use of com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleGattCharacteristicException in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class BlueJayService method sendTime.
// Not using packet queue due to reactive time sensitive nature
private void sendTime() {
final String func = "SetTime";
final SetTimeTx outbound = new SetTimeTx();
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Outbound: " + bytesToHex(outbound.getBytes()));
I.connection.writeCharacteristic(THINJAM_WRITE, outbound.getBytes()).subscribe(response -> {
SetTimeTx reply = new SetTimeTx(response);
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, func + " response: " + bytesToHex(response) + " " + reply.toS());
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Time difference with watch: " + ((outbound.getTimestamp() - reply.getTimestamp()) / 1000d));
}, throwable -> {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Failed to write " + func + " request: " + throwable);
if (throwable instanceof BleGattCharacteristicException) {
final int status = ((BleGattCharacteristicException) throwable).getStatus();
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Got status message: " + Helper.getStatusName(status));
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Throwable in " + func + " " + throwable);
if (throwable instanceof BleCharacteristicNotFoundException) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Assuming wrong firmware version");
} else {
use of com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleGattCharacteristicException in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class BlueJayService method requestBulk.
private synchronized void requestBulk(final ThinJamItem item) {
if (item.buffer == null) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "ThinJamItem buffer is null! " + item.toS());
if (item.inProgress) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Blocking duplicate request for in progress item: " + item.queuedTimestamp);
item.inProgress = true;
final BulkUpRequestTx packet = new BulkUpRequestTx(item.type, item.getId(), BulkUpRequestTx.encodeLength(item.sequence, item.buffer.length), item.buffer, item.quiet);
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk request request: " + item.sequence + " " + bytesToHex(packet.getBytes()));
// value will get notification result itself
if (I.connection == null) {
item.inProgress = false;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Connection is null skipping");
I.connection.writeCharacteristic(THINJAM_WRITE, packet.getBytes()).subscribe(response -> {
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk request response: " + bytesToHex(response));
if (packet.responseOk(response)) {
lastBulkOk = tsl();
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk channel opcode: " + packet.getBulkUpOpcode(response));
bulkSend(packet.getBulkUpOpcode(response), item.buffer, 15, item.quiet);
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk request failed: " + packet.responseText(response));
if (packet.responseText(response).toLowerCase().contains("busy") && item.retryCounterOk()) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Device is busy, scheduling retry");
Inevitable.task("bulk-retry-" + item.toS(), 3000, () -> {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Retrying requestBulk: " + item.toS());
item.inProgress = false;
} else if (packet.responseText(response).toLowerCase().contains("out of range") || packet.responseText(response).toLowerCase().contains("unknown error")) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Setting item to not retry again due to out of range");
item.inProgress = false;
Inevitable.task("tj-next-queue", 0, this::processQueue);
item.inProgress = false;
}, throwable -> {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Failed to write bulk request: " + throwable);
if (throwable instanceof BleGattCharacteristicException) {
final int status = ((BleGattCharacteristicException) throwable).getStatus();
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Got status message: " + Helper.getStatusName(status));
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Throwable in Bulk End write: " + throwable);
item.inProgress = false;
use of com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleGattCharacteristicException in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class BlueJayService method bulkSend.
// write the data packets
private void bulkSend(final int opcode, final byte[] buffer, final int offset, boolean quiet) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "bulksend called: opcode " + opcode + " total " + buffer.length + " offset: " + offset + " quiet:" + quiet);
if (buffer != null && offset < buffer.length) {
final BulkUpTx packet = (opcode >= OPCODE_BULK_R_XFER_0 ? new RBulkUpTx(opcode, buffer, offset) : new BulkUpTx(opcode, buffer, offset));
if (quiet) {
if (offset == 0) {
// reset counter as this is new bulk up
revisedOffset = 0;
lastActionedRevisedOffset = -1;
// TODO we should check it if we have failed to act on revised offset
I.connection.writeCharacteristic(quiet ? THINJAM_BULK : THINJAM_WRITE, packet.getBytes()).observeOn(Schedulers.newThread()).subscribe(response -> {
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk Up Send response: " + bytesToHex(response));
if (packet.responseOk(response)) {
// WARNING recursion
final int nextOffset;
if (revisedOffset != 0 && revisedOffset < offset && revisedOffset != lastActionedRevisedOffset) {
// TODO we only catch this if we send a packet
nextOffset = revisedOffset;
lastActionedRevisedOffset = nextOffset;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Retrying bulk send from: " + nextOffset);
} else {
nextOffset = offset + packet.getBytesIncluded();
revisedOffset = 0;
if (nextOffset < buffer.length) {
if (!quiet) {
} else {
bulkSend(opcode, buffer, nextOffset, packet.isQuiet());
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk send completed!");
if (!(packet instanceof RBulkUpTx)) {
// removes first item from the queue which should be the one we just processed!
Inevitable.task("tj-next-queue", 10, this::processQueue);
} else {
// wait 1 second and then retry this upload if we get success reply notification then we remove it elsewhere
Inevitable.task("tj-next-queue", 4000, this::processQueue);
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk Send failed: " + packet.responseText(response));
if (!quiet) {
// retry shortly
Inevitable.task("tj-next-queue", 20000, this::processQueue);
if (JoH.ratelimit("tj-allow-bulk-retry", 2)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Retrying packet");
// retry packet send
bulkSend(opcode, buffer, offset, quiet);
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Quiet is set so not attempting any response to failure here");
}, throwable -> {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Failed to write bulk Send: " + throwable);
if (throwable instanceof BleGattCharacteristicException) {
final int status = ((BleGattCharacteristicException) throwable).getStatus();
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Got status message: " + Helper.getStatusName(status));
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Throwable in Bulk SEnd write: " + throwable);
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Invalid buffer in bulkSend");
Inevitable.task("tj-next-queue", 4000, this::processQueue);
use of com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleGattCharacteristicException in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class Ob1G5StateMachine method doGetData.
// Get Data
public static boolean doGetData(Ob1G5CollectionService parent, RxBleConnection connection) {
if (connection == null)
return false;
// TODO switch modes depending on conditions as to whether we are using internal
final boolean use_g5_internal_alg = Pref.getBooleanDefaultFalse("ob1_g5_use_transmitter_alg");
UserError.Log.d(TAG, use_g5_internal_alg ? ("Requesting Glucose Data " + (usingG6() ? "G6" : "G5")) : "Requesting Sensor Data");
if (!use_g5_internal_alg) {
// not applicable
parent.lastSensorStatus = null;
parent.lastUsableGlucosePacketTime = 0;
connection.setupIndication(Control).doOnNext(notificationObservable -> {
if (d)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Notifications enabled");
connection.writeCharacteristic(Control, nn(use_g5_internal_alg ? (getEGlucose() ? new EGlucoseTxMessage().byteSequence : new GlucoseTxMessage().byteSequence) : new SensorTxMessage().byteSequence)).subscribe(characteristicValue -> {
if (d)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Wrote SensorTxMessage request");
}, throwable -> {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Failed to write SensorTxMessage: " + throwable);
if (throwable instanceof BleGattCharacteristicException) {
final int status = ((BleGattCharacteristicException) throwable).getStatus();
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Got status message: " + getStatusName(status));
if (status == 8) {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Request rejected due to Insufficient Authorization failure!");
}).flatMap(notificationObservable -> notificationObservable).timeout(6, TimeUnit.SECONDS).subscribe(bytes -> {
// incoming data notifications
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Received indication bytes: " + JoH.bytesToHex(bytes));
final PacketShop data_packet = classifyPacket(bytes);
switch(data_packet.type) {
case SensorRxMessage:
try {
checkVersionAndBattery(parent, connection);
} finally {
processSensorRxMessage((SensorRxMessage) data_packet.msg);
parent.msg("Got data");
case VersionRequest1RxMessage:
if (!setStoredFirmwareBytes(getTransmitterID(), 1, bytes, true)) {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Could not save out firmware version!");
nextBackFillCheckSize = BACKFILL_CHECK_LARGE;
if (JoH.ratelimit("g6-evaluate", 600)) {
Inevitable.task("evaluteG6Settings", 10000, () -> evaluateG6Settings());
case VersionRequestRxMessage:
if (!setStoredFirmwareBytes(getTransmitterID(), 0, bytes, true)) {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Could not save out firmware version!");
nextBackFillCheckSize = BACKFILL_CHECK_LARGE;
if (JoH.ratelimit("g6-evaluate", 600)) {
Inevitable.task("evaluteG6Settings", 10000, () -> evaluateG6Settings());
case VersionRequest2RxMessage:
if (!setStoredFirmwareBytes(getTransmitterID(), 2, bytes, true)) {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Could not save out firmware version!");
nextBackFillCheckSize = BACKFILL_CHECK_LARGE;
if (JoH.ratelimit("g6-evaluate", 600)) {
Inevitable.task("evaluteG6Settings", 10000, () -> evaluateG6Settings());
case BatteryInfoRxMessage:
if (!setStoredBatteryBytes(getTransmitterID(), bytes)) {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Could not save out battery data!");
} else {
if (parent.android_wear) {
PersistentStore.setBoolean(G5_BATTERY_WEARABLE_SEND, true);
nextBackFillCheckSize = BACKFILL_CHECK_LARGE;
case SessionStartRxMessage:
final SessionStartRxMessage session_start = (SessionStartRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
if (session_start.isOkay()) {
// TODO persist this
parent.msg("Session Started Successfully: " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_start.getSessionStart()) + " " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_start.getRequestedStart()) + " " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_start.getTransmitterTime()));
} else {
final String msg = "Session Start Failed: " + session_start.message();
UserError.Log.ueh(TAG, msg);
JoH.showNotification(devName() + " Start Failed", msg, null, Constants.G5_START_REJECT, true, true, false);
UserError.Log.ueh(TAG, "Session Start failed info: " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_start.getSessionStart()) + " " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_start.getRequestedStart()) + " " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_start.getTransmitterTime()));
if (session_start.isFubar()) {
final long tk = DexTimeKeeper.getDexTime(getTransmitterID(), tsl());
if (tk > 0) {
DexResetHelper.offer("Unusual session start failure, is transmitter crashed? Try Hard Reset?");
} else {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "No reset as TimeKeeper reports invalid: " + tk);
if (Pref.getBooleanDefaultFalse("ob1_g5_restart_sensor") && (Sensor.isActive())) {
if (pratelimit("secondary-g5-start", 1800)) {
UserError.Log.ueh(TAG, "Trying to Start sensor again");
case SessionStopRxMessage:
final SessionStopRxMessage session_stop = (SessionStopRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
if (session_stop.isOkay()) {
// TODO persist this
final String msg = "Session Stopped Successfully: " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_stop.getSessionStart()) + " " + JoH.dateTimeText(session_stop.getSessionStop());
UserError.Log.ueh(TAG, msg);
enqueueUniqueCommand(new TimeTxMessage(), "Query time after stop");
} else {
// TODO what does an error when session isn't started look like? Probably best to downgrade those somewhat
final String msg = "Session Stop Failed: packet valid: " + session_stop.isValid() + " Status code: " + session_stop.getStatus();
UserError.Log.uel(TAG, msg);
case GlucoseRxMessage:
final GlucoseRxMessage glucose = (GlucoseRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
if (glucose.usable()) {
parent.msg("Got " + devName() + " glucose");
} else {
parent.msg("Got data from " + devName());
glucoseRxCommon(glucose, parent, connection);
// TODO base class duplication
case EGlucoseRxMessage:
final EGlucoseRxMessage eglucose = (EGlucoseRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
if (eglucose.usable()) {
parent.msg("Got G6 glucose");
} else {
parent.msg("Got data from G6");
glucoseRxCommon(eglucose, parent, connection);
case CalibrateRxMessage:
final CalibrateRxMessage calibrate = (CalibrateRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
if (calibrate.accepted()) {
parent.msg("Calibration accepted");
UserError.Log.ueh(TAG, "Calibration accepted by transmitter");
} else {
final String msg = "Calibration rejected: " + calibrate.message();, msg);
JoH.showNotification("Calibration rejected", msg, null, Constants.G5_CALIBRATION_REJECT, true, true, false);
case BackFillRxMessage:
final BackFillRxMessage backfill = (BackFillRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
if (backfill.valid()) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Backfill request confirmed");
} else {, "Backfill request corrupted!");
case TransmitterTimeRxMessage:
// This message is received every 120-125m
final TransmitterTimeRxMessage txtime = (TransmitterTimeRxMessage) data_packet.msg;
DexTimeKeeper.updateAge(getTransmitterID(), txtime.getCurrentTime(), true);
if (txtime.sessionInProgress()) {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Session start time reports: " + JoH.dateTimeText(txtime.getRealSessionStartTime()) + " Duration: " + JoH.niceTimeScalar(txtime.getSessionDuration()));
} else {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Session start time reports: No session in progress");
if (Pref.getBooleanDefaultFalse("ob1_g5_preemptive_restart")) {
int restartDaysThreshold = usingG6() ? 9 : 6;
if (txtime.getSessionDuration() > Constants.DAY_IN_MS * restartDaysThreshold && txtime.getSessionDuration() < Constants.MONTH_IN_MS) {
UserError.Log.uel(TAG, "Requesting preemptive session restart");
case F2DUnknownRxMessage:
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Received F2D message");
try {
checkVersionAndBattery(parent, connection);
} finally {
parent.msg("Got no raw");
// TODO verify if this is ok to do here
// TODO verify if this is ok to do here
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Got unknown packet rx: " + JoH.bytesToHex(bytes));
if (!queued(parent, connection)) {
inevitableDisconnect(parent, connection);
}, throwable -> {
if (!(throwable instanceof OperationSuccess)) {
if (throwable instanceof BleDisconnectedException) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Disconnected when waiting to receive indication: " + throwable);
} else {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Error receiving indication: " + throwable);
// throwable.printStackTrace();
disconnectNow(parent, connection);
return true;
use of com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleGattCharacteristicException in project xDrip-plus by jamorham.
the class BlueJayService method requestBulk.
private synchronized void requestBulk(final ThinJamItem item) {
if (item.buffer == null) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "ThinJamItem buffer is null! " + item.toS());
if (item.inProgress) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Blocking duplicate request for in progress item: " + item.queuedTimestamp);
item.inProgress = true;
final BulkUpRequestTx packet = new BulkUpRequestTx(item.type, item.getId(), BulkUpRequestTx.encodeLength(item.sequence, item.buffer.length), item.buffer, item.quiet);
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk request request: " + item.sequence + " " + bytesToHex(packet.getBytes()));
// value will get notification result itself
if (I.connection == null) {
item.inProgress = false;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Connection is null skipping");
I.connection.writeCharacteristic(THINJAM_WRITE, packet.getBytes()).subscribe(response -> {
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk request response: " + bytesToHex(response));
if (packet.responseOk(response)) {
lastBulkOk = tsl();
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk channel opcode: " + packet.getBulkUpOpcode(response));
bulkSend(packet.getBulkUpOpcode(response), item.buffer, 15, item.quiet);
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Bulk request failed: " + packet.responseText(response));
if (packet.responseText(response).toLowerCase().contains("busy") && item.retryCounterOk()) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Device is busy, scheduling retry");
Inevitable.task("bulk-retry-" + item.toS(), 3000, () -> {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Retrying requestBulk: " + item.toS());
item.inProgress = false;
} else if (packet.responseText(response).toLowerCase().contains("out of range") || packet.responseText(response).toLowerCase().contains("unknown error")) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Setting item to not retry again due to out of range");
item.inProgress = false;
Inevitable.task("tj-next-queue", 0, this::processQueue);
item.inProgress = false;
}, throwable -> {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Failed to write bulk request: " + throwable);
if (throwable instanceof BleGattCharacteristicException) {
final int status = ((BleGattCharacteristicException) throwable).getStatus();
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Got status message: " + Helper.getStatusName(status));
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Throwable in Bulk End write: " + throwable);
item.inProgress = false;