use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiIndexInfo in project tispark by pingcap.
the class TiKVScanAnalyzerTest method extractConditionsTest.
public void extractConditionsTest() {
TiTableInfo table = createTable();
TiIndexInfo index = table.getIndices().get(0);
Expression eq1 = equal(ColumnRef.create("c1", table), Constant.create(0, IntegerType.INT));
Expression eq2 = equal(ColumnRef.create("c2", table), Constant.create("test", StringType.VARCHAR));
Expression le1 = lessEqual(ColumnRef.create("c3", table), Constant.create("fxxx", StringType.VARCHAR));
// Last one should be pushed back
Expression eq3 = equal(ColumnRef.create("c4", table), Constant.create("fxxx", StringType.VARCHAR));
List<Expression> exprs = ImmutableList.of(eq1, eq2, le1, eq3);
ScanSpec result = TiKVScanAnalyzer.extractConditions(exprs, table, index);
assertEquals(1, result.getResidualPredicates().size());
assertEquals(eq3, result.getResidualPredicates().toArray()[0]);
assertEquals(2, result.getPointPredicates().size());
assertEquals(eq1, result.getPointPredicates().get(0));
assertEquals(eq2, result.getPointPredicates().get(1));
assertEquals(le1, result.getRangePredicate().get());
use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiIndexInfo in project tispark by pingcap.
the class TiKVScanAnalyzerTest method TestCoveringIndex.
public void TestCoveringIndex() {
InternalTypeHolder holder = new InternalTypeHolder(MySQLType.TypeVarchar.getTypeCode(), 0, // indicating a prefix type
3, 0, "", "", ImmutableList.of());
Map<String, DataType> dataTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
dataTypeMap.put("id", IntegerType.INT);
dataTypeMap.put("a", IntegerType.INT);
dataTypeMap.put("b", IntegerType.INT);
dataTypeMap.put("c", IntegerType.INT);
dataTypeMap.put("holder", DataTypeFactory.of(holder));
Map<String, Integer> offsetMap = new HashMap<>();
offsetMap.put("id", 0);
offsetMap.put("a", 1);
offsetMap.put("b", 2);
offsetMap.put("c", 3);
offsetMap.put("holder", 4);
class test {
private final String[] columnNames;
private final String[] indexNames;
private final int[] indexLens;
private final boolean isCovering;
private test(String[] col, String[] idx, int[] idxLen, boolean result) {
columnNames = col;
indexNames = idx;
indexLens = idxLen;
isCovering = result;
private String[] getColumnNames() {
return columnNames;
private String[] getIndexNames() {
return indexNames;
private int[] getIndexLens() {
return indexLens;
final test[] tests = { new test(new String[] { "a" }, new String[] { "a" }, new int[] { -1 }, true), new test(new String[] { "a" }, new String[] { "a", "b" }, new int[] { -1, -1 }, true), new test(new String[] { "a", "b" }, new String[] { "b", "a" }, new int[] { -1, -1 }, true), new test(new String[] { "a", "b" }, new String[] { "b", "c" }, new int[] { -1, -1 }, false), new test(new String[] { "holder", "b" }, new String[] { "holder", "b" }, new int[] { 50, -1 }, false), new test(new String[] { "a", "b" }, new String[] { "a", "c" }, new int[] { -1, -1 }, false), new test(new String[] { "id", "a" }, new String[] { "a", "b" }, new int[] { -1, -1 }, true) };
TiKVScanAnalyzer scanBuilder = new TiKVScanAnalyzer();
for (test t : tests) {
List<TiColumnInfo> columns = new ArrayList<>();
List<TiIndexColumn> indexCols = new ArrayList<>();
boolean pkIsHandle = false;
for (int i = 0; i < t.getColumnNames().length; i++) {
String colName = t.getColumnNames()[i];
if (colName.equals("id")) {
pkIsHandle = true;
columns.add(new TiColumnInfo(offsetMap.get(colName), colName, i, dataTypeMap.get(colName), colName.equals("id")));
for (int i = 0; i < t.getIndexNames().length; i++) {
String idxName = t.getIndexNames()[i];
int idxLen = t.getIndexLens()[i];
indexCols.add(new TiIndexColumn(CIStr.newCIStr(idxName), offsetMap.get(idxName), idxLen));
TiIndexInfo indexInfo = new TiIndexInfo(1, CIStr.newCIStr("test_idx"), CIStr.newCIStr("testTable"), ImmutableList.copyOf(indexCols), false, false, SchemaState.StatePublic.getStateCode(), "Test Index", IndexType.IndexTypeBtree.getTypeCode(), false, false);
boolean isCovering = scanBuilder.isCoveringIndex(columns, indexInfo, pkIsHandle);
assertEquals(t.isCovering, isCovering);
use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiIndexInfo in project tispark by pingcap.
the class TiKVScanAnalyzerTest method buildTableScanKeyRangeTest.
public void buildTableScanKeyRangeTest() {
// This test also covers partitioned table. When it comes to partitioned table
// we need to build key range from table ids(collect from partition definitions)
TiTableInfo table = createTableWithIndex(6, 5);
TiIndexInfo pkIndex = TiIndexInfo.generateFakePrimaryKeyIndex(table);
Expression eq1 = lessThan(ColumnRef.create("c1", table), Constant.create(3, IntegerType.INT));
List<Expression> exprs = ImmutableList.of(eq1);
ScanSpec result = TiKVScanAnalyzer.extractConditions(exprs, table, pkIndex);
List<IndexRange> irs = expressionToIndexRanges(result.getPointPredicates(), result.getRangePredicate(), table, pkIndex);
TiKVScanAnalyzer scanAnalyzer = new TiKVScanAnalyzer();
Map<Long, List<Coprocessor.KeyRange>> keyRanges = scanAnalyzer.buildTableScanKeyRange(table, irs, null);
assertEquals(keyRanges.size(), 1);
Coprocessor.KeyRange keyRange = keyRanges.get(table.getId()).get(0);
assertEquals(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] { 116, -128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 95, 114, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), keyRange.getStart());
assertEquals(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] { 116, -128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 95, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), keyRange.getEnd());