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Example 1 with TiClientInternalException

use of com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException in project tispark by pingcap.

the class TiDAGRequest method buildScan.

 * Unify indexScan and tableScan building logic since they are very much alike. DAGRequest for
 * IndexScan should also contain filters and aggregation, so we can reuse this part of logic.
 * <p>DAGRequest is made up of a chain of executors with strict orders: TableScan/IndexScan >
 * Selection > Aggregation > TopN/Limit a DAGRequest must contain one and only one TableScan or
 * IndexScan.
 * @param buildIndexScan whether the dagRequest to build should be an {@link
 *     com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.IndexScan}
 * @return final DAGRequest built
private DAGRequest.Builder buildScan(boolean buildIndexScan, List<Integer> outputOffsets) {
    long id = getPhysicalId();
    checkNotNull(startTs, "startTs is null");
    checkArgument(startTs.getVersion() != 0, "timestamp is 0");
    DAGRequest.Builder dagRequestBuilder = DAGRequest.newBuilder();
    Executor.Builder executorBuilder = Executor.newBuilder();
    IndexScan.Builder indexScanBuilder = IndexScan.newBuilder();
    TableScan.Builder tblScanBuilder = TableScan.newBuilder();
    // find a column's offset in fields
    Map<String, Integer> colOffsetInFieldMap = new HashMap<>();
    // find a column's position in index
    Map<String, Integer> colPosInIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
    if (buildIndexScan) {
        // IndexScan
        if (indexInfo == null) {
            throw new TiClientInternalException("Index is empty for index scan");
        List<TiColumnInfo> columnInfoList = tableInfo.getColumns();
        boolean hasPk = false;
        // We extract index column info
        List<Integer> indexColOffsets = indexInfo.getIndexColumns().stream().map(TiIndexColumn::getOffset).collect(Collectors.toList());
        int idxPos = 0;
        // for index scan builder, columns are added by its order in index
        for (Integer idx : indexColOffsets) {
            TiColumnInfo tiColumnInfo = columnInfoList.get(idx);
            ColumnInfo columnInfo = tiColumnInfo.toProto(tableInfo);
            colPosInIndexMap.put(tiColumnInfo.getName(), idxPos++);
            ColumnInfo.Builder colBuilder = ColumnInfo.newBuilder(columnInfo);
            if (columnInfo.getColumnId() == -1) {
                hasPk = true;
        int colCount = indexScanBuilder.getColumnsCount();
        if (isDoubleRead()) {
            // TODO: we may merge indexDoubleRead and coveringIndexRead logic
            for (ColumnRef col : getFields()) {
                Integer pos = colPosInIndexMap.get(col.getName());
                if (pos != null) {
                    TiColumnInfo columnInfo = columnInfoList.get(indexColOffsets.get(pos));
                    if (col.matchName(columnInfo.getName())) {
                        colOffsetInFieldMap.put(col.getName(), pos);
                // TODO: primary key may also be considered if pkIsHandle
            // double read case
            if (!hasPk) {
                // add handle column
                if (!tableInfo.isCommonHandle()) {
                } else {
                    for (TiIndexColumn col : tableInfo.getPrimaryKey().getIndexColumns()) {
            if (colCount == 0) {
                throw new DAGRequestException("Incorrect index scan with zero column count");
            if (!tableInfo.isCommonHandle()) {
                outputOffsets.add(colCount - 1);
            } else {
                int idxColSize = tableInfo.getPrimaryKey().getIndexColumns().size();
                for (int i = idxColSize; i >= 1; i--) {
                    outputOffsets.add(colCount - i);
        } else {
            boolean pkIsNeeded = false;
            // offset for dagRequest should be in accordance with fields
            for (ColumnRef col : getFields()) {
                Integer pos = colPosInIndexMap.get(col.getName());
                if (pos != null) {
                    TiColumnInfo columnInfo = columnInfoList.get(indexColOffsets.get(pos));
                    if (col.matchName(columnInfo.getName())) {
                        colOffsetInFieldMap.put(col.getName(), pos);
                } else // logically it must be the pk column. Extra check here.
                if (tableInfo.getColumn(col.getName()).isPrimaryKey()) {
                    pkIsNeeded = true;
                    // offset should be processed for each primary key encountered
                    // for index scan, column offset must be in the order of index->handle
                    colOffsetInFieldMap.put(col.getName(), indexColOffsets.size());
                } else {
                    throw new DAGRequestException("columns other than primary key and index key exist in fields while index single read: " + col.getName());
            // pk is not included in index but still needed
            if (pkIsNeeded) {
                if (!tableInfo.isCommonHandle()) {
        if (tableInfo.isCommonHandle()) {
            for (TiIndexColumn col : tableInfo.getPrimaryKey().getIndexColumns()) {
    } else {
        // TableScan
        if (tableInfo.isCommonHandle()) {
            for (TiIndexColumn col : tableInfo.getPrimaryKey().getIndexColumns()) {
        // Step1. Add columns to first executor
        int lastOffset = 0;
        for (ColumnRef col : getFields()) {
            // can't allow duplicated col added into executor.
            if (!colOffsetInFieldMap.containsKey(col.getName())) {
                colOffsetInFieldMap.put(col.getName(), lastOffset);
            // column offset should be in accordance with fields
    boolean isIndexDoubleScan = buildIndexScan && isDoubleRead();
    // Should build these executors when performing CoveringIndexScan/TableScan
    // clear executorBuilder
    // Step2. Add others
    // Or make sure the construction order is below:
    // TableScan/IndexScan > Selection > Aggregation > TopN/Limit
    Expression whereExpr = mergeCNFExpressions(getFilters());
    if (whereExpr != null) {
        if (!isIndexDoubleScan || isExpressionCoveredByIndex(whereExpr)) {
            dagRequestBuilder.addExecutors(executorBuilder.setSelection(Selection.newBuilder().addConditions(ProtoConverter.toProto(whereExpr, colOffsetInFieldMap))));
        } else {
            return dagRequestBuilder;
    if (!getGroupByItems().isEmpty() || !getAggregates().isEmpty()) {
        // only allow table scan or covering index scan push down groupby and agg
        if (!isIndexDoubleScan || (isGroupByCoveredByIndex() && isAggregateCoveredByIndex())) {
            pushDownAggAndGroupBy(dagRequestBuilder, executorBuilder, outputOffsets, colOffsetInFieldMap);
        } else {
            return dagRequestBuilder;
    if (!getOrderByItems().isEmpty()) {
        if (!isIndexDoubleScan || isOrderByCoveredByIndex()) {
            // only allow table scan or covering index scan push down orderby
            pushDownOrderBy(dagRequestBuilder, executorBuilder, colOffsetInFieldMap);
    } else if (getLimit() != 0) {
        if (!isIndexDoubleScan) {
            pushDownLimit(dagRequestBuilder, executorBuilder);
    return dagRequestBuilder;
Also used : IndexScan(com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.IndexScan) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ColumnInfo(com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.ColumnInfo) Executor(com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.Executor) TiClientInternalException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException) DAGRequest(com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.DAGRequest) DAGRequestException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.DAGRequestException) TableScan(com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.TableScan) Expression(com.pingcap.tikv.expression.Expression) ColumnRef(com.pingcap.tikv.expression.ColumnRef)

Example 2 with TiClientInternalException

use of com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException in project tispark by pingcap.

the class RegionManager method getRegionStorePairByKey.

public Pair<TiRegion, Store> getRegionStorePairByKey(ByteString key, TiStoreType storeType, BackOffer backOffer) {
    TiRegion region = cache.getRegionByKey(key, backOffer);
    if (region == null) {
        throw new TiClientInternalException("Region not exist for key:" + formatBytesUTF8(key));
    if (!region.isValid()) {
        throw new TiClientInternalException("Region invalid: " + region.toString());
    Store store = null;
    if (storeType == TiStoreType.TiKV) {
        Peer leader = region.getLeader();
        store = cache.getStoreById(leader.getStoreId(), backOffer);
    } else {
        outerLoop: for (Peer peer : region.getLearnerList()) {
            Store s = getStoreById(peer.getStoreId(), backOffer);
            for (Metapb.StoreLabel label : s.getLabelsList()) {
                if (label.getKey().equals(storeType.getLabelKey()) && label.getValue().equals(storeType.getLabelValue())) {
                    store = s;
                    break outerLoop;
        if (store == null) {
            // clear the region cache so we may get the learner peer next time
            cache.invalidateRange(region.getStartKey(), region.getEndKey());
    if (store == null) {
        throw new TiClientInternalException("Cannot find valid store on " + storeType + " for region " + region.toString());
    return Pair.create(region, store);
Also used : TiClientInternalException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException) Peer(org.tikv.kvproto.Metapb.Peer) Store(org.tikv.kvproto.Metapb.Store)

Example 3 with TiClientInternalException

use of com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException in project tispark by pingcap.

the class RegionStoreClient method isPrewriteSuccess.

 * @param backOffer backOffer
 * @param resp response
 * @return Return true means the rpc call success. Return false means the rpc call fail,
 *     RegionStoreClient should retry. Throw an Exception means the rpc call fail,
 *     RegionStoreClient cannot handle this kind of error
 * @throws TiClientInternalException
 * @throws RegionException
 * @throws KeyException
private boolean isPrewriteSuccess(BackOffer backOffer, PrewriteResponse resp, long startTs) throws TiClientInternalException, KeyException, RegionException {
    boolean forWrite = true;
    if (resp == null) {
        throw new TiClientInternalException("Prewrite Response failed without a cause");
    if (resp.hasRegionError()) {
        throw new RegionException(resp.getRegionError());
    boolean isSuccess = true;
    List<Lock> locks = new ArrayList<>();
    for (KeyError err : resp.getErrorsList()) {
        if (err.hasLocked()) {
            isSuccess = false;
            Lock lock = new Lock(err.getLocked());
        } else {
            throw new KeyException(err.toString());
    if (isSuccess) {
        return true;
    ResolveLockResult resolveLockResult = lockResolverClient.resolveLocks(backOffer, startTs, locks, forWrite);
    addResolvedLocks(startTs, resolveLockResult.getResolvedLocks());
    long msBeforeExpired = resolveLockResult.getMsBeforeTxnExpired();
    if (msBeforeExpired > 0) {
        backOffer.doBackOffWithMaxSleep(BoTxnLock, msBeforeExpired, new KeyException(resp.getErrorsList().get(0)));
    return false;
Also used : KeyError(org.tikv.kvproto.Kvrpcpb.KeyError) TiClientInternalException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResolveLockResult(com.pingcap.tikv.txn.ResolveLockResult) RegionException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.RegionException) KeyException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.KeyException) Lock(com.pingcap.tikv.txn.Lock) BoTxnLock(com.pingcap.tikv.util.BackOffFunction.BackOffFuncType.BoTxnLock)

Example 4 with TiClientInternalException

use of com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException in project tispark by pingcap.

the class LockResolverClientV4 method resolveLock.

private void resolveLock(BackOffer bo, Lock lock, TxnStatus txnStatus, Set<RegionVerID> cleanRegion) {
    boolean cleanWholeRegion = lock.getTxnSize() >= BIG_TXN_THRESHOLD;
    while (true) {
        region = regionManager.getRegionByKey(lock.getKey());
        if (cleanRegion.contains(region.getVerID())) {
        Kvrpcpb.ResolveLockRequest.Builder builder = Kvrpcpb.ResolveLockRequest.newBuilder().setContext(region.getContext()).setStartVersion(lock.getTxnID());
        if (txnStatus.isCommitted()) {
            // txn is committed with commitTS txnStatus
        if (lock.getTxnSize() < BIG_TXN_THRESHOLD) {
            // Only resolve specified keys when it is a small transaction,
            // prevent from scanning the whole region in this case.
        Supplier<Kvrpcpb.ResolveLockRequest> factory = builder::build;
        KVErrorHandler<Kvrpcpb.ResolveLockResponse> handler = new KVErrorHandler<>(regionManager, this, this, resp -> resp.hasRegionError() ? resp.getRegionError() : null, resp -> resp.hasError() ? resp.getError() : null, resolveLockResult -> null, 0L, false);
        Kvrpcpb.ResolveLockResponse resp = callWithRetry(bo, TikvGrpc.getKvResolveLockMethod(), factory, handler);
        if (resp == null) {
            logger.error("getKvResolveLockMethod failed without a cause");
            bo.doBackOff(BoRegionMiss, new TiClientInternalException("getKvResolveLockMethod failed without a cause"));
        if (resp.hasRegionError()) {
            bo.doBackOff(BoRegionMiss, new RegionException(resp.getRegionError()));
        if (resp.hasError()) {
            logger.error(String.format("unexpected resolveLock err: %s, lock: %s", resp.getError(), lock));
            throw new KeyException(resp.getError());
        if (cleanWholeRegion) {
Also used : TiClientInternalException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException) Kvrpcpb(org.tikv.kvproto.Kvrpcpb) KVErrorHandler(com.pingcap.tikv.operation.KVErrorHandler) RegionException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.RegionException) KeyException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.KeyException)

Example 5 with TiClientInternalException

use of com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException in project tispark by pingcap.

the class PDErrorHandler method handleResponseError.

public boolean handleResponseError(BackOffer backOffer, RespT resp) {
    if (resp == null) {
        return false;
    PDError error = getError.apply(resp);
    if (error != null) {
        switch(error.getErrorType()) {
            case PD_ERROR:
                backOffer.doBackOff(BackOffFunction.BackOffFuncType.BoPDRPC, new GrpcException(error.toString()));
                return true;
            case REGION_PEER_NOT_ELECTED:
                backOffer.doBackOff(BackOffFunction.BackOffFuncType.BoPDRPC, new GrpcException(error.toString()));
                return true;
                throw new TiClientInternalException("Unknown error type encountered: " + error);
    return false;
Also used : TiClientInternalException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException) GrpcException(com.pingcap.tikv.exception.GrpcException) PDError(com.pingcap.tikv.pd.PDError)


TiClientInternalException (com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiClientInternalException)25 KeyException (com.pingcap.tikv.exception.KeyException)11 RegionException (com.pingcap.tikv.exception.RegionException)10 KVErrorHandler (com.pingcap.tikv.operation.KVErrorHandler)10 Kvrpcpb (org.tikv.kvproto.Kvrpcpb)7 ByteString ( TiRegion (com.pingcap.tikv.region.TiRegion)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 RegionStoreClient (com.pingcap.tikv.region.RegionStoreClient)5 GrpcException (com.pingcap.tikv.exception.GrpcException)4 AbstractRegionStoreClient (com.pingcap.tikv.region.AbstractRegionStoreClient)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 TiKVException (com.pingcap.tikv.exception.TiKVException)3 Lock (com.pingcap.tikv.txn.Lock)3 ResolveLockResult (com.pingcap.tikv.txn.ResolveLockResult)3 BoTxnLock (com.pingcap.tikv.util.BackOffFunction.BackOffFuncType.BoTxnLock)3 List (java.util.List)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 DAGRequest (com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.DAGRequest)2 SelectResponse (com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.SelectResponse)2