Search in sources :

Example 1 with Website

use of com.pratilipi.common.type.Website in project pratilipi by Pratilipi.

the class PratilipiSite method doGet.

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    DataAccessor dataAccessor = DataAccessorFactory.getDataAccessor();
    // Setting user's author profile's default language, if not set already
    if (UxModeFilter.getFilterLanguage() != null) {
        Author author = dataAccessor.getAuthorByUserId(AccessTokenFilter.getAccessToken().getUserId());
        if (author != null && author.getLanguage() == null) {
    String uri = request.getRequestURI();
    String canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getHostName() + uri;
    String alternateUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
    // User
    UserData userData = UserDataUtil.getCurrentUser();
    // BasicMode
    boolean basicMode = UxModeFilter.isBasicMode();
    // Language
    Language displayLanguage = UxModeFilter.getDisplayLanguage();
    Language filterLanguage = UxModeFilter.getFilterLanguage();
    // Navigation List
    List<Navigation> navigationList = dataAccessor.getNavigationList(filterLanguage == null ? Language.ENGLISH : filterLanguage);
    // Common resource list
    Set<String> resourceList = getResourceList(basicMode);
    Set<String> deferredResourceList = new HashSet<>();
    if (basicMode) {
    } else {
    // Load PWA
    boolean loadPWA = true;
    if (UxModeFilter.isCrawler())
        loadPWA = false;
    if (UxModeFilter.isBasicMode() && SystemProperty.STAGE.equals(SystemProperty.STAGE_PROD))
        loadPWA = false;
    if (uri.equals("/write") || uri.equals("/pratilipi-write") || uri.equals("/admin") || uri.startsWith("/admin/") || uri.equals("/edit-event") || uri.equals("/edit-blog"))
        loadPWA = false;
    if (uri.equals("/") && (UxModeFilter.getWebsite() == Website.ALL_LANGUAGE || UxModeFilter.getWebsite() == Website.GAMMA_ALL_LANGUAGE))
        loadPWA = false;
    // TODO: Hack - Remove it soon
    if (request.getParameter("loadPWA") != null) {
        loadPWA = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("loadPWA"));
    // Data Model for FreeMarker
    Map<String, Object> dataModel = null;
    String templateName = null;
    // ga_location
    String ga_location = null;
    try {
        // Search Engine Crawlers
        if (uri.equals("/sitemap") && SystemProperty.STAGE.equals(SystemProperty.STAGE_PROD)) {
            String content = PageDataUtil.getSitemap(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.SITEMAP_TYPE.getName()), request.getParameter(RequestParameter.SITEMAP_CURSOR.getName()), UxModeFilter.getWebsite(), basicMode);
            _dispatchResponse(content, "application/xml", "UTF-8", response);
        // Robots.txt
        if (uri.equals("/robots.txt")) {
            dataModel = new HashMap<>();
            dataModel.put("stage", SystemProperty.STAGE);
            templateName = templateFilePrefix + "RobotsTxt.ftl";
            String robotsTxt = FreeMarkerUtil.processTemplate(dataModel, templateName);
            _dispatchResponse(robotsTxt, "text/plain", "UTF-8", response);
        // PWA
        if (loadPWA) {
            templateName = "PWA.ftl";
            dataModel = new HashMap<>();
            // Hack: Not to minify the html file
            dataModel.put("stage", "pwa");
            dataModel.put("lang", displayLanguage.getCode());
            dataModel.put("language", displayLanguage);
            dataModel.put("templateName", templateName);
            String html = FreeMarkerUtil.processTemplate(dataModel, templateFilePrefix + "MainTemplate.ftl");
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "Website Version : Mark-7");
            _dispatchResponse(html, "text/html", "UTF-8", response);
        // Page Entity
        Page page = dataAccessor.getPage(uri);
        // Hard-coded links
        if (uri.equals("/")) {
            if (UxModeFilter.getWebsite() == Website.ALL_LANGUAGE || UxModeFilter.getWebsite() == Website.GAMMA_ALL_LANGUAGE) {
                ga_location = "MasterHomePage";
                dataModel = createDataModelForMasterHomePage(filterLanguage);
                templateName = "MasterHome.ftl";
            } else {
                ga_location = "HomePage";
                dataModel = createDataModelForHomePage(basicMode, filterLanguage);
                templateName = (basicMode ? "HomeBasic.ftl" : "Home.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/library")) {
            ga_location = "LibraryPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForLibraryPage(basicMode, filterLanguage);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "LibraryBasic.ftl" : "Library.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/notifications")) {
            ga_location = "NotificationsPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForNotificationsPage(filterLanguage, basicMode);
            if (request.getParameter("action") != null)
                dataModel.put("action", request.getParameter("action"));
            templateName = (basicMode ? "NotificationBasic.ftl" : "Notification.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/search")) {
            ga_location = "SearchPage";
            if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
                canonicalUrl = canonicalUrl + "?" + request.getQueryString();
                alternateUrl = alternateUrl + "?" + request.getQueryString();
            dataModel = createDataModelForSearchPage(basicMode, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "SearchBasic.ftl" : "Search.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/events")) {
            ga_location = "AllEventsPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForEventsPage(filterLanguage, basicMode);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "EventListBasic.ftl" : "EventList.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/followers")) {
            ga_location = "FollowersPage";
            Long authorId = null;
            if (request.getParameter(RequestParameter.AUTHOR_ID.getName()) != null) {
                authorId = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.AUTHOR_ID.getName()));
            } else {
                Long userId = AccessTokenFilter.getAccessToken().getUserId();
                if (userId != null && userId != 0L)
                    authorId = dataAccessor.getAuthorByUserId(userId).getId();
            Integer currentPage = request.getParameter(RequestParameter.LIST_PAGE_NUMBER.getName()) != null && !request.getParameter(RequestParameter.LIST_PAGE_NUMBER.getName()).trim().isEmpty() ? Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.LIST_PAGE_NUMBER.getName())) : 1;
            if (authorId == null) {
                dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                dataModel.put("title", SEOTitleUtil.getFollowersPageTitle(authorId, filterLanguage));
            } else {
                dataModel = createDataModelForFollowersPage(authorId, currentPage, filterLanguage, basicMode);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "FollowersListBasic.ftl" : "FollowersList.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/following")) {
            ga_location = "FollowingPage";
            Long userId = null;
            if (request.getParameter(RequestParameter.USER_ID.getName()) != null)
                userId = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.USER_ID.getName()));
                userId = AccessTokenFilter.getAccessToken().getUserId();
            Integer currentPage = request.getParameter(RequestParameter.LIST_PAGE_NUMBER.getName()) != null && !request.getParameter(RequestParameter.LIST_PAGE_NUMBER.getName()).trim().isEmpty() ? Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.LIST_PAGE_NUMBER.getName())) : 1;
            if (userId == null || userId == 0L) {
                dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                dataModel.put("title", SEOTitleUtil.getFollowersPageTitle(userId, filterLanguage));
            } else {
                dataModel = createDataModelForFollowingPage(userId, currentPage, filterLanguage, basicMode);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "FollowingListBasic.ftl" : "FollowingList.ftl");
        } else if (uri.equals("/pratilipi-2016")) {
            ga_location = "Pratilipi2016Page";
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Pratilipi in 2016");
            templateName = (basicMode ? "Pratilipi2016Basic.ftl" : "Pratilipi2016.ftl");
        // Master website specific links
        } else if (filterLanguage == null && uri.equals("/books")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.BOOK, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (filterLanguage == null && uri.equals("/stories")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.STORY, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (filterLanguage == null && uri.equals("/poems")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.POEM, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (filterLanguage == null && uri.equals("/articles")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.ARTICLE, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (filterLanguage == null && uri.equals("/magazines")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.MAGAZINE, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        // Gujarati website specific links
        } else if (filterLanguage == Language.GUJARATI && uri.equals("/short-stories")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.STORY, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (filterLanguage == Language.GUJARATI && uri.equals("/poetry")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.POEM, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (filterLanguage == Language.GUJARATI && uri.equals("/non-fiction")) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(PratilipiType.ARTICLE, basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        // Standard Mode links only
        } else if (!basicMode && uri.equals("/pratilipi-write")) {
            ga_location = "Writer";
            if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
                canonicalUrl = canonicalUrl + "?" + request.getQueryString();
                alternateUrl = alternateUrl + "?" + request.getQueryString();
            Long authorId = request.getParameter(RequestParameter.AUTHOR_ID.getName()) != null ? Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.AUTHOR_ID.getName())) : null;
            Long pratilipiId = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.CONTENT_ID.getName()));
            PratilipiV2Api.GetRequest pratilipiRequest = new PratilipiV2Api.GetRequest();
            PratilipiV2Api.Response pratilipiResponse = ApiRegistry.getApi(PratilipiV2Api.class).get(pratilipiRequest);
            PratilipiContentIndexApi.GetRequest indexReq = new PratilipiContentIndexApi.GetRequest();
            PratilipiContentIndexApi.Response indexResponse = ApiRegistry.getApi(PratilipiContentIndexApi.class).getIndex(indexReq);
            List<TagData> tags = TagDataUtil.getTags(pratilipiResponse.getLanguage(), pratilipiResponse.getType());
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", SEOTitleUtil.getWritePageTitle(pratilipiId, filterLanguage));
            dataModel.put("authorId", authorId);
            dataModel.put("pratilipiId", pratilipiId);
            dataModel.put("pratilipi", pratilipiResponse);
            dataModel.put("pratilipiJson", new Gson().toJson(pratilipiResponse));
            dataModel.put("indexJson", new Gson().toJson(indexResponse));
            dataModel.put("tags", tags);
            String action = request.getParameter("action");
            if (action != null)
                dataModel.put("action", action);
            templateName = "WriterV2.ftl";
        // Basic Mode links only
        } else if (basicMode && uri.equals("/account")) {
            ga_location = "AccountPage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "My Account");
            templateName = "AccountBasic.ftl";
        } else if (basicMode && uri.equals("/navigation")) {
            ga_location = "NavigationPage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Menu");
            dataModel.put("navigationList", navigationList);
            templateName = "NavigationBasic.ftl";
        } else if (basicMode && uri.equals("/updatepassword")) {
            ga_location = "UpdatePasswordPage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            if (request.getParameter(RequestParameter.PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_EMAIL.getName()) != null && request.getParameter(RequestParameter.PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_TOKEN.getName()) != null) {
                dataModel.put("passwordResetFromMail", true);
                dataModel.put("email", request.getParameter(RequestParameter.PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_EMAIL.getName()));
                dataModel.put("verificationToken", request.getParameter(RequestParameter.PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_TOKEN.getName()));
            dataModel.put("title", "Update Password");
            templateName = "PasswordUpdateBasic.ftl";
        } else if (basicMode && uri.equals("/share")) {
            ga_location = "SharePage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Share");
            templateName = "ShareBasic.ftl";
        } else if (uri.equals("/register") && basicMode) {
            ga_location = "RegisterPage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Register");
            templateName = "RegisterBasic.ftl";
        } else if (uri.equals("/login") && basicMode) {
            ga_location = "LoginPage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Login");
            templateName = "LoginBasic.ftl";
        } else if (uri.equals("/forgot-password") && basicMode) {
            ga_location = "ForgotPasswordPage";
            canonicalUrl = "http://" + UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName() + uri;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Reset Password");
            templateName = "PasswordResetBasic.ftl";
        // Internal links - Standard Version only
        } else if (!basicMode && uri.startsWith("/admin")) {
            ga_location = "AdminPage";
            if (uri.equals("/admin")) {
                dataModel = new HashMap<>();
                dataModel.put("title", "Pratilipi - Admin Access");
                templateName = "Admin.ftl";
            } else if (uri.equals("/admin/authors")) {
                dataModel = createDataModelForAuthorsPage(filterLanguage);
                templateName = "AuthorList.ftl";
            } else if (uri.equals("/admin/batch-process")) {
                dataModel = createDataModelForBatchProcessListPage();
                templateName = "BatchProcessList.ftl";
            } else if (uri.equals("/admin/email-templates")) {
                dataModel = createDataModelForEmailTemplatesPage(filterLanguage);
                templateName = "EmailTemplate.ftl";
            } else if (uri.equals("/admin/translations")) {
                dataModel = new HashMap<>();
                templateName = "Translation.ftl";
        } else if (!basicMode && uri.equals("/edit-event")) {
            ga_location = "EditEventPage";
            Long eventId = request.getParameter(RequestParameter.CONTENT_ID.getName()) != null ? Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.CONTENT_ID.getName())) : null;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Create or Edit Event");
            if (eventId != null) {
                EventApi.GetRequest eventRequest = new EventApi.GetRequest();
                EventApi.Response eventResponse = ApiRegistry.getApi(EventApi.class).get(eventRequest);
                dataModel.put("eventJson", new Gson().toJson(eventResponse));
            templateName = "EventEdit.ftl";
        } else if (!basicMode && uri.equals("/edit-blog")) {
            ga_location = "EditBlogPage";
            Long blogPostId = request.getParameter(RequestParameter.CONTENT_ID.getName()) != null ? Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.CONTENT_ID.getName())) : null;
            Long blogId = request.getParameter("blogId") != null ? Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("blogId")) : null;
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Create or Edit Blog");
            dataModel.put("blogId", blogId);
            if (blogPostId != null) {
                BlogPostApi.GetRequest blogPostRequest = new BlogPostApi.GetRequest();
                BlogPostApi.Response blogPostResponse = ApiRegistry.getApi(BlogPostApi.class).get(blogPostRequest);
                dataModel.put("blogPostJson", new Gson().toJson(blogPostResponse));
            templateName = "BlogEdit.ftl";
        // Non - hardcoded links
        } else if (page != null && page.getType() == PageType.PRATILIPI) {
            ga_location = "PratilipiPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForPratilipiPage(page.getPrimaryContentId(), filterLanguage, basicMode, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "PratilipiBasic.ftl" : "Pratilipi.ftl");
        } else if (page != null && page.getType() == PageType.AUTHOR) {
            ga_location = userData.getAuthor().getId() != null && userData.getAuthor().getId() == page.getPrimaryContentId() ? "UserPage" : "AuthorPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForAuthorPage(page.getPrimaryContentId(), filterLanguage, basicMode, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "AuthorBasic.ftl" : "Author.ftl");
        } else if (page != null && page.getType() == PageType.EVENT) {
            ga_location = "EventPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForEventPage(page.getPrimaryContentId(), filterLanguage, basicMode, request);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "EventBasic.ftl" : "Event.ftl");
        } else if (page != null && page.getType() == PageType.BLOG) {
            ga_location = page.getUri().equals("/blog") ? "AllBlogsPage" : "AllAuthorInterviewsPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForBlogPage(page.getPrimaryContentId(), filterLanguage, basicMode);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "BlogPostListBasic.ftl" : "BlogPostList.ftl");
        } else if (page != null && page.getType() == PageType.BLOG_POST) {
            ga_location = page.getUri().startsWith("/blog") ? "BlogPage" : "AuthorInterviewPage";
            dataModel = createDataModelForBlogPostPage(page.getPrimaryContentId(), filterLanguage, basicMode);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "BlogPostBasic.ftl" : "BlogPost.ftl");
        } else if (page != null && page.getType() == PageType.READ) {
            ga_location = "Reader";
            if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
                canonicalUrl = canonicalUrl + "?" + request.getQueryString();
                alternateUrl = alternateUrl + "?" + request.getQueryString();
            Long pratilipiId = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.CONTENT_ID.getName()));
            String fontSize = AccessTokenFilter.getCookieValue(RequestCookie.FONT_SIZE.getName(), request);
            String imageSize = AccessTokenFilter.getCookieValue(RequestCookie.IMAGE_SIZE.getName(), request);
            String action = request.getParameter("action") != null ? request.getParameter("action") : "read";
            String pageNoPattern = "reader_page_number_" + pratilipiId;
            Integer pageNo = null;
            if (request.getParameter(RequestParameter.READER_PAGE_NUMBER.getName()) != null)
                pageNo = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(RequestParameter.READER_PAGE_NUMBER.getName()));
            else if (AccessTokenFilter.getCookieValue(pageNoPattern, request) != null)
                pageNo = Integer.parseInt(AccessTokenFilter.getCookieValue(pageNoPattern, request));
                pageNo = 1;
            dataModel = createDataModelForReadPage(pratilipiId, pageNo, request.getParameter(RequestParameter.API_VERSION.getName()), filterLanguage, basicMode);
            dataModel.put("fontSize", fontSize != null ? Integer.parseInt(fontSize) : 14);
            dataModel.put("imageSize", imageSize != null ? Integer.parseInt(imageSize) : 636);
            dataModel.put("action", action);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ReadBasic.ftl" : "Read.ftl");
        } else if (uri.matches("^/[a-z0-9-]+$") && (dataModel = createDataModelForListPage(uri.substring(1), basicMode, displayLanguage, filterLanguage, request)) != null) {
            ga_location = "ListPage";
            templateName = (basicMode ? "ListBasic.ftl" : "List.ftl");
        } else if (uri.matches("^/[a-z0-9-/]+$") && (dataModel = createDataModelForStaticPage(uri.substring(1).replaceAll("/", "_"), displayLanguage)) != null) {
            ga_location = "StaticPage";
            templateName = (basicMode ? "StaticBasic.ftl" : "Static.ftl");
        } else if (uri.matches("^/[a-z0-9-/]+$") && (dataModel = createDataModelForStaticPage(uri.substring(1).replaceAll("/", "_"), Language.ENGLISH)) != null) {
            ga_location = "StaticPage";
            templateName = (basicMode ? "StaticBasic.ftl" : "Static.ftl");
        } else {
            ga_location = "PageNotFound";
            dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            dataModel.put("title", "Page Not Found !");
            templateName = (basicMode ? "error/PageNotFoundBasic.ftl" : "error/PageNotFound.ftl");
    } catch (InsufficientAccessException e) {
        ga_location = "UnauthorisedErrorPage";
        resourceList = getResourceList(basicMode);
        dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        dataModel.put("title", "Unauthorized Access !");
        templateName = (basicMode ? "error/AuthorizationErrorBasic.ftl" : "error/AuthorizationError.ftl");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unauthorised Exception: ", e);
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException | UnexpectedServerException e) {
        ga_location = "ServerErrorPage";
        resourceList = getResourceList(basicMode);
        dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        dataModel.put("title", "Server Error !");
        templateName = (basicMode ? "error/ServerErrorBasic.ftl" : "error/ServerError.ftl");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Service Unavailable: ", e);
    // Adding common data to the Data Model
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    UserV1Api.Response userResponse = new UserV1Api.Response(userData, UserV1Api.class);
    Map<PratilipiType, Map<String, String>> pratilipiTypes = new HashMap<>();
    for (PratilipiType pratilipiType : PratilipiType.values()) {
        Map<String, String> pratilipiTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
        pratilipiTypeMap.put("name", I18n.getString(pratilipiType.getStringId(), displayLanguage));
        pratilipiTypeMap.put("namePlural", I18n.getString(pratilipiType.getPluralStringId(), displayLanguage));
        pratilipiTypes.put(pratilipiType, pratilipiTypeMap);
    Map<String, String> languageMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Website website : Website.values()) {
        if (!website.toString().contains("GAMMA") && !website.toString().contains("DEVO") && !website.toString().contains("ALPHA") && website != Website.ALL_LANGUAGE) {
            languageMap.put(website.toString(), website.getFilterLanguage().getName());
    dataModel.put("ga_userId", userData.getId().toString());
    dataModel.put("ga_website", UxModeFilter.getWebsite().toString());
    dataModel.put("ga_websiteMode", UxModeFilter.isBasicMode() ? "Basic" : "Standard");
    dataModel.put("ga_websiteVersion", "Mark-6");
    dataModel.put("ga_location", ga_location);
    dataModel.put("lang", displayLanguage.getCode());
    dataModel.put("language", displayLanguage);
    dataModel.put("website_host", UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getHostName());
    dataModel.put("website_mobile_host", UxModeFilter.getWebsite().getMobileHostName());
    dataModel.put("canonical_url", canonicalUrl);
    dataModel.put("alternate_url", alternateUrl);
    dataModel.put("languageMap", gson.toJson(languageMap));
    dataModel.put("_strings", I18n.getStrings(displayLanguage));
    dataModel.put("resourceList", resourceList);
    dataModel.put("deferredResourceList", deferredResourceList);
    dataModel.put("user", userResponse);
    dataModel.put("userJson", gson.toJson(userResponse));
    dataModel.put("pratilipiTypesJson", gson.toJson(pratilipiTypes));
    dataModel.put("navigationListJson", gson.toJson(navigationList));
    dataModel.put("stage", SystemProperty.STAGE);
    dataModel.put("basicMode", basicMode);
    if (basicMode) {
        StringBuffer requestUrl = new StringBuffer(request.getRequestURI());
        if (request.getQueryString() != null)
        dataModel.put("requestUrl", URLEncoder.encode(requestUrl.toString(), "UTF-8"));
    // Generating response html
    String html = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 && html == null; i++) {
        try {
            dataModel.put("templateName", templateName);
            // The magic
            html = FreeMarkerUtil.processTemplate(dataModel, templateFilePrefix + "MainTemplate.ftl");
        } catch (UnexpectedServerException e) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception occured while processing template.", e);
            resourceList = getResourceList(basicMode);
            templateName = (basicMode ? "error/ServerErrorBasic.ftl" : "error/ServerError.ftl");
    // Dispatching response
    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Website Version : Mark-6");
    _dispatchResponse(html, "text/html", "UTF-8", response);
Also used : UserData( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DataAccessor( Gson( Website(com.pratilipi.common.type.Website) Page( PratilipiType(com.pratilipi.common.type.PratilipiType) InvalidArgumentException(com.pratilipi.common.exception.InvalidArgumentException) UnexpectedServerException(com.pratilipi.common.exception.UnexpectedServerException) Language(com.pratilipi.common.type.Language) PratilipiV2Api(com.pratilipi.api.impl.pratilipi.PratilipiV2Api) TagData( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Navigation( BlogPostApi(com.pratilipi.api.impl.blogpost.BlogPostApi) UserV1Api(com.pratilipi.api.impl.user.UserV1Api) EventApi(com.pratilipi.api.impl.event.EventApi) InsufficientAccessException(com.pratilipi.common.exception.InsufficientAccessException) PratilipiContentIndexApi(com.pratilipi.api.impl.pratilipi.PratilipiContentIndexApi) HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) Author( JsonObject( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 2 with Website

use of com.pratilipi.common.type.Website in project pratilipi by Pratilipi.

the class UxModeFilter method doFilter.

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (isAndroidApp) {
    } else {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) resp;
        String hostName = request.getServerName();
        String requestUri = request.getRequestURI();
        String userAgent = request.getHeader("user-agent");
        // Defaults - for all test environments
        boolean basicMode = false;
        Website website = null;
        // Figuring out Mode and Languages from a pre-configured list
        for (Website web : Website.values()) {
            if (hostName.equals(web.getHostName())) {
                basicMode = false;
                website = web;
            } else if (hostName.equals(web.getMobileHostName())) {
                basicMode = true;
                website = web;
        // NOTE: DO NOT redirect Facebook Scraping requests
        if (isWebApp && website == Website.ALL_LANGUAGE && (userAgent == null || userAgent.isEmpty() || !userAgent.startsWith("facebookexternalhit/1.1"))) {
            String destHostName = null;
            DataAccessor dataAccessor = DataAccessorFactory.getDataAccessor();
            Page page = dataAccessor.getPage(requestUri);
            if (page == null) {
            // Do Nothing
            } else if (page.getType() == PageType.PRATILIPI) {
                Pratilipi pratilipi = dataAccessor.getPratilipi(page.getPrimaryContentId());
                for (Website web : Website.values()) {
                    if (web.getFilterLanguage() == pratilipi.getLanguage()) {
                        destHostName = basicMode ? web.getMobileHostName() : web.getHostName();
            } else if (page.getType() == PageType.AUTHOR) {
                Author author = dataAccessor.getAuthor(page.getPrimaryContentId());
                for (Website web : Website.values()) {
                    if (web.getFilterLanguage() == author.getLanguage()) {
                        destHostName = basicMode ? web.getMobileHostName() : web.getHostName();
            } else if (page.getType() == PageType.EVENT) {
                Event event = dataAccessor.getEvent(page.getPrimaryContentId());
                for (Website web : Website.values()) {
                    if (web.getFilterLanguage() == event.getLanguage()) {
                        destHostName = basicMode ? web.getMobileHostName() : web.getHostName();
            } else if (page.getType() == PageType.BLOG_POST) {
                BlogPost blogPost = dataAccessor.getBlogPost(page.getPrimaryContentId());
                for (Website web : Website.values()) {
                    if (web.getFilterLanguage() == blogPost.getLanguage()) {
                        destHostName = basicMode ? web.getMobileHostName() : web.getHostName();
            if (destHostName != null) {
                response.setHeader("Location", (request.isSecure() ? "https://" : "http://") + destHostName + requestUri);
        // NOTE: DO NOT redirect Facebook Scraping requests
        if (isWebApp && (userAgent == null || userAgent.isEmpty() || !userAgent.startsWith("facebookexternalhit/1.1"))) {
            DataAccessor dataAccessor = DataAccessorFactory.getDataAccessor();
            Page page = dataAccessor.getPage(requestUri);
            if (page != null && page.getUriAlias() != null && requestUri.equals(page.getUri())) {
                response.setHeader("Location", page.getUriAlias());
        // Figuring out Browser capability
        boolean basicBrowser = false;
        boolean isCrawler = false;
        if (isWebApp) {
            if (userAgent == null || userAgent.trim().isEmpty()) {
                basicBrowser = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("UCBrowser")) {
                // UCBrowser
					 * UCBrowser on Android 4.3
					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.3; en-US; GT-I9300 Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 UCBrowser/ U3/0.8.0 Mobile Safari/533.1"
                // Extreme mode
                basicBrowser = true;
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "Opera Mobi" ) ) { // Opera Classic
            //					/*
            //					 * Opera Classic on Android 4.3
            //					 *   "Opera/9.80 (Android 4.3; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1411061201) Presto/2.11.355 Version/12.10"
            //					 */
            //					basicBrowser = true; // Not sure whether Polymer 1.0 is supported or not
            } else if (userAgent.contains("Opera Mini")) {
                // Opera Mini
					 * Opera Mini on Android 4.3
					 *   "Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/7.6.40077/35.5706; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/11.10"
                // Extreme mode
                basicBrowser = true;
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "Trident/7" ) && userAgent.contains( "rv:11" ) ) { // Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
            //					/*
            //					 * Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 on Microsoft Windows 8.1
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; LCJB; rv:11.0) like Gecko"
            //					 */
            //					basicBrowser = true;
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "OPR" ) ) { // Opera
            //					/*
            //					 * Opera on Microsoft Windows 8.1
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.65 Safari/537.36 OPR/26.0.1656.24"
            //					 * Opera on Android 4.3
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; GT-I9300 Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.102 Mobile Safari/537.36 OPR/25.0.1619.84037"
            //					 */
            //					String userAgentSubStr = userAgent.substring( userAgent.indexOf( "OPR" ) + 4 );
            //					int version = Integer.parseInt( userAgentSubStr.substring( 0, userAgentSubStr.indexOf( "." ) ) );
            //					basicBrowser = version < 20;
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "Edge" ) ) {
            //					/*
            //					 * Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10
            //					 * Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393
            //					 */
            //					basicBrowser = false;
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "Chrome" ) && ! userAgent.contains( "(Chrome)" ) ) { // Google Chrome
            //					/*
            //					 * Google Chrome on Microsoft Windows 8.1
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.65 Safari/537.36"
            //					 * Google Chrome on Android 4.3
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; GT-I9300 Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.59 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            //					 */
            //					String userAgentSubStr = userAgent.substring( userAgent.indexOf( "Chrome" ) + 7 );
            //					int version = Integer.parseInt( userAgentSubStr.substring( 0, userAgentSubStr.indexOf( "." ) ) );
            //					basicBrowser = version < 35;
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "Safari" ) ) { // Apple Safari
            //					/*
            //					 * Apple Safari on Microsoft Windows 8.1
            //					 *   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.57.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2
            //					 */
            //					if( userAgent.contains( "Version" ) ) {
            //						String userAgentSubStr = userAgent.substring( userAgent.indexOf( "Version" ) + 8 );
            //						int version = Integer.parseInt( userAgentSubStr.substring( 0, userAgentSubStr.indexOf( "." ) ) );
            //						basicBrowser = version < 8;
            //					} else {
            //						String userAgentSubStr = userAgent.substring( userAgent.indexOf( "Safari" ) + 7 );
            //						int version = Integer.parseInt( userAgentSubStr.substring( 0, userAgentSubStr.indexOf( "." ) ) );
            //						basicBrowser = version < 538 || version > 620;
            //					}
            //				} else if( userAgent.contains( "Firefox" ) ) { // Mozilla Firefox
            //					/*
            //					 * Mozilla Firefox on Microsoft 8.1
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0 AlexaToolbar/alxf-2.21"
            //					 * Mozilla Firefox on Android 4.3
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:33.0) Gecko/33.0 Firefox/33.0"
            //					 * Mozilla Firefox on Linux
            //					 *   "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0 (Chrome)"
            //					 */
            //					String userAgentSubStr = userAgent.substring( userAgent.indexOf( "Firefox" ) + 8 );
            //					int version = Integer.parseInt( userAgentSubStr.substring( 0, userAgentSubStr.indexOf( "." ) ) );
            //					basicBrowser = version < 28;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("Googlebot")) {
                // Googlebot/2.1; || Googlebot-News || Googlebot-Image/1.0 || Googlebot-Video/1.0
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.equals("Google (+")) {
                // Google+
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("Bingbot")) {
                // Microsoft Bing
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("Slurp")) {
                // Yahoo
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("DuckDuckBot")) {
                // DuckDuckGo
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("Baiduspider")) {
                // Baidu - China
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("YandexBot")) {
                // Yandex - Russia
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.contains("Exabot")) {
                // ExaLead - France
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.equals("facebot") || userAgent.startsWith("facebookexternalhit/1.0") || userAgent.startsWith("facebookexternalhit/1.1")) {
                // Facebook Scraping requests
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.startsWith("WhatsApp")) {
                // Whatsapp
                isCrawler = true;
            } else if (userAgent.startsWith("ia_archiver")) {
                // Alexa Crawler
                isCrawler = true;
        // Redirecting requests coming from basic browsers to BasicMode
        if (basicBrowser && !basicMode && website != null && website.getMobileHostName() != null) {
            String queryString = request.getQueryString();
            if (queryString == null || queryString.isEmpty())
                response.setHeader("Location", (request.isSecure() ? "https://" : "http://") + website.getMobileHostName() + requestUri);
                response.setHeader("Location", (request.isSecure() ? "https://" : "http://") + website.getMobileHostName() + requestUri + "?" + request.getQueryString());
        String referer = request.getHeader("referer");
        if (// Eg: referer = android-app
        referer == null || !referer.startsWith("http"))
            threadLocalRefererHost.set(new URL(referer).getHost());
    chain.doFilter(req, resp);
Also used : HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) DataAccessor( HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) Website(com.pratilipi.common.type.Website) Author( Event( Page( Pratilipi( BlogPost( URL(


Website (com.pratilipi.common.type.Website)2 DataAccessor ( Author ( Page ( HttpServletResponse (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)2 Gson ( JsonObject ( BlogPostApi (com.pratilipi.api.impl.blogpost.BlogPostApi)1 EventApi (com.pratilipi.api.impl.event.EventApi)1 PratilipiContentIndexApi (com.pratilipi.api.impl.pratilipi.PratilipiContentIndexApi)1 PratilipiV2Api (com.pratilipi.api.impl.pratilipi.PratilipiV2Api)1 UserV1Api (com.pratilipi.api.impl.user.UserV1Api)1 InsufficientAccessException (com.pratilipi.common.exception.InsufficientAccessException)1 InvalidArgumentException (com.pratilipi.common.exception.InvalidArgumentException)1 UnexpectedServerException (com.pratilipi.common.exception.UnexpectedServerException)1 Language (com.pratilipi.common.type.Language)1 PratilipiType (com.pratilipi.common.type.PratilipiType)1 TagData ( UserData ( BlogPost (