use of com.paulhammant.buildradiator.model.RadiatorDoesntExist in project BuildRadiator by BuildRadiator.
the class RadiatorStoreUnitTest method radiatorCanBeRetrieved.
public void radiatorCanBeRetrieved() {
RadiatorStore rs = new RadiatorStore();
Radiator rad = null;
try {
rad = rs.get("AAA", "");
} catch (RadiatorDoesntExist e) {
// expected
rs.createRadiator(new TestRandomGenerator("AAA", "sseeccrreett"), "A");
rad = rs.get("AAA", "");
assertThat(rad.code, equalTo("AAA"));
use of com.paulhammant.buildradiator.model.RadiatorDoesntExist in project BuildRadiator by BuildRadiator.
the class RadiatorStore method get.
Radiator get(final String radCode, String ipAddress) {
Radiator radiator = this.actualRadiators.get(radCode);
if (radiator == null) {
radiator = getFromDataService(radCode);
if (radiator != null) {
actualRadiators.put(radCode, radiator);
radiatorLastSavedTimes.put(radCode, radiator.lastUpdated);
if (radiator != null) {
} else {
throw new RadiatorDoesntExist();
return radiator;