use of com.peterphi.configuration.service.git.ConfigRepository in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class ConfigGuiceModule method getRepository.
public ConfigRepository getRepository(@Named("repo.config.path") final File workingDirectory, @Named("repo.config.force-reclone-on-startup") final boolean reclone, @Named("repo.config.remote") final String remote) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, GitAPIException {"Repo path " + workingDirectory + ", reclone: " + reclone);
if (reclone && workingDirectory.exists()) {"Recloning " + workingDirectory);
File[] files = workingDirectory.listFiles();
if (files != null)
for (File file : files) {
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to delete local checkout contents but did not succeed. File was: " + file);
final File gitDir = new File(workingDirectory, ".git");
final boolean newlyCreated;
// Create the git repository if it doesn't already exist
if (!gitDir.exists()) {"Initialising new git dir at: " + workingDirectory);
InitCommand init = new InitCommand();
newlyCreated = true;
} else {
newlyCreated = false;
FileRepositoryBuilder frb = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
Repository repo = frb.setGitDir(gitDir).readEnvironment().findGitDir().build();
final boolean hasRemote = !remote.equalsIgnoreCase("none");
final CredentialsProvider credentials;
if (hasRemote) {
// Try to extract username/password from the remote URL
final URIish uri = new URIish(remote);
if (uri.getUser() != null && uri.getPass() != null)
credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(uri.getUser(), uri.getPass());
credentials = null;
} else {
credentials = null;
if (newlyCreated) {
// Add the remote and pull from it
if (hasRemote) {
RepoHelper.addRemote(repo, "origin", remote);
RepoHelper.pull(repo, "origin", credentials);
Git git = new Git(repo);
// If there are no commits in this repository, create one
if (!git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator().hasNext()) {
git.commit().setAll(true).setAuthor("system", "system@localhost").setMessage("initial commit").call();
if (hasRemote)
RepoHelper.push(repo, "origin", credentials);
return new ConfigRepository(repo, hasRemote, credentials);