use of com.ramussoft.common.attribute.FindObject in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class IEngineImpl method getElements.
public List<Element> getElements(long qualifierId, Attribute attribute, FindObject[] findObjects) {
AttributePlugin plugin = factory.getAttributePlugin(attribute.getAttributeType());
Class<? extends Persistent> clazz = plugin.getAttributePersistents()[0];
String name = prefix + "attribute_" + clazz.getAnnotation(Table.class).name();
String w = findObjects[0].getField() + "=?";
for (int i = 1; i < findObjects.length; i++) {
w += " AND " + findObjects[i].getField() + "=?";
List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<Object>(findObjects.length + 1);
long branchId = getActiveBranchId();
for (int i = 0; i < findObjects.length; i++) {
Qualifier qualifier = getQualifier(qualifierId);
long attr = qualifier.getAttributeForName();
String where = " AND attribute_id=" + attr + " AND elmts.element_id=element_id";
return template.query("SELECT ELEMENT_ID, elmts.QUALIFIER_ID, (SELECT value FROM " + prefix + "attribute_texts WHERE element_id=elmts.element_id AND attribute_id=" + attr + " " + " AND (value_branch_id IN (SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id<=? " + where + ") OR ((SELECT MAX(branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "attributes_data_metadata WHERE branch_id <=?" + where + ") IS NULL AND value_branch_id=0))) AS ELEMENT_TEXT_NAME FROM " + prefix + "elements elmts, " + prefix + "qualifiers q WHERE elmts.QUALIFIER_ID=? AND elmts.qualifier_id=q.qualifier_id " + "AND elmts.ELEMENT_ID IN (SELECT ELEMENT_ID FROM " + name + " WHERE " + w + ") AND elmts.created_branch_id <=? " + "AND (elmts.removed_branch_id>? ) ORDER BY ELEMENT_ID", new ElementRowMapper(), objects.toArray(), true);
use of com.ramussoft.common.attribute.FindObject in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.
the class JournaledEngine method findElements.
public List<Element> findElements(long qualifierId, Attribute attribute, Object object) {
AttributeConverter converter = pluginFactory.getAttributeConverter(attribute.getAttributeType());
FindObject[] findObjects = converter.getFindObjects(object);
if (findObjects != null)
return deligate.getElements(qualifierId, attribute, findObjects);
List<Attribute> list = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
Hashtable<Element, Object[]> elements = getElements(getQualifier(qualifierId), list);
ArrayList<Element> res = new ArrayList<Element>();
Enumeration<Element> e = elements.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Element element = e.nextElement();
if (objectEquals(object, elements.get(element)[0])) {
Collections.sort(res, new Comparator<Element>() {
public int compare(Element o1, Element o2) {
if (o1.getId() < o2.getId())
return -1;
if (o1.getId() > o2.getId())
return 1;
return 0;
return res;