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Example 1 with EventType

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class NotificationResource method getEventTypes.

@Operation(summary = "Retrieve all event types. The returned list can be filtered by bundle or application.")
public Page<EventType> getEventTypes(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @BeanParam Query query, @QueryParam("applicationIds") Set<UUID> applicationIds, @QueryParam("bundleId") UUID bundleId, @QueryParam("eventTypeName") String eventTypeName) {
    List<EventType> eventTypes = applicationRepository.getEventTypes(query, applicationIds, bundleId, eventTypeName);
    Long count = applicationRepository.getEventTypesCount(applicationIds, bundleId, eventTypeName);
    return new Page<>(eventTypes,, count, query.getLimit().getLimit(), query.getLimit().getOffset()), new Meta(count));
Also used : Meta( EventType( Page( Path( RolesAllowed( Produces( GET( Operation(org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.Operation)

Example 2 with EventType

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class BehaviorGroupRepository method updateEventTypeBehaviors.

     * Returns true if the event type was found and successfully updated.
     * Returns false if the event type was not found.
     * If an exception other than NoResultException is thrown during the update, the DB transaction will be rolled back.
public boolean updateEventTypeBehaviors(String accountId, UUID eventTypeId, Set<UUID> behaviorGroupIds) {
    // First, let's make sure the event type exists.
    EventType eventType = entityManager.find(EventType.class, eventTypeId);
    if (eventType == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Event type not found");
    } else {
        // An event type should only be linked to behavior groups from the same bundle.
        String integrityCheckHql = "SELECT id FROM BehaviorGroup WHERE id IN (:behaviorGroupIds) " + "AND bundle != (SELECT application.bundle FROM EventType WHERE id = :eventTypeId)";
        List<UUID> differentBundle = entityManager.createQuery(integrityCheckHql, UUID.class).setParameter("behaviorGroupIds", behaviorGroupIds).setParameter("eventTypeId", eventTypeId).getResultList();
        if (!differentBundle.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadRequestException("Some behavior groups can't be linked to the event " + "type because they belong to a different bundle: " + differentBundle);
             * All event type behaviors that should no longer exist must be deleted.
             * Deleted event type behaviors must obviously be owned by the current account.
        String deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM EventTypeBehavior b " + "WHERE = :eventTypeId " + "AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM BehaviorGroup WHERE accountId = :accountId AND id =";
        if (!behaviorGroupIds.isEmpty()) {
            deleteQuery += " AND NOT IN (:behaviorGroupIds)";
        javax.persistence.Query q = entityManager.createQuery(deleteQuery).setParameter("accountId", accountId).setParameter("eventTypeId", eventTypeId);
        if (!behaviorGroupIds.isEmpty()) {
            q = q.setParameter("behaviorGroupIds", behaviorGroupIds);
        for (UUID behaviorGroupId : behaviorGroupIds) {
                 * Then, we'll insert all event type behaviors from the given behaviorGroupIds list.
                 * If an event type behavior already exists, nothing will happen (no exception will be thrown).
            String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO event_type_behavior (event_type_id, behavior_group_id, created) " + "SELECT :eventTypeId, :behaviorGroupId, :created " + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM behavior_group WHERE account_id = :accountId AND id = :behaviorGroupId) " + "ON CONFLICT (event_type_id, behavior_group_id) DO NOTHING";
            entityManager.createNativeQuery(insertQuery).setParameter("eventTypeId", eventTypeId).setParameter("behaviorGroupId", behaviorGroupId).setParameter("created","accountId", accountId).executeUpdate();
        return true;
Also used : EventType( NotFoundException( BadRequestException( UUID(java.util.UUID) Transactional(javax.transaction.Transactional)

Example 3 with EventType

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class BehaviorGroupRepository method findEventTypesByBehaviorGroupId.

public List<EventType> findEventTypesByBehaviorGroupId(String accountId, UUID behaviorGroupId) {
    BehaviorGroup behaviorGroup = entityManager.find(BehaviorGroup.class, behaviorGroupId);
    if (behaviorGroup == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Behavior group not found");
    String query = "SELECT e FROM EventType e LEFT JOIN FETCH e.application JOIN e.behaviors b " + "WHERE (b.behaviorGroup.accountId = :accountId OR b.behaviorGroup.accountId IS NULL) AND = :behaviorGroupId";
    return entityManager.createQuery(query, EventType.class).setParameter("accountId", accountId).setParameter("behaviorGroupId", behaviorGroupId).getResultList();
Also used : EventType( BehaviorGroup( NotFoundException(

Example 4 with EventType

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class TemplateRepository method updateInstantEmailTemplate.

public boolean updateInstantEmailTemplate(UUID id, InstantEmailTemplate template) {
    String hql = "UPDATE InstantEmailTemplate SET eventType = :eventType, subjectTemplate = :subjectTemplate, " + "bodyTemplate = :bodyTemplate WHERE id = :id";
    EventType eventType;
    if (template.getEventTypeId() == null) {
        eventType = null;
    } else {
        eventType = findEventType(template.getEventTypeId());
    Template subjectTemplate = findTemplate(template.getSubjectTemplateId(), SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND);
    Template bodyTemplate = findTemplate(template.getBodyTemplateId(), BODY_NOT_FOUND);
    int rowCount = entityManager.createQuery(hql).setParameter("eventType", eventType).setParameter("subjectTemplate", subjectTemplate).setParameter("bodyTemplate", bodyTemplate).setParameter("id", id).executeUpdate();
    return rowCount > 0;
Also used : EventType( AggregationEmailTemplate( Template( InstantEmailTemplate( Transactional(javax.transaction.Transactional)

Example 5 with EventType

use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.

the class TemplateRepository method createInstantEmailTemplate.

public InstantEmailTemplate createInstantEmailTemplate(InstantEmailTemplate template) {
    Template subjectTemplate = findTemplate(template.getSubjectTemplateId(), SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND);
    Template bodyTemplate = findTemplate(template.getBodyTemplateId(), BODY_NOT_FOUND);
    if (template.getEventTypeId() != null) {
        EventType eventType = findEventType(template.getEventTypeId());
    // The full event type isn't needed in the REST response.
    // The full templates aren't needed in the REST response.
    return template;
Also used : EventType( AggregationEmailTemplate( Template( InstantEmailTemplate( Transactional(javax.transaction.Transactional)


EventType ( QuarkusTest (io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest)16 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)16 Application ( Bundle ( Transactional (javax.transaction.Transactional)10 BehaviorGroup ( Action ( TestHelpers.serializeAction ( DbIsolatedTest ( UUID (java.util.UUID)5 Event ( NotFoundException ( AggregationEmailTemplate ( InstantEmailTemplate ( Template ( Header (io.restassured.http.Header)3 Endpoint ( JsonArray (io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray)2 JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)2