use of com.ramussoft.common.Element in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class IEngineImpl method setElementQualifier.
public void setElementQualifier(final long elementId, final long qualifierId) {
throwExaptionIfNotCan(getAccessor().canDeleteElements(new long[] { elementId }), "Can not update element's qualifier.");
throwExaptionIfNotCan(getAccessor().canCreateElement(qualifierId), "Can not update element's qualifier.");
Element element = getElement(elementId);
Qualifier current = getQualifier(element.getQualifierId());
Qualifier newQualifier = getQualifier(qualifierId);
final List<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
addNotPresentAttributes(current.getAttributes(), newQualifier.getAttributes(), attrs);
addNotPresentAttributes(current.getSystemAttributes(), newQualifier.getSystemAttributes(), attrs);
template.execute(new JDBCCallback() {
public Object execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
Transaction[] transactions = getAttributesWhatWillBeDeleted(elementId, attrs);
for (Transaction transaction : transactions) {
executeTransaction(transaction, connection);
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + prefix + "elements SET QUALIFIER_ID=? WHERE ELEMENT_ID=?");
ps.setLong(1, qualifierId);
ps.setLong(2, elementId);
return null;
use of com.ramussoft.common.Element in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class IEngineImpl method getElements.
public List<Element> getElements(long qualifierId) {
throwExaptionIfNotCan(getAccessor().canReadQualifier(qualifierId), "Can not get qualifier.");
Qualifier qualifier = getQualifier(qualifierId);
if (qualifier == null)
return new ArrayList<Element>(0);
long attr = qualifier.getAttributeForName();
String where = " AND attribute_id=" + attr + " AND elmts.element_id=element_id";
long branchId = getActiveBranchId();
return template.query("SELECT elmts.ELEMENT_ID, elmts.QUALIFIER_ID, (SELECT value FROM " + prefix + "attribute_texts WHERE element_id=elmts.element_id AND attribute_id=" + attr + " " + " AND (value_branch_id IN (SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id<=? " + where + ") OR ((SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id <= ?" + where + ") IS NULL AND value_branch_id=0))) AS ELEMENT_TEXT_NAME FROM " + prefix + "elements elmts, " + prefix + "qualifiers q WHERE elmts.QUALIFIER_ID=? AND q.qualifier_id=elmts.qualifier_id AND elmts.created_branch_id <=? " + "AND (elmts.removed_branch_id >?) ORDER BY ELEMENT_ID", new ElementRowMapper(), new Object[] { branchId, branchId, qualifierId, branchId, branchId }, true);
use of com.ramussoft.common.Element in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class IEngineImpl method getBinaryElements.
public Hashtable<Element, List<Persistent>[][]> getBinaryElements(long qualifierId, final long[] attributeIds) {
for (long attributeId : attributeIds) throwExaptionIfNotCan(getAccessor().canReadAttribute(qualifierId, attributeId), "Can not get attribute for qualifier.");
List<Element> elements = getElements(qualifierId);
Hashtable<Element, List<Persistent>[][]> result = new Hashtable<Element, List<Persistent>[][]>();
final Hashtable<Long, List<Persistent>[][]> values = new Hashtable<Long, List<Persistent>[][]>();
int index = 0;
final int[] persistentCount = new int[attributeIds.length];
for (int i = 0; i < attributeIds.length; i++) {
Attribute attribute = getAttribute(attributeIds[i]);
AttributePlugin plugin = factory.getAttributePlugin(attribute.getAttributeType());
persistentCount[i] = plugin.getAttributePersistents().length;
for (long attributeId : attributeIds) {
final int attrIndex = index;
Attribute attribute = getAttribute(attributeId);
AttributePlugin plugin = factory.getAttributePlugin(attribute.getAttributeType());
final Class<? extends Persistent>[] classes;
classes = plugin.getAttributePersistents();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
final Class<? extends Persistent> clazz = classes[i];
final int listIndex = i;
final PersistentRow row = metadata.get(clazz);
final PersistentWrapper wrapper = wrappers.get(clazz);
ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(2);
ArrayList<String> paramFields = new ArrayList<String>(2);
plugin.fillAttributeQuery(row, attributeId, -1l, params, paramFields, this);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM " + row.getTableName() + " main_table");
StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(" AND attribute_id=?");
for (int j = 0; j < params.size(); j++) if (paramFields.get(j).startsWith("element") && paramFields.get(j).endsWith("id")) {
where.append(" AND main_table.");
for (PersistentField field : row.getFields()) {
if (field.isAutoset()) {
if (field.getType() == PersistentField.ELEMENT) {
where.append(" AND main_table.");
sb.append(" WHERE (value_branch_id IN (SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id<=? " + where + ") OR ((SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id<=? " + where + ") IS NULL AND value_branch_id=0))");
for (int j = 0; j < params.size(); j++) {
sb.append(" AND ");
params.add(0, getActiveBranchId());
params.add(1, attributeId);
params.add(2, getActiveBranchId());
params.add(3, attributeId);
template.query(sb.toString(), new RowMapper() {
public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
try {
Persistent persistent = clazz.newInstance();
long id = -1;
for (PersistentField field : row.getFields()) {
wrapper.setDatabaseField(persistent, field, rs);
if ((field.isAutoset()) && (field.getType() == PersistentField.ELEMENT)) {
id = rs.getLong(field.getDatabaseName());
getLists(values, id, attributeIds.length, persistentCount)[attrIndex][listIndex].add(persistent);
return null;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException();
}, params.toArray(new Object[params.size()]), false);
for (Element element : elements) {
result.put(element, getLists(values, element.getId(), attributeIds.length, persistentCount));
return result;
use of com.ramussoft.common.Element in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class IEngineImpl method createElement.
public Element createElement(long qualifierId, long elementId) {
throwExaptionIfNotCan(getAccessor().canCreateElement(qualifierId), "Can not create element.");
if (elementId == -1) {
elementId = nextValue("elements_sequence");
long id = template.queryForLong("SELECT MAX(ELEMENT_ID) FROM " + prefix + "elements;");
while (id >= elementId) {
elementId = template.nextVal(prefix + "elements_sequence");
Element element = new Element(elementId, qualifierId, "");
long branchId = getActiveBranchId();
Long l = (Long) template.queryForObjects("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + prefix + "elements WHERE element_id=? AND removed_branch_id=?", new RowMapper() {
public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return rs.getLong(1);
}, new Object[] { elementId, branchId }, false);
if (l.longValue() == 0)
template.update("INSERT INTO " + prefix + "elements (ELEMENT_ID, ELEMENT_NAME, QUALIFIER_ID, created_branch_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { elementId, element.getName(), qualifierId, branchId }, true);
else {
template.update("UPDATE " + prefix + "elements SET removed_branch_id=? WHERE ELEMENT_ID=? AND removed_branch_id=?", new Object[] { Integer.MAX_VALUE, elementId, branchId }, false);
return element;
use of com.ramussoft.common.Element in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class IEngineImpl method getElement.
public Element getElement(long id) {
throwExaptionIfNotCan(getAccessor().canReadQualifier(id), "Can not get element.");
Qualifier qualifier = getQualifier(getQualifierIdForElement(id));
if (qualifier == null)
return null;
long attr = qualifier.getAttributeForName();
String where = " AND attribute_id=" + attr + " AND elmts.element_id=element_id";
long branchId = getActiveBranchId();
return (Element) template.queryForObjects("SELECT ELEMENT_ID, elmts.QUALIFIER_ID, (SELECT value FROM " + prefix + "attribute_texts WHERE element_id=elmts.element_id AND attribute_id=" + attr + " " + " AND (value_branch_id IN (SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id <=?" + where + ") OR ((SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id<=? " + where + ") IS NULL AND value_branch_id=0))) AS ELEMENT_TEXT_NAME FROM " + prefix + "elements elmts, " + prefix + "qualifiers q WHERE ELEMENT_ID=? AND elmts.qualifier_id=q.qualifier_id AND elmts.created_branch_id<= ? " + "AND elmts.removed_branch_id >?", new ElementRowMapper(), new Object[] { branchId, branchId, id, branchId, branchId }, true);