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Example 1 with OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class DistributedDatabaseCRUDTest method startSQLUpdateThread.

private Runnable startSQLUpdateThread(final int id, final OrientGraphFactory graphFactory, final String propertyValue) {
    Runnable th = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            log("Starting runnable for sql update thread for property " + propertyValue);
            long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                boolean isRunning = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < 10000000 && isRunning; i++) {
                    if ((i % 100) == 0) {
                        long et = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        log(" [" + id + "] Total Records Processed: [" + i + "] Time taken for [100] records: [" + (et - st) / 1000 + "] seconds");
                        st = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    OrientGraph graph = graphFactory.getTx();
                    if (!graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:"))
                        Assert.assertTrue(graph.getVertexType("TestNode").getClusterSelection() instanceof OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy);
                    try {
                        boolean update = true;
                        boolean isException = false;
                        Exception tex = null;
                        String sql = "Update TestNode set prop5='" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "'" + ", prop-7='value7-1', prop-8='value8-1', prop-9='value9-1',prop-10='value10-1', prop11='value11-1'" + ", prop-07='value07-1', prop-08='value08-1', prop-09='value09-1',prop-010='value010-1', prop011='value011-1'" + ", prop12='vaue12-1', prop13='value13-1'" + ", updateTime='" + new Date().toString() + "' where property4='" + propertyValue + "'";
                        int k = 1;
                        for (; k <= 100 && update; k++) {
                            try {
                                graph.command(new OCommandSQL(sql)).execute();
                                if (isException) {
                                // log("********** [" + id + "][" + k + "] Update success after distributed lock Exception");
                                update = false;
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                if (ex instanceof ODatabaseException || ex instanceof ONeedRetryException || ex instanceof ODistributedException) {
                                    tex = ex;
                                    if (ex instanceof ONeedRetryException || ex.getCause() instanceof ONeedRetryException) {
                                        // log("[" + id + "][" + propertyValue + "][ Retry: " + k + "] OrientDB Exception [" + ex + "]");
                                        try {
                                            Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(500));
                                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                                    } else {
                                        log("[" + id + "][ Retry: " + k + "] Failed to update. OrientDB Exception [" + ex + "]");
                                    isException = true;
                                } else {
                                    tex = ex;
                                    log("[" + id + "][" + k + "] Failed non OrientDB Exception [" + ex + "]");
                                if (update) {
                                    log("*******#################******* [" + id + "][ Retry: " + k + "] Failed to update after Exception [" + ((tex != null) ? tex : "----") + "] for vertex with property4='" + propertyValue + "'");
                    } finally {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("ID: [" + id + "]********** Exception " + ex + " \n\n");
            } finally {
                log("[" + id + "] Done................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
    return th;
Also used : ODatabaseException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException) ONeedRetryException(com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException) ODatabaseException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException) OCommandSQL(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL) OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy) ONeedRetryException(com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException)

Example 2 with OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class HALocalGraphTest method startThread.

private Runnable startThread(final int id, final OrientGraphFactory graphFactory) {
    Runnable th = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            // OrientBaseGraph graph = new OrientGraph(getDBURL());
            // OrientGraph graph = graphFactory.getTx();
            boolean useSQL = false;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(".");
            for (int m = 0; m < id; m++) {
            long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                String query = "select from Test where prop2='v2-1'";
                boolean isRunning = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < TOTAL_CYCLES_PER_THREAD && isRunning; i++) {
                    if ((i % 2500) == 0) {
                        long et = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        log(sb.toString() + " [" + id + "] Total Records Processed: [" + i + "] Current: [2500] Time taken: [" + (et - st) / 1000 + "] seconds");
                        st = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (sleep > 0)
                    OrientGraph graph = graphFactory.getTx();
                    if (!graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:"))
                        Assert.assertTrue(graph.getVertexType("Test").getClusterSelection() instanceof OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy);
                    try {
                        if (useSQL) {
                            boolean update = true;
                            boolean isException = false;
                            String sql = "Update Test set prop5='" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "', updateTime='" + new Date().toString() + "' where prop2='v2-1'";
                            for (int k = 0; k < 10 && update; k++) {
                                try {
                                    graph.command(new OCommandSQL(sql)).execute();
                                    if (isException) {
                                        log("********** [" + id + "][" + k + "] Update success after distributed lock Exception");
                                    update = false;
                                } catch (ONeedRetryException ex) {
                                    if (ex instanceof OConcurrentModificationException || ex.getCause() instanceof OConcurrentModificationException) {
                                    } else {
                                        isException = true;
                                        log("*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [" + id + "][" + k + "] Distributed Exception: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ? ex.getCause() : "--") + "] ");
                                } catch (ODistributedException ex) {
                                    if (ex.getCause() instanceof OConcurrentModificationException) {
                                    } else {
                                        isException = true;
                                        log("*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [" + id + "][" + k + "] Distributed Exception: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ? ex.getCause() : "--") + "] ");
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    log("[" + id + "][" + k + "] Exception " + ex);
                        } else {
                            boolean retry = true;
                            Iterable<Vertex> vtxs = null;
                            for (int k = 0; k < 100 && retry; k++) try {
                                vtxs = graph.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute();
                            } catch (ONeedRetryException e) {
                            // RETRY
                            for (Vertex vtx : vtxs) {
                                if (retry) {
                                    retry = true;
                                    boolean isException = false;
                                    for (int k = 0; k < 100 && retry; k++) {
                                        OrientVertex vtx1 = (OrientVertex) vtx;
                                        try {
                                            vtx1.setProperty("prop5", "prop55");
                                            vtx1.setProperty("updateTime", new Date().toString());
                                            vtx1.setProperty("blob", new byte[1000]);
                                            if (isException) {
                                            // log("********** [" + id + "][" + k + "] Update success after distributed lock Exception for vertex " +
                                            // vtx1);
                                            retry = false;
                                        } catch (OConcurrentModificationException ex) {
                                        } catch (ONeedRetryException ex) {
                                            if (ex instanceof ODistributedRecordLockedException) {
                                                if (k > 20)
                                                    log("*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [" + id + "][" + k + "] ODistributedRecordLockedException: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ? ex.getCause() : "--") + "] for vertex " + vtx1);
                                            } else if (ex instanceof ONeedRetryException || ex.getCause() instanceof ONeedRetryException) {
                                            } else {
                                                if (ex.getCause() instanceof ConcurrentModificationException) {
                                                log("*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [" + id + "][" + k + "] Distributed Exception: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ? ex.getCause() : "--") + "] for vertex " + vtx1);
                                            // log("*** [" + id + "][" + k + "] Distributed Exception: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ?
                                            // ex.getCause() : "--") + "] for vertex " + vtx1);
                                            isException = true;
                                        } catch (ODistributedException ex) {
                                            if (ex.getCause() instanceof ONeedRetryException) {
                                            } else {
                                                if (ex.getCause() instanceof ConcurrentModificationException) {
                                                log("*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [" + id + "][" + k + "] Distributed Exception: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ? ex.getCause() : "--") + "] for vertex " + vtx1);
                                            // log("*** [" + id + "][" + k + "] Distributed Exception: [" + ex + "] Cause: [" + (ex.getCause() != null ?
                                            // ex.getCause() : "--") + "] for vertex " + vtx1);
                                            isException = true;
                                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                                            log("[" + id + "][" + k + "] Exception " + ex + " for vertex " + vtx1);
                                    if (retry) {
                                        log("********** [" + id + "] Failed to update after Exception for vertex " + vtx);
                    } finally {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("ID: [" + id + "]********** Exception " + ex + " \n\n");
            } finally {
                log("[" + id + "] Done................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
    return th;
Also used : Vertex(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex) ODistributedRecordLockedException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.task.ODistributedRecordLockedException) OConcurrentModificationException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConcurrentModificationException) OConcurrentModificationException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConcurrentModificationException) ONeedRetryException(com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException) ODistributedRecordLockedException(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.task.ODistributedRecordLockedException) OConcurrentModificationException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConcurrentModificationException) OCommandSQL(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL) OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy) ONeedRetryException(com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException)

Example 3 with OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class DistributedDatabaseCRUDTest method createDBData.

public void createDBData() {
    log("Creating data for database " + dbName);
    int totalClassCount = 50;
    int mainNodeDataCount = 50;
    OrientBaseGraph orientGraph = new OrientGraphNoTx(getDBURL());
    createVertexTypeWithUniqueIndex(orientGraph, "Test", "property1", "property2");
    for (int i = 1; i <= totalClassCount; i++) {
        createVertexType(orientGraph, "Test" + i, "property1", "property2");
    OrientBaseGraph graph = getGraphFactory().getTx();
    boolean addTestData = true;
    String query = "select count(*) as dataCount from TestNode";
    Iterable<Vertex> vtxs = graph.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute();
    for (Vertex vtx : vtxs) {
        long count = vtx.getProperty("dataCount");
        addTestData = (count == 0);
    if (addTestData) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= mainNodeDataCount; i++) {
            Vertex vertex = graph.addVertex("class:TestNode");
            vertex.setProperty("property1", "value1-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("property2", "value2-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("property3", "value3-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("property4", "value4-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("prop-6", "value6-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("prop-7", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop-8", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop-9", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop-10", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop11", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop12", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop13", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop14", "v7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop15", System.currentTimeMillis());
            if ((i % 100) == 0) {
                log("Created " + i + " nodes");
            if (!graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:"))
                Assert.assertTrue(graph.getVertexType("TestNode").getClusterSelection() instanceof OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy);
    int edgeCounter = 1;
    for (int j = 1; j <= totalClassCount; j++) {
        String edgeName = "Test" + j;
        String className = edgeName + "Node";
        System.out.print("[" + className + "] -> ");
        for (int i = 1; i <= totalRecords; i++) {
            Vertex vertex = graph.addVertex("class:" + className);
            vertex.setProperty("property1", "value1-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("property2", "value2-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("property3", "value3-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("property4", "value4-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop-6", "value6-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("prop-7", "value7-" + i);
            vertex.setProperty("prop-8", "value7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop-9", "value7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop-10", "value7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop11", "value7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop12", "value7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop13", "value7-1");
            vertex.setProperty("prop14", System.currentTimeMillis());
            vertex.setProperty("prop15", System.currentTimeMillis());
            if ((i % 200) == 0) {
                System.out.print(".[" + j + "]" + i + ".");
            String edgeSQL = "Create EDGE " + edgeName + " FROM (SELECT FROM TestNode WHERE property1='value1-" + edgeCounter + "') " + "TO (SELECT FROM " + className + " WHERE property1='value1-" + i + "') ";
            if (edgeCounter > mainNodeDataCount) {
                edgeCounter = 1;
            graph.command(new OCommandSQL(edgeSQL)).execute();
            if (!graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:"))
                Assert.assertTrue(graph.getVertexType("TestNode").getClusterSelection() instanceof OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy);
    log("Done. Creating data for database " + dbName);
Also used : OCommandSQL(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL) Vertex(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex) OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy)

Example 4 with OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class DistributedDatabaseCRUDTest method startVertexUpdateThread.

private Runnable startVertexUpdateThread(final int id, final OrientGraphFactory graphFactory, final String propertyValue) {
    Runnable th = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            log("Starting runnable for vertex update thread for property value " + propertyValue);
            long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                // String query = "select from TestNode where property4='value4-1'";
                String query = "select from TestNode where property4='" + propertyValue + "'";
                boolean isRunning = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < 100000000 && isRunning; i++) {
                    if ((i % 100) == 0) {
                        long et = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        log(" Total Records Processed: [" + i + "] Time taken for [100] records: [" + (et - st) / 1000 + "] seconds");
                        st = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    OrientGraph graph = graphFactory.getTx();
                    try {
                        Iterable<Vertex> vtxs = graph.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute();
                        boolean retry = true;
                        for (Vertex vtx : vtxs) {
                            if (retry) {
                                retry = true;
                                boolean isException = false;
                                Exception tex = null;
                                int k = 1;
                                for (; k <= 100 && retry; k++) {
                                    if (!graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:"))
                                        Assert.assertTrue(graph.getVertexType("TestNode").getClusterSelection() instanceof OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy);
                                    OrientVertex vtx1 = (OrientVertex) vtx;
                                    try {
                                        vtx1.setProperty("prop5", "prop55");
                                        vtx1.setProperty("updateTime", new Date().toString());
                                        if (isException) {
                                        // log("********** [" + id + "][" + k + "] Update success after distributed lock Exception for vertex " +
                                        // vtx1);
                                        retry = false;
                                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                        if (ex instanceof ODatabaseException || ex instanceof ONeedRetryException || ex instanceof ODistributedException) {
                                            tex = ex;
                                            if (ex instanceof ONeedRetryException || ex.getCause() instanceof ONeedRetryException) {
                                                // log("[" + id + "][" + vtx + "][ Retry: " + k + "] OrientDB Exception [" + ex + "]");
                                                try {
                                                    Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(500));
                                                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                                            } else {
                                                log("[" + id + "][" + vtx + "][ Retry: " + k + "] Failed to update. OrientDB Exception [" + ex + "]");
                                            isException = true;
                                        } else {
                                            tex = ex;
                                            log("[" + id + "][" + k + "] Failed to update non OrientDB Exception [" + ex + "] for vertex [" + vtx1 + "]");
                                if (retry) {
                                    log("*******#################******* [" + id + "][" + vtx + "][ Retry: " + k + "] Failed to update after Exception [" + ((tex != null) ? tex : "----") + "]");
                    } finally {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("ID: [" + id + "]********** Exception " + ex + " \n\n");
            } finally {
                log("[" + id + "] Done................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
    return th;
Also used : Vertex(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex) ODatabaseException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException) ONeedRetryException(com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException) ODatabaseException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException) OCommandSQL(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL) OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy(com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy) ONeedRetryException(com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException)


OCommandSQL (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL)4 OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy (com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.impl.OLocalClusterWrapperStrategy)4 ONeedRetryException (com.orientechnologies.common.concur.ONeedRetryException)3 Vertex (com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex)3 ODatabaseException (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException)2 OConcurrentModificationException (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConcurrentModificationException)1 ODistributedRecordLockedException (com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.task.ODistributedRecordLockedException)1