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Example 1 with ApprovalState

use of com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState in project rebuild by getrebuild.

the class FormsBuilder method buildModel.

 * @param entity
 * @param user
 * @param record
 * @param viewMode 视图模式
 * @return
private JSON buildModel(String entity, ID user, ID record, boolean viewMode) {
    Assert.notNull(entity, "[entity] cannot be null");
    Assert.notNull(user, "[user] cannot be null");
    final Entity entityMeta = MetadataHelper.getEntity(entity);
    if (record != null) {
        Assert.isTrue(entityMeta.getEntityCode().equals(record.getEntityCode()), "[entity] and [record] do not match");
    // 如果明细实体
    final Entity hasMainEntity = entityMeta.getMainEntity();
    // 审批流程(状态)
    ApprovalState approvalState;
    // 新建
    if (record == null) {
        if (hasMainEntity != null) {
            ID mainid = FormBuilderContextHolder.getMainIdOfDetail();
            Assert.notNull(mainid, "Call `FormBuilderContextHolder#setMainIdOfDetail` first!");
            approvalState = EntityHelper.isUnsavedId(mainid) ? null : getHadApproval(hasMainEntity, mainid);
            if ((approvalState == ApprovalState.PROCESSING || approvalState == ApprovalState.APPROVED)) {
                return formatModelError(approvalState == ApprovalState.APPROVED ? Language.L("主记录已完成审批,不能添加明细") : Language.L("主记录正在审批中,不能添加明细"));
            // 明细无需审批
            approvalState = null;
            if (!EntityHelper.isUnsavedId(mainid) && !Application.getPrivilegesManager().allowUpdate(user, mainid)) {
                return formatModelError(Language.L("你没有添加明细权限"));
        } else if (!Application.getPrivilegesManager().allowCreate(user, entityMeta.getEntityCode())) {
            return formatModelError(Language.L("你没有新建权限"));
        } else {
            approvalState = getHadApproval(entityMeta, null);
    } else // 查看(视图)
    if (viewMode) {
        if (!Application.getPrivilegesManager().allowRead(user, record)) {
            return formatModelError(Language.L("无权读取此记录或记录已被删除"));
        approvalState = getHadApproval(entityMeta, record);
    } else // 编辑
        if (!Application.getPrivilegesManager().allowUpdate(user, record)) {
            return formatModelError(Language.L("你没有修改此记录的权限"));
        approvalState = getHadApproval(entityMeta, record);
        if (approvalState != null) {
            String recordType = hasMainEntity == null ? Language.L("记录") : Language.L("主记录");
            if (approvalState == ApprovalState.APPROVED) {
                return formatModelError(Language.L("%s已完成审批,禁止编辑", recordType));
            } else if (approvalState == ApprovalState.PROCESSING) {
                return formatModelError(Language.L("%s正在审批中,禁止编辑", recordType));
    ConfigBean model = getFormLayout(entity, user);
    JSONArray elements = (JSONArray) model.getJSON("elements");
    if (elements == null || elements.isEmpty()) {
        return formatModelError(Language.L("此表单布局尚未配置,请配置后使用"));
    Record data = null;
    if (record != null) {
        data = findRecord(record, user, elements);
        if (data == null) {
            return formatModelError(Language.L("无权读取此记录或记录已被删除"));
    // 自动只读
    Set<String> roAutos = EasyMetaFactory.getAutoReadonlyFields(entity);
    for (Object o : elements) {
        JSONObject field = (JSONObject) o;
        if (roAutos.contains(field.getString("field"))) {
            field.put("readonly", true);
    buildModelElements(elements, entityMeta, data, user, !viewMode);
    if (elements.isEmpty()) {
        return formatModelError(Language.L("此表单布局尚未配置,请配置后使用"));
    // 主/明细实体处理
    if (hasMainEntity != null) {
        model.set("mainMeta", EasyMetaFactory.toJSON(hasMainEntity));
    } else if (entityMeta.getDetailEntity() != null) {
        model.set("detailMeta", EasyMetaFactory.toJSON(entityMeta.getDetailEntity()));
    if (data != null && data.hasValue(EntityHelper.ModifiedOn)) {
        model.set("lastModified", data.getDate(EntityHelper.ModifiedOn).getTime());
    if (approvalState != null) {
        model.set("hadApproval", approvalState.getState());
    // Clean form's ID of config
    model.set("id", null);
    return model.toJSON();
Also used : Entity(cn.devezhao.persist4j.Entity) JSONObject( ApprovalState(com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState) JSONArray( Record(cn.devezhao.persist4j.Record) JSONObject( ID(cn.devezhao.persist4j.engine.ID) ConfigBean(com.rebuild.core.configuration.ConfigBean)

Example 2 with ApprovalState

use of com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState in project rebuild by getrebuild.

the class GeneralEntityService method checkModifications.

 * 系统相关约束检查。此方法有 3 种结果:
 * 1. true - 检查通过
 * 2. false - 检查不通过,但可以忽略的错误(如删除一条不存在的记录)
 * 3. 抛出异常 - 不可忽略的错误
 * @param record
 * @param action [CREATE|UPDATE|DELDETE]
 * @return
 * @throws DataSpecificationException
protected boolean checkModifications(Record record, Permission action) throws DataSpecificationException {
    final Entity entity = record.getEntity();
    final Entity mainEntity = entity.getMainEntity();
    if (action == BizzPermission.CREATE) {
        // 仅验证新建明细(相当于更新主记录)
        if (mainEntity != null && MetadataHelper.hasApprovalField(record.getEntity())) {
            Field dtmField = MetadataHelper.getDetailToMainField(entity);
            ApprovalState state = ApprovalHelper.getApprovalState(record.getID(dtmField.getName()));
            if (state == ApprovalState.APPROVED || state == ApprovalState.PROCESSING) {
                throw new DataSpecificationException(state == ApprovalState.APPROVED ? Language.L("主记录已完成审批,不能添加明细") : Language.L("主记录正在审批中,不能添加明细"));
    } else {
        final Entity checkEntity = mainEntity != null ? mainEntity : entity;
        ID recordId = record.getPrimary();
        if (checkEntity.containsField(EntityHelper.ApprovalId)) {
            // 需要验证主记录
            String recordType = Language.L("记录");
            if (mainEntity != null) {
                recordId = getMainId(entity, recordId);
                recordType = Language.L("主记录");
            ApprovalState currentState;
            ApprovalState changeState = null;
            try {
                currentState = ApprovalHelper.getApprovalState(recordId);
                if (record.hasValue(EntityHelper.ApprovalState)) {
                    changeState = (ApprovalState) ApprovalState.valueOf(record.getInt(EntityHelper.ApprovalState));
            } catch (NoRecordFoundException ignored) {
                log.warn("No record found for check : " + recordId);
                return false;
            boolean unallow = false;
            if (action == BizzPermission.DELETE) {
                unallow = currentState == ApprovalState.APPROVED || currentState == ApprovalState.PROCESSING;
            } else if (action == BizzPermission.UPDATE) {
                unallow = currentState == ApprovalState.APPROVED || currentState == ApprovalState.PROCESSING;
                // 管理员撤销
                if (unallow) {
                    boolean adminCancel = currentState == ApprovalState.APPROVED && changeState == ApprovalState.CANCELED;
                    if (adminCancel)
                        unallow = false;
                // 审批时/已通过强制修改
                if (unallow) {
                    boolean forceUpdate = GeneralEntityServiceContextHolder.isAllowForceUpdateOnce();
                    if (forceUpdate)
                        unallow = false;
            if (unallow) {
                if (RobotTriggerObserver.getTriggerSource() != null) {
                    recordType = Language.L("关联记录");
                throw new DataSpecificationException(currentState == ApprovalState.APPROVED ? Language.L("%s已完成审批,禁止操作", recordType) : Language.L("%s正在审批中,禁止操作", recordType));
    if (action == BizzPermission.CREATE || action == BizzPermission.UPDATE) {
    // TODO 父级级联字段强校验,兼容问题???
    return true;
Also used : EasyField(com.rebuild.core.metadata.easymeta.EasyField) NoRecordFoundException(com.rebuild.core.service.NoRecordFoundException) ApprovalState(com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState) DataSpecificationException(com.rebuild.core.service.DataSpecificationException) ID(cn.devezhao.persist4j.engine.ID)

Example 3 with ApprovalState

use of com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState in project rebuild by getrebuild.

the class NotificationController method listApprovals.

public Object[][] listApprovals(HttpServletRequest request) {
    final ID user = getRequestUser(request);
    int pn = getIntParameter(request, "pageNo", 1);
    int ps = getIntParameter(request, "pageSize", 40);
    Object[][] array = Application.createQueryNoFilter("select fromUser,message,createdOn,relatedRecord,messageId" + " from Notification where toUser = ? and type = 20 and relatedRecord is not null order by createdOn desc").setParameter(1, user).setLimit(ps, pn * ps - ps).array();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        Object[] m = array[i];
        m[0] = new Object[] { m[0], UserHelper.getName((ID) m[0]) };
        m[1] = MessageBuilder.formatMessage((String) m[1]);
        m[2] = I18nUtils.formatDate((Date) m[2]);
        // 审批状态
        ID approvalStep = (ID) m[3];
        Object[] stepState = Application.createQueryNoFilter("select isCanceled,state from RobotApprovalStep where stepId = ?").setParameter(1, approvalStep).unique();
        if (stepState == null) {
            m[3] = new Object[] { 0 };
        } else {
            ApprovalState state = (ApprovalState) ApprovalState.valueOf((Integer) stepState[1]);
            if (state == ApprovalState.DRAFT) {
                boolean canceled = (Boolean) stepState[0];
                m[3] = canceled ? new Object[] { 2, Language.L("已处理") } : new Object[] { 1, Language.L("待处理") };
            } else if (state == ApprovalState.APPROVED) {
                m[3] = new Object[] { 10, Language.L("已同意") };
            } else if (state == ApprovalState.REJECTED) {
                m[3] = new Object[] { 11, Language.L("已驳回") };
        array[i] = m;
    return array;
Also used : ApprovalState(com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState) ID(cn.devezhao.persist4j.engine.ID) Date(java.util.Date) GetMapping(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping)

Example 4 with ApprovalState

use of com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState in project rebuild by getrebuild.

the class I18nGettextParser method sysDefined.

// 系统定义的
static void sysDefined(JSONObject into) {
    into.put("_", "中文");
    for (DisplayType o : DisplayType.values()) into.put(o.getDisplayName(), o.getDisplayName());
    for (ActionType o : ActionType.values()) into.put(o.getDisplayName(), o.getDisplayName());
    for (ApprovalState s : ApprovalState.values()) into.put(s.getName(), s.getName());
    for (Entity entity : Application.getPersistManagerFactory().getMetadataFactory().getEntities()) {
        if (!EasyMetaFactory.valueOf(entity).isBuiltin())
        sysDefinedMeta(entity, into);
        for (Field field : entity.getFields()) {
            if (!EasyMetaFactory.valueOf(field).isBuiltin())
            sysDefinedMeta(field, into);
    into.put("__", "__");
Also used : Entity(cn.devezhao.persist4j.Entity) Field(cn.devezhao.persist4j.Field) ActionType(com.rebuild.core.service.trigger.ActionType) DisplayType(com.rebuild.core.metadata.easymeta.DisplayType) ApprovalState(com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState)

Example 5 with ApprovalState

use of com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState in project rebuild by getrebuild.

the class ApprovalList method build.

public JSON build() {
    final int viewState = ObjectUtils.toInt(getExtraParams().get("state"), ApprovalState.DRAFT.getState());
    final String baseWhere = "where isCanceled = 'F' and isWaiting = 'F' and approver = ?" + " and approvalId <> '' and recordId <> '' and ";
    Object[][] array = Application.createQueryNoFilter("select createdBy,modifiedOn,recordId,approvalId from RobotApprovalStep " + baseWhere + " state = ? order by modifiedOn desc").setParameter(1, this.getUser()).setParameter(2, viewState).setLimit(// 最多显示
    List<Object> rearray = new ArrayList<>();
    int deleted = 0;
    for (Object[] o : array) {
        final ID recordId = (ID) o[2];
        String label;
        try {
            label = FieldValueHelper.getLabel(recordId);
        } catch (NoRecordFoundException ignored) {
        final ApprovalState currentState = ApprovalHelper.getApprovalState(recordId);
        if (currentState == ApprovalState.CANCELED) {
        Entity entity = MetadataHelper.getEntity(recordId.getEntityCode());
        ID s = ApprovalHelper.getSubmitter(recordId, (ID) o[3]);
        rearray.add(new Object[] { s, UserHelper.getName(s), I18nUtils.formatDate((Date) o[1]), o[2], label, o[3], EasyMetaFactory.getLabel(entity), entity.getName() });
    Object[][] stats = Application.createQueryNoFilter("select state,count(state) from RobotApprovalStep " + baseWhere + " state < ? group by state").setParameter(1, this.getUser()).setParameter(2, ApprovalState.CANCELED.getState()).array();
    // FIXME 排除删除的(可能导致不同状态下数据不一致)
    if (deleted > 0) {
        for (Object[] o : stats) {
            if ((Integer) o[0] == viewState) {
                o[1] = ObjectUtils.toInt(o[1]) - deleted;
                if ((Integer) o[1] < 0) {
                    o[1] = 0;
    Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
    ret.put("data", rearray);
    ret.put("stats", stats);
    return (JSON) JSON.toJSON(ret);
Also used : Entity(cn.devezhao.persist4j.Entity) NoRecordFoundException(com.rebuild.core.service.NoRecordFoundException) ApprovalState(com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState) JSON( ID(cn.devezhao.persist4j.engine.ID)


ApprovalState (com.rebuild.core.service.approval.ApprovalState)5 ID (cn.devezhao.persist4j.engine.ID)4 Entity (cn.devezhao.persist4j.Entity)3 NoRecordFoundException (com.rebuild.core.service.NoRecordFoundException)2 Field (cn.devezhao.persist4j.Field)1 Record (cn.devezhao.persist4j.Record)1 JSON ( JSONArray ( JSONObject ( ConfigBean (com.rebuild.core.configuration.ConfigBean)1 DisplayType (com.rebuild.core.metadata.easymeta.DisplayType)1 EasyField (com.rebuild.core.metadata.easymeta.EasyField)1 DataSpecificationException (com.rebuild.core.service.DataSpecificationException)1 ActionType (com.rebuild.core.service.trigger.ActionType)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 GetMapping (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping)1