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Example 1 with CPUSampler

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class CPUSamplerCLI method printAttributes.

private static void printAttributes(PrintStream out, CPUSampler sampler, String prefix, List<ProfilerNode<CPUSampler.Payload>> nodes, int maxRootLength) {
    long samplePeriod = sampler.getPeriod();
    long samples = sampler.getSampleCount();
    long selfInterpreted = 0;
    long selfCompiled = 0;
    long totalInterpreted = 0;
    long totalCompiled = 0;
    for (ProfilerNode<CPUSampler.Payload> tree : nodes) {
        CPUSampler.Payload payload = tree.getPayload();
        selfInterpreted += payload.getSelfInterpretedHitCount();
        selfCompiled += payload.getSelfCompiledHitCount();
        if (!tree.isRecursive()) {
            totalInterpreted += payload.getInterpretedHitCount();
            totalCompiled += payload.getCompiledHitCount();
    long totalSamples = totalInterpreted + totalCompiled;
    if (totalSamples <= 0L) {
        // hide methods without any cost
    assert totalSamples < samples;
    ProfilerNode<CPUSampler.Payload> firstNode = nodes.get(0);
    SourceSection sourceSection = firstNode.getSourceSection();
    String rootName = firstNode.getRootName();
    if (!firstNode.getTags().contains(StandardTags.RootTag.class)) {
        rootName += "~" + formatIndices(sourceSection, needsColumnSpecifier(firstNode));
    long selfSamples = selfInterpreted + selfCompiled;
    long selfTime = selfSamples * samplePeriod;
    double selfCost = selfSamples / (double) samples;
    double selfCompiledP = 0.0;
    if (selfSamples > 0) {
        selfCompiledP = selfCompiled / (double) selfSamples;
    String selfTimes = String.format("%10dms %5.1f%% | %5.1f%%", selfTime, selfCost * 100, selfCompiledP * 100);
    long totalTime = totalSamples * samplePeriod;
    double totalCost = totalSamples / (double) samples;
    double totalCompiledP = totalCompiled / (double) totalSamples;
    String totalTimes = String.format("%10dms %5.1f%% | %5.1f%%", totalTime, totalCost * 100, totalCompiledP * 100);
    String location = getShortDescription(sourceSection);
    " %-" + Math.max(maxRootLength, 10) + "s | %s || %s | %s ", prefix + rootName, totalTimes, selfTimes, location));
Also used : SourceSection( CPUSampler(


SourceSection ( CPUSampler (