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Example 11 with LocalizedText

use of in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.

the class TestUtils method checkDisplayName.

 * Checks the Display Name of the given Node.
 * @param client The OPC UA Client
 * @param nodeId The desired Node.
 * @param desiredName The desired Display Name.
 * @throws ServiceException If the operation fails
 * @throws AddressSpaceException If the operation fails
public static void checkDisplayName(UaClient client, NodeId nodeId, String desiredName) throws ServiceException, AddressSpaceException {
    UaNode node = client.getAddressSpace().getNode(nodeId);
    Assert.assertNotNull("Node is null: " + desiredName, node);
    LocalizedText lt = node.getDisplayName();
    Assert.assertEquals(desiredName, lt.getText());
Also used : UaNode( LocalizedText(

Example 12 with LocalizedText

use of in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.

the class Server method startup.

 * Starts the server
 * @throws UaServerException If an error occurs
 * @throws IOException If an error occurs
 * @throws SecureIdentityException If an error occurs
public void startup() throws UaServerException, IOException, SecureIdentityException {
    try {
        String hostName;
        hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
        // *** Create the server
        uaServer = new UaServer();
        // currently without IPv6
        // Use PKI files to keep track of the trusted and rejected client
        // certificates...
        final PkiDirectoryCertificateStore applicationCertificateStore = new PkiDirectoryCertificateStore("PKI/CA");
        final PkiDirectoryCertificateStore applicationIssuerCertificateStore = new PkiDirectoryCertificateStore("PKI/CA/issuers");
        final DefaultCertificateValidator applicationCertificateValidator = new DefaultCertificateValidator(applicationCertificateStore, applicationIssuerCertificateStore);
        // ...and react to validation results with a custom handler
        // Handle user certificates
        final PkiDirectoryCertificateStore userCertificateStore = new PkiDirectoryCertificateStore("USERS_PKI/CA");
        final PkiDirectoryCertificateStore userIssuerCertificateStore = new PkiDirectoryCertificateStore("USERS_PKI/CA/issuers");
        final DefaultCertificateValidator userCertificateValidator = new DefaultCertificateValidator(userCertificateStore, userIssuerCertificateStore);
        userValidator = new AasUserValidator(userCertificateValidator);
        // ...and react to validation results with a custom handler
        // *** Application Description is sent to the clients
        ApplicationDescription appDescription = new ApplicationDescription();
        // 'localhost' (all lower case) in the ApplicationName and
        // ApplicationURI is converted to the actual host name of the computer
        // (including the possible domain part) in which the application is run.
        // (as available from ApplicationIdentity.getActualHostName())
        // 'hostname' is converted to the host name without the domain part.
        // (as available from
        // ApplicationIdentity.getActualHostNameWithoutDomain())
        appDescription.setApplicationName(new LocalizedText(APPLICATION_NAME + "@hostname"));
        // *** Server Endpoints
        // TCP Port number for the UA TCP protocol
        uaServer.setPort(Protocol.OpcTcp, tcpPort);
        // TCP Port for the HTTPS protocol - currently disabled
        // server.setPort(Protocol.OpcHttps, httpsPort);
        // optional server name part of the URI (default for all protocols)
        // server.setServerName("OPCUA/" + applicationName);
        // Optionally restrict the InetAddresses to which the server is bound.
        // You may also specify the addresses for each Protocol.
        // The default is binding to IPv6 wildcard '[::]' when isEnableIPv6 is true
        // or to IPv4 wildcard '' otherwise.
        // Alternatively, the Server can be bound to all available InetAddresses.
        // isEnableIPv6 defines whether IPv6 address should be included in the bound addresses.
        // Note that it requires Java 7 or later to work in practice in Windows
        // server.setBindAddresses(EndpointUtil.getInetAddresses(server.isEnableIPv6()));
        // *** Certificates"Loading certificates..");
        File privatePath = new File(applicationCertificateStore.getBaseDir(), "private");
        // Define a certificate for a Certificate Authority (CA) which is used
        // to issue the keys. Especially
        // the HTTPS certificate should be signed by a CA certificate, in order
        // to make the .NET applications trust it.
        // If you have a real CA, you should use that instead of this sample CA
        // and create the keys with it.
        // Here we use the IssuerCertificate only to sign the HTTPS certificate
        // (below) and not the Application Instance Certificate.
        KeyPair issuerCertificate = ApplicationIdentity.loadOrCreateIssuerCertificate("FraunhoferIosbSampleCA@" + ApplicationIdentity.getActualHostNameWithoutDomain() + "_https_" + CERT_KEY_SIZE, privatePath, PRIV_KEY_PASS, 3650, false, CERT_KEY_SIZE);
        int[] keySizes = new int[] { CERT_KEY_SIZE };
        // If you wish to use big certificates (4096 bits), you will need to
        // define two certificates for your application, since to interoperate
        // with old applications, you will also need to use a small certificate
        // (up to 2048 bits).
        // Also, 4096 bits can only be used with Basic256Sha256 security
        // profile, which is currently not enabled by default, so we will also
        // leave the the keySizes array as null. In that case, the default key
        // size defined by CertificateUtils.getKeySize() is used.
        // keySizes = new int[] { 2048, 4096 };
        // *** Application Identity
        // Define the Server application identity, including the Application
        // Instance Certificate (but don't sign it with the issuerCertificate as
        // explained above).
        final ApplicationIdentity identity = ApplicationIdentity.loadOrCreateCertificate(appDescription, "Fraunhofer IOSB", /* Private Key Password */
        PRIV_KEY_PASS, /* Key File Path */
        privatePath, /* Issuer Certificate & Private Key */
        null, /* Key Sizes for instance certificates to create */
        keySizes, /* Enable renewing the certificate */
        // Create the HTTPS certificate bound to the hostname.
        // The HTTPS certificate must be created, if you enable HTTPS.
        hostName = ApplicationIdentity.getActualHostName();
        identity.setHttpsCertificate(ApplicationIdentity.loadOrCreateHttpsCertificate(appDescription, hostName, PRIV_KEY_PASS, issuerCertificate, privatePath, true, CERT_KEY_SIZE));
        // *** Security settings
             * Define the security modes to support for the Binary protocol.
             * Note that different versions of the specification might add/deprecate some modes, in this
             * example all the modes are added, but you should add some way in your application to configure
             * these. The set is empty by default, you must add at least one SecurityMode for the server to
             * start.
        Set<SecurityPolicy> supportedSecurityPolicies = new HashSet<>();
             * This policy does not support any security. Should only be used in isolated networks.
        // Modes defined in previous versions of the specification
             * Per the 1.04 specification, only these should be used. However in practice this list only
             * contains very new security policies, which most of the client applications as of today that
             * are used might not be unable to (yet) use.
        Set<MessageSecurityMode> supportedMessageSecurityModes = new HashSet<>();
             * This mode does not support any security. Should only be used in isolated networks. This is
             * also the only mode, which does not require certificate exchange between the client and server
             * application (when used in conjunction of only ANONYMOUS UserTokenPolicy).
             * This mode support signing, so it is possible to detect if messages are tampered. Note that
             * they are not encrypted.
             * This mode signs and encrypts the messages. Only this mode is recommended outside of isolated
             * networks.
             * This creates all possible combinations (NONE pairs only with None) of the configured
             * MessageSecurityModes and SecurityPolicies) for opc.tcp communication.
        uaServer.getSecurityModes().addAll(SecurityMode.combinations(supportedMessageSecurityModes, supportedSecurityPolicies));
             * NOTE! The MessageSecurityMode.None for HTTPS means Application level authentication is not
             * used. If used in combination with the UserTokenPolicy ANONYMOUS anyone can access the server
             * (but the traffic is encrypted). HTTPS mode is always encrypted, therefore the given
             * MessageSecurityMode only affects if the UA certificates are exchanged when forming the
             * Session.
        uaServer.getHttpsSecurityModes().addAll(SecurityMode.combinations(EnumSet.of(MessageSecurityMode.None, MessageSecurityMode.Sign), supportedSecurityPolicies));
        // The TLS security policies to use for HTTPS
        Set<HttpsSecurityPolicy> supportedHttpsSecurityPolicies = new HashSet<>();
        // (HTTPS was defined starting from OPC UA Specification 1.02)
        // Only these are recommended by the 1.04 Specification
        // Number of threads to reserve for the HTTPS server, default is 10
        // server.setHttpsWorkerThreadCount(10);
        // Define the certificate validator for the HTTPS certificates;
        // we use the same validator that we use for Application Instance Certificates
        // Define the supported user authentication methods
        // Define a validator for checking the user accounts
        // currently skip discovery
        // // Register to the local discovery server (if present)
        // try {
        // server.setDiscoveryServerUrl(DISCOVERY_SERVER_URL);
        // }
        // catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        // logger.error("DiscoveryURL is not valid", e);
        // }
        // *** 'init' creates the service handlers and the default endpoints
        // *** according to the settings defined above
        // "Safety limits" for ill-behaving clients
        // one hour
             * Safety limits for XXXContinuationPoints. Note! These are the current defaults. Technically a
             * value of 0 (unlimited) is allowed by the OPC UA Specification, but our implementation does
             * allocate server-side memory, thus do not use value of 0 (or you can run out of memory).
             * Future SDK releases may improve this.
        ServerCapabilitiesTypeNode serverCapabilities = uaServer.getAddressSpace().getNodeManagerRoot().getServerData().getServerCapabilitiesNode();
        // You can do your own additions to server initializations here
        running = true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOGGER.error("startup Exception", ex);
        throw ex;
Also used : DefaultCertificateValidator( KeyPair( MessageSecurityMode( ApplicationIdentity( UaServer( ServerCapabilitiesTypeNode( ApplicationDescription( LocalizedText( UaServerException( SecureIdentityException( IOException( PkiDirectoryCertificateStore( HttpsSecurityPolicy( SecurityPolicy( HttpsSecurityPolicy( File( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 13 with LocalizedText

use of in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.

the class Server method shutdown.

 * Stops the OPC UA server
 * @param secondsTillShutdown The number of seconds until the server stops
public void shutdown(int secondsTillShutdown) {
    running = false;
    uaServer.shutdown(secondsTillShutdown, new LocalizedText("Server stopped", Locale.ENGLISH));
Also used : LocalizedText(

Example 14 with LocalizedText

use of in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.

the class AasServiceNodeManager method addAasSubmodelElementCollection.

 * Adds a SubmodelElementCollection to the given node.
 * @param node The desired UA node
 * @param aasColl The corresponding SubmodelElementCollection to add
 * @param submodel The corresponding Submodel as parent object of the data element
 * @param parentRef The AAS reference to the parent object
 * @param ordered Specifies whether the entity should be added ordered
 *            (true) or unordered (false)
 * @throws StatusException If the operation fails
 * @throws ServiceException If the operation fails
 * @throws AddressSpaceException If the operation fails
 * @throws ServiceResultException If the operation fails
private void addAasSubmodelElementCollection(UaNode node, SubmodelElementCollection aasColl, Submodel submodel, Reference parentRef, boolean ordered) throws StatusException, ServiceException, AddressSpaceException, ServiceResultException {
    try {
        if ((node != null) && (aasColl != null)) {
            String name = aasColl.getIdShort();
            QualifiedName browseName = UaQualifiedName.from(opc.i4aas.ObjectTypeIds.AASSubmodelElementCollectionType.getNamespaceUri(), name).toQualifiedName(getNamespaceTable());
            NodeId nid = getDefaultNodeId();
            AASSubmodelElementCollectionType collNode;
            if (aasColl.getOrdered()) {
                collNode = createAasOrderedSubmodelElementCollection(name, nid);
            } else {
                collNode = createInstance(AASSubmodelElementCollectionType.class, nid, browseName, LocalizedText.english(name));
            addSubmodelElementBaseData(collNode, aasColl);
            // AllowDuplicates
            if (collNode.getAllowDuplicatesNode() == null) {
                NodeId myPropertyId = new NodeId(getNamespaceIndex(), collNode.getNodeId().getValue().toString() + "." + AASSubmodelElementCollectionType.ALLOW_DUPLICATES);
                PlainProperty<Boolean> myProperty = new PlainProperty<>(this, myPropertyId, UaQualifiedName.from(opc.i4aas.ObjectTypeIds.AASSubmodelElementCollectionType.getNamespaceUri(), AASSubmodelElementCollectionType.ALLOW_DUPLICATES).toQualifiedName(getNamespaceTable()), LocalizedText.english(AASSubmodelElementCollectionType.ALLOW_DUPLICATES));
                myProperty.setDescription(new LocalizedText("", ""));
                if (VALUES_READ_ONLY) {
            Reference collRef = AasUtils.toReference(parentRef, aasColl);
            // SubmodelElements
            addSubmodelElements(collNode, aasColl.getValues(), submodel, collRef, aasColl.getOrdered());
            if (ordered) {
                node.addReference(collNode, Identifiers.HasOrderedComponent, false);
            } else {
            referableMap.put(collRef, new ObjectData(aasColl, collNode, submodel));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("createAasSubmodelElementCollection Exception", ex);
        throw ex;
Also used : PlainProperty( Reference(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Reference) DefaultReference(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultReference) UaQualifiedName( QualifiedName( NodeId( ObjectData( ByteString( LangString(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.LangString) AASSubmodelElementCollectionType(opc.i4aas.AASSubmodelElementCollectionType) LocalizedText( ServiceResultException( StatusException( MessageBusException(de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.MessageBusException) ServiceException( UaNodeFactoryException( AddressSpaceException(

Example 15 with LocalizedText

use of in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.

the class AasServiceNodeManager method addAasFile.

 * Adds an AAS file to the given node.
 * @param node The desired UA node
 * @param aasFile The AAS file object
 * @param submodel The corresponding Submodel as parent object of the data element
 * @param parentRef The AAS reference to the parent node
 * @param ordered Specifies whether the file should be added ordered (true) or unordered (false)
 * @param nodeName The desired Name of the node. If this value is not set,
 *            the IdShort of the file is used.
 * @throws StatusException If the operation fails
private void addAasFile(UaNode node, File aasFile, Submodel submodel, Reference parentRef, boolean ordered, String nodeName) throws StatusException {
    try {
        if ((node != null) && (aasFile != null)) {
            String name = aasFile.getIdShort();
            if ((nodeName != null) && (!nodeName.isEmpty())) {
                name = nodeName;
            QualifiedName browseName = UaQualifiedName.from(opc.i4aas.ObjectTypeIds.AASFileType.getNamespaceUri(), name).toQualifiedName(getNamespaceTable());
            NodeId nid = getDefaultNodeId();
            AASFileType fileNode = createInstance(AASFileType.class, nid, browseName, LocalizedText.english(name));
            addSubmodelElementBaseData(fileNode, aasFile);
            // MimeType
            if (!aasFile.getMimeType().isEmpty()) {
            // Value
            if (aasFile.getValue() != null) {
                if (fileNode.getValueNode() == null) {
                if (!aasFile.getValue().isEmpty()) {
           f = new;
                    if (!f.exists()) {
                        LOG.warn("addAasFile: File '{}' does not exist!", f.getAbsolutePath());
                    } else {
                        // File Object: include only when the file exists
                        QualifiedName fileBrowseName = UaQualifiedName.from(opc.i4aas.ObjectTypeIds.AASFileType.getNamespaceUri(), AASFileType.FILE).toQualifiedName(getNamespaceTable());
                        NodeId fileId = new NodeId(getNamespaceIndex(), fileNode.getNodeId().getValue().toString() + "." + AASFileType.FILE);
                        FileTypeNode fileType = createInstance(FileTypeNode.class, fileId, fileBrowseName, LocalizedText.english(AASFileType.FILE));
                        if (fileType.getNodeVersion() != null) {
                            fileType.getNodeVersion().setDescription(new LocalizedText("", ""));
                        fileNode.addReference(fileType, Identifiers.HasAddIn, false);
            if (ordered) {
                node.addReference(fileNode, Identifiers.HasOrderedComponent, false);
            } else {
            if (parentRef != null) {
                Reference fileRef = AasUtils.toReference(parentRef, aasFile);
                referableMap.put(fileRef, new ObjectData(aasFile, fileNode, submodel));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("addAasFile Exception", ex);
        throw ex;
Also used : AASFileType(opc.i4aas.AASFileType) Reference(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Reference) DefaultReference(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultReference) UaQualifiedName( QualifiedName( ObjectData( ByteString( LangString(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.LangString) LocalizedText( ServiceResultException( StatusException( MessageBusException(de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.MessageBusException) ServiceException( UaNodeFactoryException( AddressSpaceException( NodeId( FileTypeNode( File(io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.File)


LocalizedText ( ServiceException ( StatusException ( AddressSpaceException ( UaNodeFactoryException ( NodeId ( ServiceResultException ( MessageBusException (de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.MessageBusException)12 ByteString ( LangString (io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.LangString)9 PlainProperty ( QualifiedName ( UaQualifiedName ( ObjectData ( SubmodelElementData ( Reference (io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Reference)3 DefaultReference (io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultReference)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ApplicationIdentity ( UaClient (