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Example 1 with Function

use of com.ramussoft.pb.Function in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.

the class ArrowPainter method paintBottom.

public void paintBottom(final Graphics2D g, final int height, MovingArea area, Font bottomFont, int partNumber, int hPageCount) {
    if (!area.isPrinting()) {
        if (!MovingArea.DISABLE_RENDERING_HINTS) {
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE);
            g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    final Font font = bottomFont;
    final Function activeFunction = movingArea.getActiveFunction();
    int width = movingArea.getIntOrdinate(movingArea.MOVING_AREA_WIDTH);
    width /= hPageCount;
    int left = 0;
    if (partNumber > 0) {
        left = width * partNumber;
        width += 1;
    final int x = left + width / 5;
    g.drawLine(left, 0, left, height - 1);
    g.drawLine(width - 1, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
    g.drawRect(left, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
    g.drawLine(x, 0, x, height - 1);
    g.drawLine(left + width / 5 * 4, 0, left + width / 5 * 4, height - 1);
    String number = NUMBER + " " + movingArea.getFunctionNumber();
    if (hPageCount > 1)
        number += "." + (partNumber + 1);
    String node = NODE_B;
    final double nodeWidth = g.getFont().getStringBounds(node, g.getFontRenderContext()).getWidth();
    final int nT = 5 + 4 + (int) g.getFont().getStringBounds(node, g.getFontRenderContext()).getHeight();
    g.drawString(node, left + 5, nT);
    g.drawString(number, left + width / 5 * 4 + 5, nT);
    node = TITLE_B;
    final int titleWidth = (int) g.getFont().getStringBounds(node, g.getFontRenderContext()).getWidth();
    g.drawString(node, x + 5, nT);
    if (activeFunction.getDecompositionType() == MovingArea.DIAGRAM_TYPE_DFDS) {
        node = MovingFunction.getDFDSKod((com.ramussoft.database.common.Row) activeFunction, movingArea.dataPlugin);
    } else
        node = MovingFunction.getIDEF0Kod((com.ramussoft.database.common.Row) activeFunction);
    g.drawString(node, left + (int) nodeWidth + 10, nT);
    node = activeFunction.getName();
    if (activeFunction.equals(movingArea.dataPlugin.getBaseFunction()) && activeFunction.getDecompositionType() != MovingArea.DIAGRAM_TYPE_DFDS) {
        final Vector v = movingArea.dataPlugin.getChilds(activeFunction, true);
        if (v.size() > 0)
            node = ((Row) v.get(0)).getName();
    movingArea.paintText(g, node, movingArea.getFBounds(new Rectangle(x + 10 + titleWidth, 2, x * 3 - 10 - titleWidth - 3 * left, height)), Line.CENTER_ALIGN, 1, true);
Also used : Function(com.ramussoft.pb.Function) NFunction( MovingFunction(com.ramussoft.pb.idef.visual.MovingFunction) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) FRectangle(com.dsoft.pb.types.FRectangle) Row(com.ramussoft.pb.Row) Vector(java.util.Vector) Font(java.awt.Font) FloatPoint(com.dsoft.pb.types.FloatPoint)

Example 2 with Function

use of com.ramussoft.pb.Function in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.

the class PaintSector method isSelected.

 * Перевіряє, чи являється диний сектор активний.
 * @param area Область відображення.
 * @return true, якщо активний даний сектор або той, що наслідується, false,
 * якщо сектор не активний.
private boolean isSelected(final MovingArea area) {
    if (MovingLabel.getActiveStream() != null && equalsStreams(MovingLabel.getActiveStream(), getStream()))
        return true;
    if (rec)
        return false;
    final PaintSector as = area.getActiveSector();
    if (as == this)
        return true;
    rec = true;
    boolean res = false;
    if (as != null) {
        if (getStart() != null && !getStart().isOne(sector)) {
            if (isSelected(area, getStart()))
                res = true;
        } else if (getEnd() != null && !getEnd().isOne(sector)) {
            if (isSelected(area, getEnd()))
                res = true;
    if (!res && area.getActiveObject() instanceof IDEF0Object) {
        final Function active = ((IDEF0Object) area.getActiveObject()).getFunction();
        if (active == sector.getStart().getFunction() || active == sector.getEnd().getFunction())
            res = true;
    rec = false;
    return res;
Also used : Function(com.ramussoft.pb.Function) MovingFunction(com.ramussoft.pb.idef.visual.MovingFunction) IDEF0Object(com.ramussoft.pb.idef.visual.IDEF0Object)

Example 3 with Function

use of com.ramussoft.pb.Function in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.

the class SectorRefactor method changeSector.

 * Змінює сектор переданий методом setSector(Sector sector).
 * @return <code>true</code>, якщо зміна відбулась,<br>
 * <code>false</code>, якщо зміна не відбулась.
public boolean changeSector() {
    Crosspoint crosspoint;
    final PerspectivePoint point = getLastPoint();
    if (point.functionType == -1 && point.borderType == -1) {
        if ( == null || == null ||
            return false;
    Sector inner = sector.getSector();
    for (PaintSector s : sectors) if (s.getSector().equals(inner)) {
        this.sector = s;
    lastC = null;
    NSectorBorder sb;
    if (point.type == TYPE_START) {
        sb = sector.getSector().getStart();
        crosspoint = sector.getStart();
        pointB = new PerspectivePoint();
        pointB.x = sector.getEndPoint().getX();
        pointB.y = sector.getEndPoint().getY();
    } else {
        sb = sector.getSector().getEnd();
        crosspoint = sector.getEnd();
        pointA = new PerspectivePoint();
        pointA.x = sector.getStartPoint().getX();
        pointA.y = sector.getStartPoint().getY();
    List<Sector> oldConnectedSectors = new ArrayList<Sector>();
    if (crosspoint != null) {
        for (Sector s : crosspoint.getIns()) if (s != sector.getSector())
        for (Sector s : crosspoint.getOuts()) if (s != sector.getSector())
    Sector s = null;
    boolean createMiss = true;
    if (point.function != null) {
        Function oldF = sb.getFunction();
        if (oldF != null && oldF.equals(point.function)) {
            if (function.getDecompositionType() >= 0 || point.function.getType() >= Function.TYPE_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE)
                createMiss = false;
            else {
                createMiss = point.functionType != sb.getFunctionType();
    if (createMiss)
        s = createMiss(point);
        point.crosspoint = sb.getCrosspoint();
    if (s != null)
    if (type == TYPE_START) {
        copyToSectorBorder(sb, pointA);
        sector.setStart(point.crosspoint, point.point, createMiss);
    } else {
        copyToSectorBorder(sector.getSector().getEnd(), pointB);
        sector.setEnd(point.crosspoint, point.point, createMiss);
    if (sector.getStream() != null) {
        if (lastC != null)
            lastC.setStream(cloneStream(sector.getStream(), movingArea.dataPlugin, lastC), ReplaceStreamType.CHILDREN);
    Hashtable<Long, Sector> sectorHash = movingArea.getDataPlugin().getSectorHash();
    for (Sector sector : oldConnectedSectors) {
        if (sectorHash.get(((NSector) sector).getElementId()) != null) {
            fixOwners(sector, getDataPlugin());
    return true;
Also used : Function(com.ramussoft.pb.Function) NFunction( NSectorBorder( NSector( Sector(com.ramussoft.pb.Sector) NSector( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Crosspoint(com.ramussoft.pb.Crosspoint)

Example 4 with Function

use of com.ramussoft.pb.Function in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.

the class SectorRefactor method fillStartFromOwners.

private static void fillStartFromOwners(Sector sector, HashSet<Row> owners, DataPlugin dataPlugin, boolean[] hasFunctionOwners) {
    Crosspoint crosspoint = sector.getStart().getCrosspoint();
    Function function2 = sector.getStart().getFunction();
    if (function2 != null) {
        if (function2.getType() != Function.TYPE_DFDS_ROLE) {
            Row row = function2.getOwner();
            if (row != null && !owners.contains(row)) {
                hasFunctionOwners[0] = true;
        } else {
            Stream stream = (Stream) dataPlugin.findRowByGlobalId(function2.getLink());
            if (stream != null)
                for (Row row : stream.getAdded()) {
                    if (row != null && !owners.contains(row))
    if (crosspoint != null)
        for (Sector sector2 : crosspoint.getOppozite(sector)) fillStartFromOwners(sector2, owners, dataPlugin, hasFunctionOwners);
Also used : Function(com.ramussoft.pb.Function) NFunction( Sector(com.ramussoft.pb.Sector) NSector( ByteArrayOutputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( Stream(com.ramussoft.pb.Stream) Row(com.ramussoft.pb.Row) Crosspoint(com.ramussoft.pb.Crosspoint)

Example 5 with Function

use of com.ramussoft.pb.Function in project ramus by Vitaliy-Yakovchuk.

the class SectorRefactor method createSectorOnIn.

public Sector createSectorOnIn(final Crosspoint point, final SectorBorder border, final PaintSector sector, boolean start) {
    Function function = border.getFunction();
    int borderType = border.getBorderType();
    if (function != null && function.getType() == Function.TYPE_DFDS_ROLE) {
        function = null;
        borderType = MovingText.getOpposite(border.getFunctionType());
    double pos;
    Sector s;
    Point bPoint;
    Function par = sector.getFunction();
    if (start)
        bPoint = sector.getStartPoint();
        bPoint = sector.getEndPoint();
    if (function != null) {
        if ((border.getFunctionType() == MovingPanel.RIGHT) || (border.getFunctionType() == MovingPanel.LEFT))
            pos = bPoint.getY() / movingArea.CLIENT_HEIGHT * par.getBounds().getHeight() + par.getBounds().getY();
            pos = bPoint.getX() / movingArea.CLIENT_WIDTH * par.getBounds().getWidth() + par.getBounds().getX();
        s = createPartIn(point, function, border.getFunctionType(), pos, !start);
    } else {
        if ((borderType == MovingPanel.RIGHT) || (borderType == MovingPanel.LEFT))
            pos = bPoint.getY() / movingArea.CLIENT_HEIGHT * par.getBounds().getHeight() + par.getBounds().getY();
            pos = sector.getStartPoint().getX() / movingArea.CLIENT_WIDTH * par.getBounds().getWidth() + par.getBounds().getX();
        s = createPartOut(point, this.function, borderType, pos, !start);
    if (s != null) {
        s.setStream(cloneStream(sector.getSector().getStream(), movingArea.dataPlugin, s), ReplaceStreamType.CHILDREN);
        ((NSector) s).storeData();
    return s;
Also used : Function(com.ramussoft.pb.Function) NFunction( NSector( Sector(com.ramussoft.pb.Sector) NSector( FloatPoint(com.dsoft.pb.types.FloatPoint) Crosspoint(com.ramussoft.pb.Crosspoint) FloatPoint(com.dsoft.pb.types.FloatPoint)


Function (com.ramussoft.pb.Function)96 NFunction ( Row (com.ramussoft.pb.Row)36 MovingFunction (com.ramussoft.pb.idef.visual.MovingFunction)27 Crosspoint (com.ramussoft.pb.Crosspoint)25 Sector (com.ramussoft.pb.Sector)25 Stream (com.ramussoft.pb.Stream)21 FloatPoint (com.dsoft.pb.types.FloatPoint)19 NSector ( DFDFunction (com.ramussoft.pb.dfd.visual.DFDFunction)17 PaintSector (com.ramussoft.pb.idef.elements.PaintSector)17 Vector (java.util.Vector)17 DFDSFunction (com.ramussoft.pb.dfds.visual.DFDSFunction)15 IOException ( FRectangle (com.dsoft.pb.types.FRectangle)11 Point (com.ramussoft.pb.idef.elements.Point)11 SectorRefactor (com.ramussoft.pb.idef.elements.SectorRefactor)10 ByteArrayOutputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 MovingArea (com.ramussoft.pb.idef.visual.MovingArea)8