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Example 1 with AuthScope

use of com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.AuthScope in project stdlib by petergeneric.

the class AuthConstraintMethodInterceptor method invoke.

public Object invoke(final MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    // Never handle calls to base methods (like hashCode, toString, etc.)
    if (invocation.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class))
        return invocation.proceed();
    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
        log.trace("Check authn for: " + invocation.getMethod());
    // Skip auth if we're not inside a Servlet call and we are only to enforce auth constraints on service calls
    if (onlyServletRequest && HttpCallContext.peek() == null) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("Skip authn, should only run on servlet requests and this is not a servlet request");
        return invocation.proceed();
    final AuthConstraint constraint = readConstraint(invocation);
    final CurrentUser user = userProvider.get();
    if (user == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provider for CurrentUser returned null! Cannot apply AuthConstraint to method " + invocation.getMethod());
    // Acquire the auth scope (for constraint override)
    final AuthScope scope = getScope(constraint);
    // Test the user
    if (passes(scope, constraint, user)) {
        return invocation.proceed();
    } else {
        if (!user.isAnonymous())
        // Throw an exception to refuse access
        throw user.getAccessRefuser().refuse(scope, constraint, user);
Also used : CurrentUser(com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.iface.CurrentUser) AuthConstraint(com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.annotations.AuthConstraint) AuthScope(com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.AuthScope)

Example 2 with AuthScope

use of com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.AuthScope in project stdlib by petergeneric.

the class AuthConstraintMethodInterceptor method getScope.

private AuthScope getScope(final String id) {
    AuthScope scope = scopes.getIfPresent(id);
    if (scope == null) {
        final String role;
        final Boolean skip;
        if (StringUtils.equals(SCOPE_DEFAULT, id)) {
            role = config.get(GuiceProperties.AUTHZ_DEFAULT_ROLE, null);
            skip = config.getBoolean(GuiceProperties.AUTHZ_DEFAULT_SKIP, true);
        } else {
            role = config.get("framework.webauth.scope." + id + ".role", null);
            skip = config.getBoolean("framework.webauth.scope." + id + ".skip", null);
        scope = new AuthScope(id, role, skip);
        scopes.put(id, scope);
    return scope;
Also used : AuthScope(com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.AuthScope)


AuthScope (com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.AuthScope)2 AuthConstraint (com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.annotations.AuthConstraint)1 CurrentUser (com.peterphi.std.guice.common.auth.iface.CurrentUser)1