Search in sources :

Example 11 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class MavenRepository method getPom.

public MavenPom getPom(final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version) {
    final String groupArtifactVersion = groupId + ":" + artifactId + ":" + version;
    MavenPom pom = this.pomCache.get(groupArtifactVersion);
    if (pom == null) {
        final Resource resource = getResource(groupId, artifactId, "pom", version);
        if (resource.exists()) {
            final MapEx map = Xml.toMap(resource);
            pom = new MavenPom(this, map);
            this.pomCache.put(groupArtifactVersion, pom);
        } else {
            return null;
    return pom;
Also used : MapEx( PathResource(com.revolsys.spring.resource.PathResource) Resource(com.revolsys.spring.resource.Resource)

Example 12 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class RecordStoreConnection method toMapInternal.

protected MapEx toMapInternal() {
    final MapEx map = newTypeMap("recordStore");
    addAllToMap(map, getProperties());
    final String name = getName();
    map.put("name", name);
    final boolean savePassword = isSavePassword();
    map.put("savePassword", savePassword);
    return map;
Also used : MapEx(

Example 13 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class CsvMapIterator method parseMap.

private MapEx parseMap(final List<String> record) {
    final MapEx map = new LinkedHashMapEx();
    for (int i = 0; i < this.fieldNames.size() && i < record.size(); i++) {
        final String fieldName = this.fieldNames.get(i);
        final String value = record.get(i);
        if (value != null) {
            map.put(fieldName, value);
    return map;
Also used : LinkedHashMapEx( MapEx( LinkedHashMapEx(

Example 14 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class MapReaderRecordReader method next.

public Record next() {
    if (hasNext()) {
        final MapEx source =;
        final Record target = new ArrayRecord(this.recordDefinition);
        for (final FieldDefinition field : this.recordDefinition.getFields()) {
            final String name = field.getName();
            final Object value = source.get(name);
            if (value != null) {
                final DataType dataType = this.recordDefinition.getFieldType(name);
                final Object convertedValue;
                try {
                    convertedValue = dataType.toObject(value);
                } catch (final Throwable e) {
                    throw new FieldValueInvalidException(name, value, e);
                target.setValue(name, convertedValue);
        return target;
    } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
Also used : ArrayRecord(com.revolsys.record.ArrayRecord) FieldValueInvalidException(com.revolsys.record.FieldValueInvalidException) MapEx( FieldDefinition(com.revolsys.record.schema.FieldDefinition) DataType(com.revolsys.datatype.DataType) Record(com.revolsys.record.Record) ArrayRecord(com.revolsys.record.ArrayRecord) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException)

Example 15 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class RecordStoreConnectionRegistry method loadConnection.

protected RecordStoreConnection loadConnection(final Path connectionFile, final boolean importConnection) {
    final MapEx config = Json.toMap(connectionFile);
    final String name = getConnectionName(config, connectionFile, importConnection);
    try {
        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) final Map<String, Object> connectionProperties = Maps.get((Map) config, "connection", Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
        if (connectionProperties.isEmpty()) {
            Logs.error(this, "Record store must include a 'connection' map property: " + connectionFile);
            return null;
        } else {
            final RecordStoreConnection connection = new RecordStoreConnection(this, connectionFile.toString(), config);
            if (!importConnection) {
            addConnection(name, connection);
            return connection;
    } catch (final Throwable e) {
        Logs.error(this, "Error creating record store from: " + connectionFile, e);
        return null;
Also used : MapEx(


MapEx ( LinkedHashMapEx ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 Resource (com.revolsys.spring.resource.Resource)9 GeometryFactory (com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 PathName ( UrlResource (com.revolsys.spring.resource.UrlResource)5 DataType (com.revolsys.datatype.DataType)4 FieldDefinition (com.revolsys.record.schema.FieldDefinition)4 PathResource (com.revolsys.spring.resource.PathResource)4 Color (java.awt.Color)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)4 NamedLinkedHashMapEx ( Geometry (com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry)3 LineString (com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString)3 Record (com.revolsys.record.Record)3