use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.
the class EmailAggregator method getAggregated.
public Map<User, Map<String, Object>> getAggregated(EmailAggregationKey aggregationKey, EmailSubscriptionType emailSubscriptionType, LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end) {
Map<User, AbstractEmailPayloadAggregator> aggregated = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> subscribers = getEmailSubscribers(aggregationKey, emailSubscriptionType);
// First, we retrieve all aggregations that match the given key.
List<EmailAggregation> aggregations = emailAggregationRepository.getEmailAggregation(aggregationKey, start, end);
// For each aggregation...
for (EmailAggregation aggregation : aggregations) {
// We need its event type to determine the target endpoints.
String eventType = getEventType(aggregation);
// Let's retrieve these targets.
Set<Endpoint> endpoints = Set.copyOf(endpointRepository.getTargetEmailSubscriptionEndpoints(aggregationKey.getAccountId(), aggregationKey.getBundle(), aggregationKey.getApplication(), eventType));
// Now we want to determine who will actually receive the aggregation email.
// All users who subscribed to the current application and subscription type combination are recipients candidates.
* The actual recipients list may differ from the candidates depending on the endpoint properties and the action settings.
* The target endpoints properties will determine whether or not each candidate will actually receive an email.
Set<User> users = recipientResolver.recipientUsers(aggregationKey.getAccountId(), aggregationKey.getOrgId(), Stream.concat(, getActionRecipient(aggregation).stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet()), subscribers);
* We now have the final recipients list.
* Let's populate the Map that will be returned by the method.
users.forEach(user -> {
// It's aggregation time!
fillUsers(aggregationKey, user, aggregated, aggregation);
return aggregated.entrySet().stream().peek(entry -> {
// TODO These fields could be passed to since we know them from the beginning.
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> entry.getValue().getContext()));
use of in project notifications-backend by RedHatInsights.
the class EmailAggregator method fillUsers.
private void fillUsers(EmailAggregationKey aggregationKey, User user, Map<User, AbstractEmailPayloadAggregator> aggregated, EmailAggregation emailAggregation) {
AbstractEmailPayloadAggregator aggregator = aggregated.computeIfAbsent(user, ignored ->;