use of com.palantir.atlasdb.logging.LoggingArgs.SafeAndUnsafeTableReferences in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class SnapshotTransaction method commitWrites.
private void commitWrites(TransactionService transactionService) {
if (!hasWrites()) {
if (hasReads()) {
// verify any pre-commit conditions on the transaction
// to ensure that sweep hasn't thoroughly deleted cells we tried to read
if (validationNecessaryForInvolvedTables()) {
Timer.Context acquireLocksTimer = getTimer("commitAcquireLocks").time();
LockToken commitLocksToken = acquireLocksForCommit();
long millisForLocks = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(acquireLocksTimer.stop());
try {
Timer.Context conflictsTimer = getTimer("commitCheckingForConflicts").time();
throwIfConflictOnCommit(commitLocksToken, transactionService);
long millisCheckingForConflicts = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(conflictsTimer.stop());
Timer.Context writesTimer = getTimer("commitWrite").time();
keyValueService.multiPut(writesByTable, getStartTimestamp());
long millisForWrites = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(writesTimer.stop());
// Now that all writes are done, get the commit timestamp
// We must do this before we check that our locks are still valid to ensure that
// other transactions that will hold these locks are sure to have start
// timestamps after our commit timestamp.
long commitTimestamp = timelockService.getFreshTimestamp();
commitTsForScrubbing = commitTimestamp;
// punch on commit so that if hard delete is the only thing happening on a system,
// we won't block forever waiting for the unreadable timestamp to advance past the
// scrub timestamp (same as the hard delete transaction's start timestamp)
Timer.Context punchTimer = getTimer("millisForPunch").time();
long millisForPunch = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(punchTimer.stop());
// Verify that our locks and pre-commit conditions are still valid before we actually commit;
// this throwIfPreCommitRequirementsNotMet is required by the transaction protocol for correctness
throwIfPreCommitRequirementsNotMet(commitLocksToken, commitTimestamp);
Timer.Context commitTsTimer = getTimer("commitPutCommitTs").time();
putCommitTimestamp(commitTimestamp, commitLocksToken, transactionService);
long millisForCommitTs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(commitTsTimer.stop());
long millisSinceCreation = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeCreated;
getTimer("commitTotalTimeSinceTxCreation").update(millisSinceCreation, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (perfLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
SafeAndUnsafeTableReferences tableRefs = LoggingArgs.tableRefs(writesByTable.keySet());
perfLogger.debug("Committed {} bytes with locks, start ts {}, commit ts {}, " + "acquiring locks took {} ms, checking for conflicts took {} ms, " + "writing took {} ms, punch took {} ms, putCommitTs took {} ms, " + "total time since tx creation {} ms, tables: {}.", SafeArg.of("numBytes", byteCount.get()), SafeArg.of("startTs", getStartTimestamp()), SafeArg.of("commitTs", commitTimestamp), SafeArg.of("millisForLocks", millisForLocks), SafeArg.of("millisCheckForConflicts", millisCheckingForConflicts), SafeArg.of("millisForWrites", millisForWrites), SafeArg.of("millisForPunch", millisForPunch), SafeArg.of("millisForCommitTs", millisForCommitTs), SafeArg.of("millisSinceCreation", millisSinceCreation), tableRefs.safeTableRefs(), tableRefs.unsafeTableRefs());
sweepQueue.enqueue(writesByTable, getStartTimestamp());
} finally {