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Example 16 with Event

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class EmailSubscriptionTypeProcessor method process.

public List<NotificationHistory> process(Event event, List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
    if (endpoints == null || endpoints.isEmpty()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    } else {
        Action action = event.getAction();
        final EmailTemplate template = emailTemplateFactory.get(action.getBundle(), action.getApplication());
        boolean shouldSaveAggregation;
        if (useTemplatesFromDb) {
            shouldSaveAggregation = templateRepository.isEmailAggregationSupported(action.getBundle(), action.getApplication(), NON_INSTANT_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES);
        } else {
            shouldSaveAggregation = -> template.isSupported(action.getEventType(), emailSubscriptionType));
        if (shouldSaveAggregation) {
            EmailAggregation aggregation = new EmailAggregation();
            JsonObject transformedAction = baseTransformer.transform(action);
        return sendEmail(event, Set.copyOf(endpoints), template);
Also used : Arrays(java.util.Arrays) Endpoint( BaseTransformer( NotificationHistory( RecipientSettings( EmailTemplateFactory( EmailTemplate( Map(java.util.Map) InstantEmailTemplate( Event( JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) User( ZoneOffset(java.time.ZoneOffset) Context( Counter(io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter) TemplateInstance(io.quarkus.qute.TemplateInstance) ActionRecipientSettings( Set(java.util.Set) UUID(java.util.UUID) EmailAggregation( Collectors( List(java.util.List) Stream( StatelessSessionFactory( PostConstruct(javax.annotation.PostConstruct) Optional(java.util.Optional) ApplicationScoped(javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped) AggregationCommand( Incoming(org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming) AggregationEmailTemplate( Logger(org.jboss.logging.Logger) LocalDateTime(java.time.LocalDateTime) USE_TEMPLATES_FROM_DB_KEY( TemplateService( Inject(javax.inject.Inject) EmailAggregationRepository( EmailSubscriptionRepository( EmailSubscriptionType( Blocking(io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.annotations.Blocking) Acknowledgment(org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Acknowledgment) ObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper) JsonProcessingException(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException) EmailAggregationKey( EndpointTypeProcessor( MeterRegistry(io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry) TemplateRepository( RecipientResolver( ConfigProperty(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty) Action( Collections(java.util.Collections) EndpointRecipientSettings( Action( EmailTemplate( InstantEmailTemplate( AggregationEmailTemplate( JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) EmailAggregation(

Example 17 with Event

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class EmailSubscriptionTypeProcessor method processAggregateEmailsByAggregationKey.

private void processAggregateEmailsByAggregationKey(EmailAggregationKey aggregationKey, LocalDateTime startTime, LocalDateTime endTime, EmailSubscriptionType emailSubscriptionType, boolean delete) {
    final EmailTemplate emailTemplate = emailTemplateFactory.get(aggregationKey.getBundle(), aggregationKey.getApplication());
    TemplateInstance subject;
    TemplateInstance body;
    if (useTemplatesFromDb) {
        Optional<AggregationEmailTemplate> aggregationEmailTemplate = templateRepository.findAggregationEmailTemplate(aggregationKey.getBundle(), aggregationKey.getApplication(), emailSubscriptionType);
        if (aggregationEmailTemplate.isEmpty()) {
            if (delete) {
                emailAggregationRepository.purgeOldAggregation(aggregationKey, endTime);
        } else {
            String subjectData = aggregationEmailTemplate.get().getSubjectTemplate().getData();
            subject = templateService.compileTemplate(subjectData, "subject");
            String bodyData = aggregationEmailTemplate.get().getBodyTemplate().getData();
            body = templateService.compileTemplate(bodyData, "body");
    } else {
        if (!emailTemplate.isEmailSubscriptionSupported(emailSubscriptionType)) {
            if (delete) {
                emailAggregationRepository.purgeOldAggregation(aggregationKey, endTime);
        subject = emailTemplate.getTitle(null, emailSubscriptionType);
        body = emailTemplate.getBody(null, emailSubscriptionType);
    if (subject == null || body == null) {
        if (delete) {
            emailAggregationRepository.purgeOldAggregation(aggregationKey, endTime);
    try {
        for (Map.Entry<User, Map<String, Object>> aggregation : emailAggregator.getAggregated(aggregationKey, emailSubscriptionType, startTime, endTime).entrySet()) {
            Context.ContextBuilder contextBuilder = new Context.ContextBuilder();
            Action action = new Action();
            // We don't have a eventtype as this aggregates over multiple event types
            Event event = new Event();
            emailSender.sendEmail(aggregation.getKey(), event, subject, body);
    } finally {
        if (delete) {
            emailAggregationRepository.purgeOldAggregation(aggregationKey, endTime);
Also used : Context( Action( User( AggregationEmailTemplate( TemplateInstance(io.quarkus.qute.TemplateInstance) EmailTemplate( InstantEmailTemplate( AggregationEmailTemplate( Event( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 18 with Event

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class EventConsumer method process.

public CompletionStage<Void> process(Message<String> message) {
    // This timer will have dynamic tag values based on the action parsed from the received message.
    Timer.Sample consumedTimer = Timer.start(registry);
    String payload = message.getPayload();
    // The two following variables have to be final or effectively final. That why their type is String[] instead of String.
    String[] bundleName = new String[1];
    String[] appName = new String[1];
         * Step 1
         * The payload (JSON) is parsed into an Action.
    try {
        Action action;
        try {
            action = actionParser.fromJsonString(payload);
        } catch (Exception e) {
                 * An exception (most likely UncheckedIOException) was thrown during the payload parsing. The message
                 * is therefore considered rejected.
            throw e;
             * The payload was successfully parsed. The resulting Action contains a bundle/app/eventType triplet which
             * is logged.
        bundleName[0] = action.getBundle();
        appName[0] = action.getApplication();
        String eventTypeName = action.getEventType();
        LOGGER.infof("Processing received action: (%s) %s/%s/%s", action.getAccountId(), bundleName[0], appName[0], eventTypeName);
             * Step 2
             * The message ID is extracted from the Kafka message headers. It can be null for now to give the onboarded
             * apps time to change their integration and start sending the new header. The message ID may become
             * mandatory later. If so, we may want to throw an exception when it is null.
        UUID messageId = kafkaMessageDeduplicator.findMessageId(bundleName[0], appName[0], message);
        statelessSessionFactory.withSession(statelessSession -> {
                 * Step 3
                 * It's time to check if the message ID is already known. For now, messages without an ID
                 * (messageId == null) are always considered new.
            if (kafkaMessageDeduplicator.isDuplicate(messageId)) {
                     * The message ID is already known which means we already processed the current
                     * message and sent notifications. The message is therefore ignored.
            } else {
                     * Step 4
                     * The message ID is new. Let's persist it. The current message will never be processed again as
                     * long as its ID stays in the DB.
                     * Step 5
                     * We need to retrieve an EventType from the DB using the bundle/app/eventType triplet from the
                     * parsed Action.
                EventType eventType;
                try {
                    eventType = eventTypeRepository.getEventType(bundleName[0], appName[0], eventTypeName);
                } catch (NoResultException e) {
                         * A NoResultException was thrown because no EventType was found. The message is therefore
                         * considered rejected.
                    throw new NoResultException(String.format(EVENT_TYPE_NOT_FOUND_MSG, bundleName[0], appName[0], eventTypeName));
                     * Step 6
                     * The EventType was found. It's time to create an Event from the current message and persist it.
                Event event = new Event(eventType, payload, action);
                if (event.getId() == null) {
                    // NOTIF-499 If there is no ID provided whatsoever we create one.
                    if (messageId != null) {
                    } else {
                        LOGGER.infof("NOID: Event with %s/%s/%s did not have an incoming id or messageId ", bundleName[0], appName[0], eventTypeName);
                     * Step 7
                     * The Event and the Action it contains are processed by all relevant endpoint processors.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                         * The Event processing failed.
                    throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
             * An exception was thrown at some point during the Kafka message processing,
             * it is logged and added to the exception counter metric.
        LOGGER.infof(e, "Could not process the payload: %s", payload);
    } finally {
        // bundleName[0] and appName[0] are null when the action parsing failed.
        String bundle = bundleName[0] == null ? "" : bundleName[0];
        String application = appName[0] == null ? "" : appName[0];
        consumedTimer.stop(registry.timer(CONSUMED_TIMER_NAME, "bundle", bundle, "application", application));
    return message.ack();
Also used : Action( Timer(io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer) EventType( Event( NoResultException(javax.persistence.NoResultException) UUID(java.util.UUID) NoResultException(javax.persistence.NoResultException) Incoming(org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming) Acknowledgment(org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Acknowledgment) Blocking(io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.annotations.Blocking)


Event ( Endpoint ( NotificationHistory ( Action ( JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)8 Inject (javax.inject.Inject)8 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)8 Context ( LocalDateTime (java.time.LocalDateTime)7 List (java.util.List)7 QuarkusTest (io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest)6 EndpointType ( EventType ( Collectors ( MockServerLifecycleManager ( StatelessSessionFactory ( Arrays (java.util.Arrays)4 UUID (java.util.UUID)4 Transactional (javax.transaction.Transactional)4 Assertions.assertEquals (org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals)4