext context;

                private ConnectionWatcher connectionWatcher;

                private long id;

                InspectSessionInfo init() {
                    this.context = new InspectorExecutionContext("test", inspectInternal, inspectInitialization, env, sourcePath, new PrintWriter(env.err(), true));
                    this.connectionWatcher = new ConnectionWatcher();
                    this.iss = InspectServerSession.create(context, suspend, connectionWatcher);
                    lastServerSession = new WeakReference<>(iss);
           = context.getId();
                    // Fake connection open
                    ReflectionUtils.invoke(connectionWatcher, "notifyOpen");
                    return this;

                public InspectServerSession getInspectServerSession() {
                    return iss;

                public InspectorExecutionContext getInspectorContext() {
                    return context;

                public ConnectionWatcher getConnectionWatcher() {
                    return connectionWatcher;

                public long getId() {
                    return id;
Also used : InspectServerSession( InspectorExecutionContext( URI( ConnectionWatcher( PrintWriter(


InspectorExecutionContext ( ConnectionWatcher ( PrintWriter ( Command ( Inspector ( InspectServerSession ( InspectorServer ( WSInterceptorServer ( IOException ( URI ( Supplier (java.util.function.Supplier)1 OptionValues (org.graalvm.options.OptionValues)1