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Example 1 with Violation

use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.

the class Main method main.

 * Loops over the files specified checking them for errors. The exit code
 * is the number of errors found in all the files.
 * @param args the command line arguments.
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem with files access
 * @noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr, CallToPrintStackTrace, CallToSystemExit
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    final CliOptions cliOptions = new CliOptions();
    final CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(cliOptions);
    // provide proper exit code based on results.
    int exitStatus = 0;
    int errorCounter = 0;
    try {
        final ParseResult parseResult = commandLine.parseArgs(args);
        if (parseResult.isVersionHelpRequested()) {
        } else if (parseResult.isUsageHelpRequested()) {
        } else {
            exitStatus = execute(parseResult, cliOptions);
            errorCounter = exitStatus;
    } catch (ParameterException ex) {
        System.err.println("Usage: checkstyle [OPTIONS]... FILES...");
        System.err.println("Try 'checkstyle --help' for more information.");
    } catch (CheckstyleException ex) {
        errorCounter = 1;
    } finally {
        // return exit code base on validation of Checker
        if (errorCounter > 0) {
            final Violation errorCounterViolation = new Violation(1, Definitions.CHECKSTYLE_BUNDLE, ERROR_COUNTER, new String[] { String.valueOf(errorCounter) }, null, Main.class, null);
            // print error count statistic to error output stream,
            // output stream might be used by validation report content
Also used : Violation( CommandLine(picocli.CommandLine) ParseResult(picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult) ParameterException(picocli.CommandLine.ParameterException) CheckstyleException(

Example 2 with Violation

use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.

the class PackageObjectFactory method createObjectFromFullModuleNames.

 * Create Object from optional full module names.
 * In most case, there should be only one element in {@code fullModuleName}, otherwise
 * an exception would be thrown.
 * @param name name of module
 * @param fullModuleNames the supplied full module names set
 * @return instance of module if there is only one element in {@code fullModuleName}
 * @throws CheckstyleException if the class fails to instantiate or there are more than one
 *      element in {@code fullModuleName}
private Object createObjectFromFullModuleNames(String name, Set<String> fullModuleNames) throws CheckstyleException {
    final Object returnValue;
    if (fullModuleNames.size() == 1) {
        returnValue = createObject(fullModuleNames.iterator().next());
    } else {
        final String optionalNames =;
        final Violation exceptionMessage = new Violation(1, Definitions.CHECKSTYLE_BUNDLE, AMBIGUOUS_MODULE_NAME_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, new String[] { name, optionalNames }, null, getClass(), null);
        throw new CheckstyleException(exceptionMessage.getViolation());
    return returnValue;
Also used : Violation( CheckstyleException(

Example 3 with Violation

use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.

the class PackageObjectFactory method createModule.

 * Creates a new instance of a class from a given name, or that name
 * concatenated with &quot;Check&quot;. If the name is
 * a class name, creates an instance of the named class. Otherwise, creates
 * an instance of a class name obtained by concatenating the given name
 * to a package name from a given list of package names.
 * @param name the name of a class.
 * @return the {@code Object} created by loader.
 * @throws CheckstyleException if an error occurs.
public Object createModule(String name) throws CheckstyleException {
    Object instance = null;
    // if the name is a simple class name, try to find it in maps at first
    if (!name.contains(PACKAGE_SEPARATOR)) {
        instance = createFromStandardCheckSet(name);
        // find the name in third party map
        if (instance == null) {
            if (thirdPartyNameToFullModuleNames == null) {
                thirdPartyNameToFullModuleNames = generateThirdPartyNameToFullModuleName(moduleClassLoader);
            instance = createObjectFromMap(name, thirdPartyNameToFullModuleNames);
    if (instance == null) {
        instance = createObject(name);
    if (instance == null && moduleLoadOption == ModuleLoadOption.TRY_IN_ALL_REGISTERED_PACKAGES) {
        instance = createModuleByTryInEachPackage(name);
    if (instance == null) {
        String attemptedNames = null;
        if (!name.contains(PACKAGE_SEPARATOR)) {
            final String nameCheck = name + CHECK_SUFFIX;
            attemptedNames = joinPackageNamesWithClassName(name, packages) + STRING_SEPARATOR + nameCheck + STRING_SEPARATOR + joinPackageNamesWithClassName(nameCheck, packages);
        final Violation exceptionMessage = new Violation(1, Definitions.CHECKSTYLE_BUNDLE, UNABLE_TO_INSTANTIATE_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, new String[] { name, attemptedNames }, null, getClass(), null);
        throw new CheckstyleException(exceptionMessage.getViolation());
    return instance;
Also used : Violation( CheckstyleException(

Example 4 with Violation

use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.

the class Checker method fireErrors.

 * Notify all listeners about the errors in a file.
 * @param fileName the audited file
 * @param errors the audit errors from the file
public void fireErrors(String fileName, SortedSet<Violation> errors) {
    final String stripped = CommonUtil.relativizeAndNormalizePath(basedir, fileName);
    boolean hasNonFilteredViolations = false;
    for (final Violation element : errors) {
        final AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent(this, stripped, element);
        if (filters.accept(event)) {
            hasNonFilteredViolations = true;
            for (final AuditListener listener : listeners) {
    if (hasNonFilteredViolations && cacheFile != null) {
Also used : Violation( AuditEvent( AuditListener(

Example 5 with Violation

use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.

the class XpathFileGeneratorAstFilterTest method testClearState.

 * We cannot reproduce situation when {@code finishLocalSetup} is called
 * twice. So, we have to use reflection to be sure that even in such
 * situation state of the field will be cleared.
 * @throws Exception when code tested throws exception
public void testClearState() throws Exception {
    final Violation violation = new Violation(3, 47, TokenTypes.LCURLY, "", null, null, SeverityLevel.ERROR, null, LeftCurlyCheck.class, null);
    final TreeWalkerAuditEvent event = createTreeWalkerAuditEvent("", violation);
    final XpathFileGeneratorAstFilter filter = new XpathFileGeneratorAstFilter();
    assertWithMessage("State is not cleared on finishLocalSetup").that(TestUtil.isStatefulFieldClearedDuringLocalSetup(filter, event, "MESSAGE_QUERY_MAP", variableStack -> ((Map<Violation, String>) variableStack).isEmpty())).isTrue();
Also used : Violation( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


Violation ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)98 AuditEvent ( TreeWalkerAuditEvent ( File ( TreeWalkerTest ( CheckstyleException ( DefaultConfiguration ( FileContents ( FileText ( TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)6 DetailAstImpl ( ParseErrorMessage ( SeverityLevel ( DebugAuditAdapter ( DebugFilter ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( OutputStream ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)3 Checker (