use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.exceptions.TownyException in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class PlotClaim method run.
public void run() {
int claimed = 0;
if (player != null)
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, "Processing " + ((claim) ? "Plot Claim..." : "Plot unclaim..."));
if (selection != null) {
for (WorldCoord worldCoord : selection) {
// Make sure this is a valid world (mainly when unclaiming).
try { = worldCoord.getTownyWorld();
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_not_configured"));
try {
if (claim) {
if (residentClaim(worldCoord))
} else {
} catch (EconomyException e) {
* Can't pay, but try the rest as we may be
* re-possessing and claiming for personal plots.
TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(player, e.getError());
} catch (TownyException x) {
TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(player, x.getMessage());
} else if (!claim) {
if (player != null) {
if (claim) {
if ((selection != null) && (selection.size() > 0) && (claimed > 0))
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_claimed") + ((selection.size() > 5) ? "Total TownBlocks: " + selection.size() : Arrays.toString(selection.toArray(new WorldCoord[0]))));
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_not_claimed_1"));
} else if (selection != null)
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_unclaimed") + ((selection.size() > 5) ? "Total TownBlocks: " + selection.size() : Arrays.toString(selection.toArray(new WorldCoord[0]))));
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_unclaimed"));
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.exceptions.TownyException in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class TownClaim method townUnclaim.
private void townUnclaim(final Town town, final WorldCoord worldCoord, boolean force) throws TownyException {
try {
final TownBlock townBlock = worldCoord.getTownBlock();
if (town != townBlock.getTown() && !force)
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_area_not_own"));
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Raise an event to signal the unclaim
BukkitTools.getPluginManager().callEvent(new TownUnclaimEvent(town, worldCoord));
}, 1);
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_not_claimed_1"));
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.exceptions.TownyException in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class TownClaim method run.
public void run() {
List<TownyWorld> worlds = new ArrayList<TownyWorld>();
List<Town> towns = new ArrayList<Town>();
TownyWorld world;
if (player != null)
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, "Processing " + ((claim) ? "Town Claim..." : "Town unclaim..."));
if (selection != null) {
for (WorldCoord worldCoord : selection) {
try {
world = worldCoord.getTownyWorld();
if (!worlds.contains(world))
if (claim) {
// Claim
townClaim(town, worldCoord, outpost);
// Reset so we only flag the first plot as an outpost.
outpost = false;
} else {
// Unclaim = worldCoord.getTownBlock().getTown();
townUnclaim(town, worldCoord, forced);
// Mark this town as modified for saving.
if (!towns.contains(town))
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
// Invalid world
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_not_configured"));
} catch (TownyException x) {
TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(player, x.getMessage());
} else if (!claim) {
if (town == null) {
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, "Nothing to unclaim!");
if (!towns.isEmpty())
for (Town test : towns) TownyUniverse.getDataSource().saveTown(test);
if (!worlds.isEmpty())
for (TownyWorld test : worlds) TownyUniverse.getDataSource().saveWorld(test);
if (player != null) {
if (claim) {
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_annexed_area"), (selection.size() > 5) ? "Total TownBlocks: " + selection.size() : Arrays.toString(selection.toArray(new WorldCoord[0]))));
if (town.getWorld().isUsingPlotManagementRevert())
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_wait_locked"));
} else if (forced) {
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_admin_unclaim_area"), (selection.size() > 5) ? "Total TownBlocks: " + selection.size() : Arrays.toString(selection.toArray(new WorldCoord[0]))));
if ((town != null) && (town.getWorld().isUsingPlotManagementRevert()))
TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, TownySettings.getLangString("msg_wait_locked"));
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.exceptions.TownyException in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class TownyWar method checkIfTownHasMinOnlineForWar.
public static void checkIfTownHasMinOnlineForWar(Town town) throws TownyException {
int requiredOnline = TownyWarConfig.getMinPlayersOnlineInTownForWar();
int onlinePlayerCount = TownyUniverse.getOnlinePlayers(town).size();
if (onlinePlayerCount < requiredOnline)
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_enemy_war_require_online"), requiredOnline, town.getFormattedName()));
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.exceptions.TownyException in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class TownyWar method callAttackCellEvent.
public static boolean callAttackCellEvent(Towny plugin, Player player, Block block, WorldCoord worldCoord) throws TownyException {
int topY = block.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(block.getX(), block.getZ()) - 1;
if (block.getY() < topY)
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_enemy_war_must_be_placed_above_ground"));
TownyUniverse universe = plugin.getTownyUniverse();
Resident attackingResident;
Town landOwnerTown, attackingTown;
Nation landOwnerNation, attackingNation;
TownBlock townBlock;
try {
attackingResident = TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getResident(player.getName());
attackingTown = attackingResident.getTown();
attackingNation = attackingTown.getNation();
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_dont_belong_nation"));
try {
landOwnerTown = worldCoord.getTownBlock().getTown();
townBlock = worldCoord.getTownBlock();
landOwnerNation = landOwnerTown.getNation();
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_enemy_war_not_part_of_nation"));
// Check Neutrality
if (landOwnerNation.isNeutral())
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_enemy_war_is_neutral"), landOwnerNation.getFormattedName()));
if (!TownyUniverse.getPermissionSource().isTownyAdmin(player) && attackingNation.isNeutral())
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_enemy_war_is_neutral"), attackingNation.getFormattedName()));
// Check Minimum Players Online
// Check that attack takes place on the edge of a town
if (TownyWarConfig.isAttackingBordersOnly() && !AreaSelectionUtil.isOnEdgeOfOwnership(landOwnerTown, worldCoord))
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_enemy_war_not_on_edge_of_town"));
// Check that the user can pay for the warflag + fines from losing/winning.
double costToPlaceWarFlag = TownyWarConfig.getCostToPlaceWarFlag();
if (TownySettings.isUsingEconomy()) {
try {
double requiredAmount = costToPlaceWarFlag;
double balance = attackingResident.getHoldingBalance();
// Check that the user can pay for the warflag.
if (balance < costToPlaceWarFlag)
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_insuficient_funds_warflag"), TownyEconomyHandler.getFormattedBalance(costToPlaceWarFlag)));
// Check that the user can pay the fines from losing/winning all future warflags.
int activeFlagCount = getNumActiveFlags(attackingResident.getName());
double defendedAttackCost = TownyWarConfig.getDefendedAttackReward() * (activeFlagCount + 1);
double attackWinCost = 0;
double amount;
amount = TownyWarConfig.getWonHomeblockReward();
double homeBlockFine = amount < 0 ? -amount : 0;
amount = TownyWarConfig.getWonTownblockReward();
double townBlockFine = amount < 0 ? -amount : 0;
// Error would be caught when actually taking the money when the plot has been won.
if (townBlock.isHomeBlock())
attackWinCost = homeBlockFine + activeFlagCount * townBlockFine;
attackWinCost = (activeFlagCount + 1) * townBlockFine;
if (defendedAttackCost > 0 && attackWinCost > 0) {
// There could be a fine
String reason;
double cost;
if (defendedAttackCost > attackWinCost) {
// Worst case scenario that all attacks are defended.
requiredAmount += defendedAttackCost;
cost = defendedAttackCost;
reason = TownySettings.getLangString("name_defended_attack");
} else {
// Worst case scenario that all attacks go through, but is forced to pay a rebuilding fine.
requiredAmount += attackWinCost;
cost = attackWinCost;
reason = TownySettings.getLangString("name_rebuilding");
// Check if player can pay in worst case scenario.
if (balance < requiredAmount)
throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_insuficient_funds_future"), TownyEconomyHandler.getFormattedBalance(cost), String.format("%d %s", activeFlagCount + 1, reason + "(s)")));
} catch (EconomyException e) {
throw new TownyException(e.getError());
// Call Event (and make sure an attack isn't already under way)
CellAttackEvent cellAttackEvent = new CellAttackEvent(plugin, player, block);
if (cellAttackEvent.isCancelled()) {
if (cellAttackEvent.hasReason())
throw new TownyException(cellAttackEvent.getReason());
return false;
// Pay for war flag
if (TownySettings.isUsingEconomy()) {
// Skip payment + message if no cost.
if (costToPlaceWarFlag > 0) {
try {, "War - WarFlag Cost");
TownyMessaging.sendResidentMessage(attackingResident, String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_enemy_war_purchased_warflag"), TownyEconomyHandler.getFormattedBalance(costToPlaceWarFlag)));
} catch (EconomyException e) {
// Set yourself as target's enemy so they can retaliate.
if (!landOwnerNation.hasEnemy(attackingNation)) {
// Update Cache
TownyMessaging.sendGlobalMessage(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_enemy_war_area_under_attack"), landOwnerTown.getFormattedName(), worldCoord.toString(), attackingResident.getFormattedName()));
return true;