use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class JavaParser method parse.
* Static helper method to parses a Java source file.
* @param contents contains the contents of the file
* @return the root of the AST
* @throws CheckstyleException if the contents is not a valid Java source
public static DetailAST parse(FileContents contents) throws CheckstyleException {
final String fullText = contents.getText().getFullText().toString();
final CharStream codePointCharStream = CharStreams.fromString(fullText);
final JavaLanguageLexer lexer = new JavaLanguageLexer(codePointCharStream, true);
final CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
final JavaLanguageParser parser = new JavaLanguageParser(tokenStream, JavaLanguageParser.CLEAR_DFA_LIMIT);
parser.setErrorHandler(new CheckstyleParserErrorStrategy());
parser.addErrorListener(new CheckstyleErrorListener());
final JavaLanguageParser.CompilationUnitContext compilationUnit;
try {
compilationUnit = parser.compilationUnit();
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
final String exceptionMsg = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s occurred while parsing file %s.", ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), contents.getFileName());
throw new CheckstyleException(exceptionMsg, ex);
return new JavaAstVisitor(tokenStream).visit(compilationUnit);
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class JavaAstVisitorTest method testNoStackOverflowOnDeepStringConcat.
* This test exists to kill surviving mutation from pitest removing expression AST building
* optimization in {@link JavaAstVisitor#visitBinOp(JavaLanguageParser.BinOpContext)}.
* We do not use {@link JavaParser#parse(FileContents)} here due to DFA clearing hack.
* <p>
* Reason: we have iterative expression AST building to avoid stackoverflow
* in {@link JavaAstVisitor#visitBinOp(JavaLanguageParser.BinOpContext)}. In actual
* generated parser, we avoid stackoverflow thanks to the left recursive expression
* rule (eliminating unnecessary recursive calls to hierarchical expression production rules).
* However, ANTLR's ParserATNSimulator has no such optimization. So, the number of recursive
* calls to ParserATNSimulator#closure when calling ParserATNSimulator#clearDFA causes a
* StackOverflow error. We avoid this by using the single argument constructor (thus not
* forcing DFA clearing) in this test.
* </p>
* @throws Exception if input file does not exist
public void testNoStackOverflowOnDeepStringConcat() throws Exception {
final File file = new File(getPath(""));
final FileText fileText = new FileText(file,;
final FileContents contents = new FileContents(fileText);
final String fullText = contents.getText().getFullText().toString();
final CharStream codePointCharStream = CharStreams.fromString(fullText);
final JavaLanguageLexer lexer = new JavaLanguageLexer(codePointCharStream, true);
final CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
final JavaLanguageParser parser = new JavaLanguageParser(tokenStream);
final JavaLanguageParser.CompilationUnitContext compilationUnit = parser.compilationUnit();
// We restrict execution to use limited resources here, so that we can
// kill surviving pitest mutation from removal of nested binary operation
// optimization in JavaAstVisitor#visitBinOp. Limited resources (small stack size)
// ensure that we throw a StackOverflowError if optimization is removed.
final DetailAST root = TestUtil.getResultWithLimitedResources(() -> new JavaAstVisitor(tokenStream).visit(compilationUnit));
assertWithMessage("File parsing and AST building should complete successfully.").that(root).isNotNull();