use of com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap in project robotcode by OutoftheBoxFTC.
the class HardwareFactory method mapLynxUsbDevice.
private void mapLynxUsbDevice(HardwareMap map, DeviceManager deviceMgr, LynxUsbDeviceConfiguration lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration) throws RobotCoreException, InterruptedException {
if (!lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.isEnabled()) {
// Make a new LynxUsbDevice
LynxUsbDevice lynxUsbDevice = (LynxUsbDevice) deviceMgr.createLynxUsbDevice(lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getSerialNumber(), lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getName());
try {
// If the system made up this device, let the live device know that too
if (lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.isSystemSynthetic()) {
// Are we the first USB-attached (as opposed to embedded) LynxUsbDevice?
boolean isFirstLynxUsbDevice = !LynxConstants.isEmbeddedSerialNumber(lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getSerialNumber());
for (LynxUsbDevice usbDevice : map.getAll(LynxUsbDevice.class)) {
if (!LynxConstants.isEmbeddedSerialNumber(usbDevice.getSerialNumber())) {
isFirstLynxUsbDevice = false;
// Make all the modules first, since we need to ping the parent before pinging anyone else,
// and so we need to figure out who that is.
List<LynxModule> potentialModules = new ArrayList<LynxModule>();
Map<Integer, String> moduleNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
final int parentModuleAddress = lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getParentModuleAddress();
for (DeviceConfiguration moduleConfiguration : lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getModules()) {
int moduleAddress = moduleConfiguration.getPort();
moduleNames.put(moduleAddress, moduleConfiguration.getName());
LynxModule module = (LynxModule) deviceMgr.createLynxModule(lynxUsbDevice, moduleAddress, parentModuleAddress == moduleAddress, moduleConfiguration.getName());
// If the system made up this device, let the live device know that too
if (((LynxModuleConfiguration) moduleConfiguration).isSystemSynthetic()) {
// Attach all the LynxModules to that LynxUsbDevice, parents first, so that parents get pinged first. Note that if some
// modules aren't actually there, or are there but are wedged, these may throw exceptions.
Map<Integer, LynxModule> connectedModules = new HashMap<Integer, LynxModule>();
for (LynxModule module : potentialModules) {
if (module.isParent()) {
// nb: there should be only one parent
connectModule(lynxUsbDevice, module, moduleNames, connectedModules, isFirstLynxUsbDevice && connectedModules.isEmpty());
for (LynxModule module : potentialModules) {
if (!module.isParent()) {
connectModule(lynxUsbDevice, module, moduleNames, connectedModules, false);
// Finish adding all the pieces to the modules we successfully talked to
mapLynxModuleComponents(map, deviceMgr, lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration, lynxUsbDevice, connectedModules);
// For the things that worked, remember the module names in the hwmap
for (Map.Entry<Integer, LynxModule> pair : connectedModules.entrySet()) {
int moduleAddress = pair.getKey();
map.put(moduleNames.get(moduleAddress), pair.getValue());
// Remember the LynxUsbDevice too, so we we'll only enable one to charge the RC battery
map.put(lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getName(), lynxUsbDevice);
} catch (LynxNackException e) {
throw e.wrap();
} catch (RobotCoreException | RuntimeException e) {
map.remove(lynxUsbDeviceConfiguration.getName(), lynxUsbDevice);
throw e;