use of in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class RedirectToOAuthAccessRefuser method refuse.
public Throwable refuse(final AuthScope scope, final AuthConstraint constraint, final CurrentUser login) {
final RestException accessDeniedException = new RestException(403, "You do not have sufficient privileges to access this resource" + (constraint != null ? ": " + constraint.comment() : "") + ". Required role: " + scope.getRole(constraint) + ". You are: anonymous=" + login.isAnonymous() + ", browser=" + isBrowserConsumer());
// If the user is logged in, deny access with a 403
if (!login.isAnonymous()) {
throw accessDeniedException;
} else if (!isBrowserConsumer()) {
// Non-browser consumer, send back an HTTP 401 immediately
// TODO allow configuration of Basic with a realm?
Response tryBasicAuth = Response.status(401).header("WWW-Authenticate", "Bearer").build();
throw new LiteralRestResponseException(tryBasicAuth, accessDeniedException);
} else if (!isGETRequest()) {
// Don't redirect requests other than GET (the browser will retry the POST/PUT/DELETE/etc. against the redirect endpoint!
throw new RestException(401, "You must log in to access this resource! Could not redirect you to the login provider because you were submitting a form, not requesting a page. Please return to the main page of the application and proceed to log in", accessDeniedException);
} else {
// Start an authorisation flow with the OAuth2 provider
final OAuth2SessionRef sessionRef = sessionRefProvider.get();
final URI redirectTo = sessionRef.getAuthFlowStartEndpoint(getRequestURI(), null);
throw new LiteralRestResponseException(Response.seeOther(redirectTo).build(), accessDeniedException);
use of in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class RedirectToLoginAccessRefuser method refuse.
public Throwable refuse(final AuthScope scope, final AuthConstraint constraint, final CurrentUser login) {
AuthenticationFailureException exception = new AuthenticationFailureException("You do not have sufficient privileges to access this resource" + (constraint != null ? ": " + constraint.comment() : "") + ". Required role: " + scope.getRole(constraint));
if (!login.isAnonymous()) {
throw exception;
} else {
final UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromPath("/login");
// Try to populate returnTo with the page the user tried to access
if (HttpCallContext.peek() != null) {
final HttpServletRequest request = HttpCallContext.get().getRequest();
// Apply a heuristic to determine if this is a service or browser request
if (!isBrowserConsumer(request)) {
// Non-browser consumer, send back an HTTP 401 immediately
Response tryBasicAuth = Response.status(401).header("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"user manager\"").build();
throw new LiteralRestResponseException(tryBasicAuth, exception);
} else {
// Don't redirect POST/HEAD/PUT requests to the login page
if (!request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("GET"))
throw exception;
builder.queryParam("returnTo", getRequestURI(request));
builder.queryParam("errorText", "You must log in to access this page.");
final Response response = Response.seeOther(;
throw new LiteralRestResponseException(response, exception);