Search in sources :

Example 31 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class ArcGisRestCatalog method toMap.

public MapEx toMap() {
    final MapEx map = newTypeMap(J_TYPE);
    final String name = getName();
    addToMap(map, "name", name);
    map.put("serviceUrl", getServiceUrl());
    addToMap(map, "username", this.username, "");
    addToMap(map, "password", PasswordUtil.encrypt(this.password), "");
    return map;
Also used : MapEx(

Example 32 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class ArcGisRestCatalog method initialize.

protected void initialize(final MapEx properties) {
    final List<CatalogElement> children = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<String, CatalogElement> childByName = new HashMap<>();
    final List<String> folderNames = properties.getValue("folders", Collections.emptyList());
    for (final String folderPath : folderNames) {
        final String folderName = PathName.newPathName(folderPath).getName();
        final ArcGisRestCatalog folder = new ArcGisRestCatalog(this, folderName);
        final String childKey = folderName.toLowerCase();
        childByName.put(childKey, folder);
    final List<MapEx> serviceDescriptions = properties.getValue("services", Collections.emptyList());
    for (final MapEx serviceDescription : serviceDescriptions) {
        final String serviceContainerPath = serviceDescription.getString("name");
        final String serviceType = serviceDescription.getString("type");
        final String serviceContainerName = PathName.newPathName(serviceContainerPath).getName();
        try {
            final String childKey = serviceContainerName.toLowerCase();
            ArcGisRestServiceContainer container = (ArcGisRestServiceContainer) childByName.get(childKey);
            if (container == null) {
                container = new ArcGisRestServiceContainer(this, serviceContainerName);
                childByName.put(childKey, container);
            ArcGisRestService service;
            final Function<ArcGisRestServiceContainer, ArcGisRestService> serviceFactory = SERVICE_FACTORY_BY_TYPE.get(serviceType);
            if (serviceFactory == null) {
                service = new ArcGisRestService(container, serviceType);
            } else {
                service = serviceFactory.apply(container);
        } catch (final Throwable e) {
            Logs.error(this, "Unable to get service: " + getServiceUrl() + "/" + serviceContainerPath, e);
    this.childByName = Collections.unmodifiableMap(childByName);
    this.children = Collections.unmodifiableList(children);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) MapEx( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 33 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class AnnotationLayer method initialize.

protected void initialize(final MapEx properties) {
    final ArcGisRestAbstractLayerService service = getService();
    final Map<String, LayerDescription> layersByName = new TreeMap<>();
    final List<MapEx> layerDefinitions = properties.getValue("subLayers", Collections.emptyList());
    for (final MapEx layerProperties : layerDefinitions) {
        service.addLayer(this, layersByName, layerProperties);
    this.layers = Lists.toArray(layersByName.values());
    this.layersByName = layersByName;
Also used : MapEx( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 34 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class ArcGisRestAbstractLayerService method initChildren.

protected void initChildren(final MapEx properties, final List<CatalogElement> children, final Map<String, LayerDescription> rootLayersByName) {
    final Map<String, GroupLayer> groups = new TreeMap<>();
    final Map<String, LayerDescription> layers = new TreeMap<>();
    final List<MapEx> layerDefinitions = properties.getValue("layers", Collections.emptyList());
    for (final MapEx layerProperties : layerDefinitions) {
        final Integer parentLayerId = layerProperties.getInteger("parentLayerId");
        if (parentLayerId == null || parentLayerId == -1) {
            final LayerDescription layer = addLayer(this, rootLayersByName, layerProperties);
            if (layer != null) {
                final String layerName = layer.getName();
                if (layer instanceof GroupLayer) {
                    final GroupLayer group = (GroupLayer) layer;
                    groups.put(layerName, group);
                } else {
                    layers.put(layerName, layer);
    final List<MapEx> tableDefinitions = properties.getValue("tables", Collections.emptyList());
    for (final MapEx layerProperties : tableDefinitions) {
        final LayerDescription layer = addLayer(this, rootLayersByName, layerProperties);
        if (layer != null) {
            final String layerName = layer.getName();
            layers.put(layerName, layer);
Also used : MapEx( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 35 with MapEx

use of in project by revolsys.

the class FeatureLayer method setCodeTable.

private void setCodeTable(final FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, final MapEx field) {
    final MapEx domain = (MapEx) field.get("domain");
    if (domain != null) {
        final String domainType = domain.getString("type");
        final String domainName = domain.getString("name");
        final List<MapEx> codedValues = (List<MapEx>) domain.get("codedValues");
        if ("codedValue".equals(domainType) && Property.hasValuesAll(domainName, codedValues)) {
            final SimpleCodeTable codeTable = new SimpleCodeTable(domainName);
            for (final MapEx codedValue : codedValues) {
                final String code = codedValue.getString("code");
                final String description = codedValue.getString("name");
                codeTable.addValue(code, description);
Also used : MapEx( List(java.util.List) SimpleCodeTable(com.revolsys.record.code.SimpleCodeTable)


MapEx ( LinkedHashMapEx ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 Resource (com.revolsys.spring.resource.Resource)9 GeometryFactory (com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 PathName ( UrlResource (com.revolsys.spring.resource.UrlResource)5 DataType (com.revolsys.datatype.DataType)4 FieldDefinition (com.revolsys.record.schema.FieldDefinition)4 PathResource (com.revolsys.spring.resource.PathResource)4 Color (java.awt.Color)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)4 NamedLinkedHashMapEx ( Geometry (com.revolsys.geometry.model.Geometry)3 LineString (com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString)3 Record (com.revolsys.record.Record)3