use of com.palantir.util.paging.AbstractPagingIterable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class DbKvs method getRangeOfTimestamps.
* @param tableRef the name of the table to read from.
* @param rangeRequest the range to load.
* @param timestamp the maximum timestamp to load.
* @return Each row that has fewer than maxRangeOfTimestampsBatchSize entries is guaranteed to be returned in a
* single RowResult. If a row has more than maxRangeOfTimestampsBatchSize results, it will potentially be split
* into multiple RowResults, by finishing the current column; see example below. Note that:
* 1) this may cause a RowResult to have more than maxRangeOfTimestampsBatchSize entries
* 2) this may still finish a row, in which case there is going to be only one RowResult for that row.
* It is, furthermore, guaranteed that the columns will be read in ascending order
* E.g., for the following table, rangeRequest taking all rows in ascending order,
* maxRangeOfTimestampsBatchSize == 5, and timestamp 10:
* a | b | c | d
* ------------------------------------------------
* a | (1, 2, 3) | (1, 2, 3) | (4, 5, 6) | (4, 5, 6)|
* ------------------------------------------------
* b | (1, 3, 5) | - | (1) | - |
* ------------------------------------------------
* c | (1, 2) | (1, 2) | (4, 5, 6) | (4, 5, 6)|
* ------------------------------------------------
* d | (1, 3, 5) | - | (1, 2, 3) | - |
* ------------------------------------------------
* e | (1, 3) | - | - | - |
* ------------------------------------------------
* The RowResults will be:
* 1. (a, (a -> 1, 2, 3; b -> 1, 2, 3))
* 2. (a, (c -> 4, 5, 6; d -> 4, 5, 6))
* 3. (b, (a -> 1, 3, 5; b -> 1))
* 4. (c, (a -> 1, 2, b -> 1, 2; c -> 4, 5, 6))
* 5. (c, (d -> 4, 5, 6))
* 6. (d, (a -> 1, 3, 5, c -> 1, 2, 3))
* 7. (e, (a -> 1, 3))
public ClosableIterator<RowResult<Set<Long>>> getRangeOfTimestamps(TableReference tableRef, RangeRequest rangeRequest, long timestamp) {
Iterable<RowResult<Set<Long>>> rows = new AbstractPagingIterable<RowResult<Set<Long>>, TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, Token>>() {
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, Token> getFirstPage() {
return getTimestampsPage(tableRef, rangeRequest, timestamp, maxRangeOfTimestampsBatchSize, Token.INITIAL);
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, Token> getNextPage(TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, Token> previous) {
Token token = previous.getTokenForNextPage();
RangeRequest newRange = rangeRequest.getBuilder().startRowInclusive(token.row()).build();
return getTimestampsPage(tableRef, newRange, timestamp, maxRangeOfTimestampsBatchSize, token);
return ClosableIterators.wrap(rows.iterator());
use of com.palantir.util.paging.AbstractPagingIterable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class DbKvs method getRowColumnRange.
private Iterator<Map.Entry<Cell, Value>> getRowColumnRange(TableReference tableRef, byte[] row, BatchColumnRangeSelection batchColumnRangeSelection, long timestamp) {
List<byte[]> rowList = ImmutableList.of(row);
return ClosableIterators.wrap(new AbstractPagingIterable<Entry<Cell, Value>, TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<Entry<Cell, Value>, byte[]>>() {
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<Entry<Cell, Value>, byte[]> getFirstPage() throws Exception {
return page(batchColumnRangeSelection.getStartCol());
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<Map.Entry<Cell, Value>, byte[]> getNextPage(TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<Map.Entry<Cell, Value>, byte[]> previous) throws Exception {
return page(previous.getTokenForNextPage());
TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<Map.Entry<Cell, Value>, byte[]> page(byte[] startCol) throws Exception {
BatchColumnRangeSelection range = BatchColumnRangeSelection.create(startCol, batchColumnRangeSelection.getEndCol(), batchColumnRangeSelection.getBatchHint());
List<Map.Entry<Cell, Value>> nextPage = Iterables.getOnlyElement(extractRowColumnRangePage(tableRef, range, timestamp, rowList).values());
if (nextPage.isEmpty()) {
return SimpleTokenBackedResultsPage.create(startCol, ImmutableList.<Entry<Cell, Value>>of(), false);
byte[] lastCol = nextPage.get(nextPage.size() - 1).getKey().getColumnName();
if (isEndOfColumnRange(lastCol, batchColumnRangeSelection.getEndCol())) {
return SimpleTokenBackedResultsPage.create(lastCol, nextPage, false);
byte[] nextCol = RangeRequests.nextLexicographicName(lastCol);
return SimpleTokenBackedResultsPage.create(nextCol, nextPage, true);
use of com.palantir.util.paging.AbstractPagingIterable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class CqlKeyValueService method getRangeWithPageCreator.
public <T> ClosableIterator<RowResult<T>> getRangeWithPageCreator(TableReference tableRef, RangeRequest rangeRequest, long timestamp, com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel consistency, Supplier<ResultsExtractor<T>> resultsExtractor) {
if (rangeRequest.isReverse()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (rangeRequest.isEmptyRange()) {
return ClosableIterators.wrap(ImmutableList.<RowResult<T>>of().iterator());
final int batchHint = rangeRequest.getBatchHint() == null ? 100 : rangeRequest.getBatchHint();
final ColumnSelection selection = rangeRequest.getColumnNames().isEmpty() ? ColumnSelection.all() : ColumnSelection.create(rangeRequest.getColumnNames());
final byte[] endExclusive = rangeRequest.getEndExclusive();
final StringBuilder bindQuery = new StringBuilder();
bindQuery.append("SELECT * FROM " + getFullTableName(tableRef) + " WHERE token(" + fieldNameProvider.row() + ") >= token(?) ");
if (endExclusive.length > 0) {
bindQuery.append("AND token(" + fieldNameProvider.row() + ") < token(?) ");
bindQuery.append("LIMIT " + batchHint);
final String getLastRowQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + getFullTableName(tableRef) + " WHERE " + fieldNameProvider.row() + " = ?";
return ClosableIterators.wrap(new AbstractPagingIterable<RowResult<T>, TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<T>, byte[]>>() {
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<T>, byte[]> getFirstPage() throws Exception {
return getPage(rangeRequest.getStartInclusive());
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<T>, byte[]> getNextPage(TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<T>, byte[]> previous) throws Exception {
return getPage(previous.getTokenForNextPage());
TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<T>, byte[]> getPage(final byte[] startKey) throws Exception {
BoundStatement boundStatement = getPreparedStatement(tableRef, bindQuery.toString(), session).setConsistencyLevel(consistency).bind();
boundStatement.setBytes(0, ByteBuffer.wrap(startKey));
if (endExclusive.length > 0) {
boundStatement.setBytes(1, ByteBuffer.wrap(endExclusive));
ResultSet resultSet = session.execute(boundStatement);
List<Row> rows = Lists.newArrayList(resultSet.all());
cqlKeyValueServices.logTracedQuery(bindQuery.toString(), resultSet, session, cqlStatementCache.normalQuery);
byte[] maxRow = null;
ResultsExtractor<T> extractor = resultsExtractor.get();
for (Row row : rows) {
byte[] rowName = getRowName(row);
if (maxRow == null) {
maxRow = rowName;
} else {
maxRow = PtBytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR.max(maxRow, rowName);
if (maxRow == null) {
return new SimpleTokenBackedResultsPage<>(endExclusive, ImmutableList.of(), false);
// get the rest of the last row
BoundStatement boundLastRow = getPreparedStatement(tableRef, getLastRowQuery, session).bind();
boundLastRow.setBytes(fieldNameProvider.row(), ByteBuffer.wrap(maxRow));
try {
resultSet = session.execute(boundLastRow);
} catch (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnavailableException e) {
throw new InsufficientConsistencyException("This operation requires all Cassandra" + " nodes to be up and available.", e);
cqlKeyValueServices.logTracedQuery(getLastRowQuery, resultSet, session, cqlStatementCache.normalQuery);
for (Row row : rows) {
extractor.internalExtractResult(timestamp, selection, getRowName(row), getColName(row), getValue(row), getTs(row));
SortedMap<byte[], SortedMap<byte[], T>> resultsByRow = Cells.breakCellsUpByRow(extractor.asMap());
return ResultsExtractor.getRowResults(endExclusive, maxRow, resultsByRow);
use of com.palantir.util.paging.AbstractPagingIterable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class JdbcKeyValueService method getRange.
public ClosableIterator<RowResult<Value>> getRange(final TableReference tableRef, final RangeRequest rangeRequest, final long timestamp) {
Iterable<RowResult<Value>> iter = new AbstractPagingIterable<RowResult<Value>, TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Value>, byte[]>>() {
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Value>, byte[]> getFirstPage() {
return getPageWithValues(tableRef, rangeRequest, timestamp);
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Value>, byte[]> getNextPage(TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Value>, byte[]> previous) {
byte[] startRow = previous.getTokenForNextPage();
RangeRequest newRange = rangeRequest.getBuilder().startRowInclusive(startRow).build();
return getPageWithValues(tableRef, newRange, timestamp);
return ClosableIterators.wrap(iter.iterator());
use of com.palantir.util.paging.AbstractPagingIterable in project atlasdb by palantir.
the class JdbcKeyValueService method getRangeOfTimestamps.
public ClosableIterator<RowResult<Set<Long>>> getRangeOfTimestamps(final TableReference tableRef, final RangeRequest rangeRequest, final long timestamp) {
Iterable<RowResult<Set<Long>>> iter = new AbstractPagingIterable<RowResult<Set<Long>>, TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, byte[]>>() {
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, byte[]> getFirstPage() {
return getPageWithTimestamps(tableRef, rangeRequest, timestamp);
protected TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, byte[]> getNextPage(TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<RowResult<Set<Long>>, byte[]> previous) {
byte[] startRow = previous.getTokenForNextPage();
RangeRequest newRange = rangeRequest.getBuilder().startRowInclusive(startRow).build();
return getPageWithTimestamps(tableRef, newRange, timestamp);
return ClosableIterators.wrap(iter.iterator());