use of com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class Scrubber method runBackgroundScrubTask.
void runBackgroundScrubTask(final TransactionManager txManager) {
log.debug("Starting scrub task");
// Warning: Let T be the hard delete transaction that triggered a scrub, and let S be its
// start timestamp. If the locks for T happen to time out right after T checks that its
// locks are held but right before T writes its commit timestamp (extremely rare case), AND
// the unreadable timestamp is greater than S, then the scrub task could actually roll back
// the hard delete transaction (forcing it to abort or retry). Note that this doesn't affect
// correctness, but could be an annoying edge cause that causes hard delete to take longer
// than it otherwise would have.
Long immutableTimestamp = immutableTimestampSupplier.get();
Long unreadableTimestamp = unreadableTimestampSupplier.get();
final long maxScrubTimestamp = aggressiveScrub ? immutableTimestamp : Math.min(unreadableTimestamp, immutableTimestamp);
log.debug("Scrub task immutableTimestamp: {}, unreadableTimestamp: {}, maxScrubTimestamp: {}", immutableTimestamp, unreadableTimestamp, maxScrubTimestamp);
final int batchSize = (int) Math.ceil(batchSizeSupplier.get() * ((double) threadCount / readThreadCount));
List<byte[]> rangeBoundaries = Lists.newArrayList();
if (readThreadCount > 1) {
// This will actually partition into the closest higher power of 2 number of ranges.
rangeBoundaries.addAll(Ordering.from(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator()).sortedCopy(new UniformRowNamePartitioner(ValueType.BLOB).getPartitions(readThreadCount - 1)));
List<Future<Void>> readerFutures = Lists.newArrayList();
final AtomicInteger totalCellsRead = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rangeBoundaries.size() - 1; i++) {
final byte[] startRow = rangeBoundaries.get(i);
final byte[] endRow = rangeBoundaries.get(i + 1);
readerFutures.add(readerExec.submit(() -> {
BatchingVisitable<SortedMap<Long, Multimap<TableReference, Cell>>> scrubQueue = scrubberStore.getBatchingVisitableScrubQueue(maxScrubTimestamp, startRow, endRow);
scrubQueue.batchAccept(batchSize, batch -> {
for (SortedMap<Long, Multimap<TableReference, Cell>> cells : batch) {
// We may actually get more cells than the batch size. The batch size is used
// for pulling off the scrub queue, and a single entry in the scrub queue may
// match multiple tables. These will get broken down into smaller batches later
// on when we actually do deletes.
int numCellsRead = scrubSomeCells(cells, txManager, maxScrubTimestamp);
int totalRead = totalCellsRead.addAndGet(numCellsRead);
log.debug("Scrub task processed {} cells in a batch, total {} processed so far.", numCellsRead, totalRead);
if (!isScrubEnabled.get()) {
log.debug("Stopping scrub for banned hours.");
return isScrubEnabled.get();
return null;
for (Future<Void> readerFuture : readerFutures) {
log.debug("Scrub background task running at timestamp {} processed a total of {} cells", maxScrubTimestamp, totalCellsRead.get());
log.debug("Finished scrub task");
use of com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class AbstractTransactionTest method testColumnRangePagingTransaction.
public void testColumnRangePagingTransaction() {
Transaction t = startTransaction();
int totalPuts = 101;
byte[] row = PtBytes.toBytes("row1");
// Record expected results using byte ordering
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<Cell, byte[]> writes = ImmutableSortedMap.orderedBy(Ordering.from(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator()).onResultOf(key -> key.getColumnName()));
for (int i = 0; i < totalPuts; i++) {
put(t, "row1", "col" + i, "v" + i);
writes.put(Cell.create(row, PtBytes.toBytes("col" + i)), PtBytes.toBytes("v" + i));
t = startTransaction();
Map<byte[], BatchingVisitable<Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]>>> columnRange = t.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 1));
List<Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]>> expected = ImmutableList.copyOf(;
verifyMatchingResult(expected, row, columnRange);
columnRange = t.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.toBytes("col"), PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 1));
verifyMatchingResult(expected, row, columnRange);
columnRange = t.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.toBytes("col"), PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 101));
verifyMatchingResult(expected, row, columnRange);
columnRange = t.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, RangeRequests.nextLexicographicName(expected.get(expected.size() - 1).getKey().getColumnName()), 1));
verifyMatchingResult(expected, row, columnRange);
columnRange = t.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, expected.get(expected.size() - 1).getKey().getColumnName(), 1));
verifyMatchingResult(ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.limit(expected, 100)), row, columnRange);
use of com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class AbstractSerializableTransactionTest method testColumnRangeReadWriteConflictOnNewCell.
public void testColumnRangeReadWriteConflictOnNewCell() {
byte[] row = PtBytes.toBytes("row1");
Transaction t1 = startTransaction();
Map<byte[], BatchingVisitable<Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]>>> columnRange = t1.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 1));
// Serializable transaction records only the first column as read.
Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]> read = BatchingVisitables.getFirst(Iterables.getOnlyElement(columnRange.values()));
assertEquals(Cell.create(row, PtBytes.toBytes("col0")), read.getKey());
// Write to avoid the read only path.
put(t1, "row1_1", "col0", "v0");
Transaction t2 = startTransaction();
// Write on the start of the range.
put(t2, "row1", "col", "v");
try {
} catch (TransactionSerializableConflictException e) {
// expected
use of com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class AbstractSerializableTransactionTest method testColumnRangeReadWriteConflict.
public void testColumnRangeReadWriteConflict() {
byte[] row = PtBytes.toBytes("row1");
Transaction t1 = startTransaction();
Map<byte[], BatchingVisitable<Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]>>> columnRange = t1.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, PtBytes.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 1));
// Serializable transaction records only the first column as read.
Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]> read = BatchingVisitables.getFirst(Iterables.getOnlyElement(columnRange.values()));
assertEquals(Cell.create(row, PtBytes.toBytes("col0")), read.getKey());
// Write to avoid the read only path.
put(t1, "row1_1", "col0", "v0");
Transaction t2 = startTransaction();
put(t2, "row1", "col0", "v0_0");
try {
} catch (TransactionSerializableConflictException e) {
// expected
use of com.palantir.common.base.BatchingVisitable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class AbstractSerializableTransactionTest method testColumnRangeReadWriteEmptyRangeUnread.
public void testColumnRangeReadWriteEmptyRangeUnread() {
byte[] row = PtBytes.toBytes("row1");
Transaction t1 = startTransaction();
Map<byte[], BatchingVisitable<Map.Entry<Cell, byte[]>>> columnRange = t1.getRowsColumnRange(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableList.of(row), BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(PtBytes.toBytes("col"), PtBytes.toBytes("col0"), 1));
// Intentionally not reading anything from the result, so we shouldn't get a conflict.
// Write to avoid the read only path.
put(t1, "row1_1", "col0", "v0");
Transaction t2 = startTransaction();
put(t2, "row1", "col", "v0");