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Example 1 with ODistributedException

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class OIncrementalServerSync method importDelta.

 * Deleted records are written in output stream first, then created/updated records. All records are sorted by record id.
 * <p>
 * Each record in output stream is written using following format:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Record's cluster id - 4 bytes</li>
 * <li>Record's cluster position - 8 bytes</li>
 * <li>Delete flag, 1 if record is deleted - 1 byte</li>
 * <li>Record version , only if record is not deleted - 4 bytes</li>
 * <li>Record type, only if record is not deleted - 1 byte</li>
 * <li>Length of binary presentation of record, only if record is not deleted - 4 bytes</li>
 * <li>Binary presentation of the record, only if record is not deleted - length of content is provided in above entity</li>
 * </ol>
public void importDelta(final OServer serverInstance, final ODatabaseDocumentInternal db, final FileInputStream in, final String iNode) throws IOException {
    final String nodeName = serverInstance.getDistributedManager().getLocalNodeName();
    try {
        OScenarioThreadLocal.executeAsDistributed(new Callable<Object>() {

            public Object call() throws Exception {
                long totalRecords = 0;
                long totalCreated = 0;
                long totalUpdated = 0;
                long totalDeleted = 0;
                long totalHoles = 0;
                long totalSkipped = 0;
      , nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "Started import of delta for database '" + db.getName() + "'");
                long lastLap = System.currentTimeMillis();
                // final GZIPInputStream gzipInput = new GZIPInputStream(in);
                try {
                    final DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(in);
                    try {
                        final long records = input.readLong();
                        for (long i = 0; i < records; ++i) {
                            final int clusterId = input.readInt();
                            final long clusterPos = input.readLong();
                            final boolean deleted = input.readBoolean();
                            final ORecordId rid = new ORecordId(clusterId, clusterPos);
                            final OPaginatedCluster cluster = (OPaginatedCluster) db.getStorage().getUnderlying().getClusterById(rid.getClusterId());
                            final OPaginatedCluster.RECORD_STATUS recordStatus = cluster.getRecordStatus(rid.getClusterPosition());
                            ORecord newRecord = null;
                            if (deleted) {
                                ODistributedServerLog.debug(this, nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "DELTA <- deleting %s", rid);
                                switch(recordStatus) {
                                    case REMOVED:
                                        // SKIP IT
                                    case ALLOCATED:
                                    case PRESENT:
                                        // DELETE IT
                                    case NOT_EXISTENT:
                            } else {
                                final int recordVersion = input.readInt();
                                final int recordType = input.readByte();
                                final int recordSize = input.readInt();
                                final byte[] recordContent = new byte[recordSize];
                                switch(recordStatus) {
                                    case REMOVED:
                                        // SKIP IT
                                    case ALLOCATED:
                                    case PRESENT:
                                        // UPDATE IT
                                        newRecord = Orient.instance().getRecordFactoryManager().newInstance((byte) recordType);
                                        ORecordInternal.fill(newRecord, rid, ORecordVersionHelper.setRollbackMode(recordVersion), recordContent, true);
                                        final ORecord loadedRecord = rid.getRecord();
                                        if (loadedRecord instanceof ODocument) {
                                            // APPLY CHANGES FIELD BY FIELD TO MARK DIRTY FIELDS FOR INDEXES/HOOKS
                                            ODocument loadedDocument = (ODocument) loadedRecord;
                                            loadedDocument.merge((ODocument) newRecord, false, false);
                                            ORecordInternal.setVersion(loadedRecord, ORecordVersionHelper.setRollbackMode(recordVersion));
                                            newRecord = loadedDocument;
                                        // SAVE THE UPDATE RECORD
                                        ODistributedServerLog.debug(this, nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "DELTA <- updating rid=%s type=%d size=%d v=%d content=%s", rid, recordType, recordSize, recordVersion, newRecord);
                                    case NOT_EXISTENT:
                                        // CREATE AND DELETE RECORD IF NEEDED
                                        do {
                                            newRecord = Orient.instance().getRecordFactoryManager().newInstance((byte) recordType);
                                            ORecordInternal.fill(newRecord, new ORecordId(rid.getClusterId(), -1), recordVersion, recordContent, true);
                                            try {
                                            } catch (ORecordNotFoundException e) {
                                      , nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "DELTA <- error on saving record (not found) rid=%s type=%d size=%d v=%d content=%s", rid, recordType, recordSize, recordVersion, newRecord);
                                            } catch (ORecordDuplicatedException e) {
                                      , nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "DELTA <- error on saving record (duplicated %s) rid=%s type=%d size=%d v=%d content=%s", e.getRid(), rid, recordType, recordSize, recordVersion, newRecord);
                                                // throw OException.wrapException(
                                                // new ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException("Error on delta sync: found duplicated record " + rid), e);
                                                final ORecord duplicatedRecord = db.load(e.getRid(), null, true);
                                                if (duplicatedRecord == null) {
                                                    // RECORD REMOVED: THE INDEX IS DIRTY, FIX THE DIRTY INDEX
                                                    final ODocument doc = (ODocument) newRecord;
                                                    final OIndex<?> index = db.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex(e.getIndexName());
                                                    final List<String> fields = index.getDefinition().getFields();
                                                    final List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(fields.size());
                                                    for (String f : fields) {
                                                    final Object keyValue = index.getDefinition().createValue(values);
                                                    index.remove(keyValue, e.getRid());
                                                    // RESAVE THE RECORD
                                                } else
                                            if (newRecord.getIdentity().getClusterPosition() < clusterPos) {
                                                // DELETE THE RECORD TO CREATE A HOLE
                                                ODistributedServerLog.debug(this, nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "DELTA <- creating hole rid=%s", newRecord.getIdentity());
                                        } while (newRecord.getIdentity().getClusterPosition() < clusterPos);
                                        ODistributedServerLog.debug(this, nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "DELTA <- creating rid=%s type=%d size=%d v=%d content=%s", rid, recordType, recordSize, recordVersion, newRecord);
                                if (newRecord.getIdentity().isPersistent() && !newRecord.getIdentity().equals(rid))
                                    throw new ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException("Error on synchronization of records, rids are different: saved " + newRecord.getIdentity() + ", but it should be " + rid);
                            final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                            if (now - lastLap > 2000) {
                                // DUMP STATS EVERY SECOND
                      , nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "- %,d total entries: %,d created, %,d updated, %,d deleted, %,d holes, %,d skipped...", totalRecords, totalCreated, totalUpdated, totalDeleted, totalHoles, totalSkipped);
                                lastLap = now;
                    } finally {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ODistributedServerLog.error(this, nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "Error on installing database delta '%s' on local server", e, db.getName());
                    throw OException.wrapException(new ODistributedException("Error on installing database delta '" + db.getName() + "' on local server"), e);
                } finally {
                // gzipInput.close();
      , nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "Installed database delta for '%s'. %d total entries: %d created, %d updated, %d deleted, %d holes, %,d skipped", db.getName(), totalRecords, totalCreated, totalUpdated, totalDeleted, totalHoles, totalSkipped);
                return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ODistributedServerLog.error(this, nodeName, iNode, DIRECTION.IN, "Error while applying changes of database delta sync on '%s': forcing full database sync...", e, db.getName());
        throw OException.wrapException(new ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException("Error while applying changes of database delta sync on '" + db.getName() + "': forcing full database sync..."), e);
Also used : ODistributedException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataInputStream( OException(com.orientechnologies.common.exception.OException) IOException( ODistributedException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException) ORecordDuplicatedException( ORecordNotFoundException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ORecordNotFoundException) ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.task.ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException) ORecordId( ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.task.ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException) ORecordDuplicatedException( OPaginatedCluster( ORecord(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ORecord) ORecordNotFoundException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ORecordNotFoundException) ODocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument)

Example 2 with ODistributedException

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class OCommandExecutorSQLHASyncDatabase method execute.

 * Execute the SYNC DATABASE.
public Object execute(final Map<Object, Object> iArgs) {
    final ODatabaseDocumentInternal database = getDatabase();
    database.checkSecurity(ORule.ResourceGeneric.DATABASE, "sync", ORole.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
    final OStorage stg = database.getStorage();
    if (!(stg instanceof ODistributedStorage))
        throw new ODistributedException("SYNC DATABASE command cannot be executed against a non distributed server");
    final ODistributedStorage dStg = (ODistributedStorage) stg;
    final OHazelcastPlugin dManager = (OHazelcastPlugin) dStg.getDistributedManager();
    if (dManager == null || !dManager.isEnabled())
        throw new OCommandExecutionException("OrientDB is not started in distributed mode");
    final String databaseName = database.getName();
    return dManager.installDatabase(true, databaseName, parsedStatement.isForce(), !parsedStatement.isFull());
Also used : ODistributedStorage(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.ODistributedStorage) ODistributedException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException) OStorage( OCommandExecutionException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException) OHazelcastPlugin(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.hazelcast.OHazelcastPlugin) ODatabaseDocumentInternal(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseDocumentInternal)


ODistributedException (com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException)2 OException (com.orientechnologies.common.exception.OException)1 ODatabaseDocumentInternal (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseDocumentInternal)1 OCommandExecutionException (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException)1 ORecordNotFoundException (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ORecordNotFoundException)1 ORecordId ( ORecord (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ORecord)1 ODocument (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument)1 ORecordDuplicatedException ( OStorage ( OPaginatedCluster ( ODistributedStorage (com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.ODistributedStorage)1 ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException (com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.task.ODistributedDatabaseDeltaSyncException)1 OHazelcastPlugin (com.orientechnologies.orient.server.hazelcast.OHazelcastPlugin)1 DataInputStream ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1