use of com.revolsys.elevation.tin.TriangulatedIrregularNetwork in project by revolsys.
the class PointCloud method newGriddedElevationModel.
default GriddedElevationModel newGriddedElevationModel(final Map<String, ? extends Object> properties) {
final TriangulatedIrregularNetwork tin = newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork();
final BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox();
final int minX = (int) Math.floor(boundingBox.getMinX());
final int minY = (int) Math.floor(boundingBox.getMinY());
final int maxX = (int) Math.ceil(boundingBox.getMaxX());
final int maxY = (int) Math.ceil(boundingBox.getMaxY());
final int width = maxX - minX;
final int height = maxY - minY;
final IntArrayScaleGriddedElevationModel elevationModel = new IntArrayScaleGriddedElevationModel(getGeometryFactory().convertAxisCountAndScales(3, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0), minX, minY, width, height, 1);
return null;
use of com.revolsys.elevation.tin.TriangulatedIrregularNetwork in project by revolsys.
the class PointCloud method newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork.
default TriangulatedIrregularNetwork newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork(final Predicate<? super Point> filter) {
final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory();
final QuadEdgeDelaunayTinBuilder tinBuilder = new QuadEdgeDelaunayTinBuilder(geometryFactory);
forEachPoint((point) -> {
if (filter.test(point)) {
final TriangulatedIrregularNetwork tin = tinBuilder.newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork();
return tin;
use of com.revolsys.elevation.tin.TriangulatedIrregularNetwork in project by revolsys.
the class LasPointCloud method newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork.
public TriangulatedIrregularNetwork newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork() {
final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = getGeometryFactory();
final QuadEdgeDelaunayTinBuilder tinBuilder = new QuadEdgeDelaunayTinBuilder(geometryFactory);
forEachPoint((lasPoint) -> {
final TriangulatedIrregularNetwork tin = tinBuilder.newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork();
return tin;
use of com.revolsys.elevation.tin.TriangulatedIrregularNetwork in project by revolsys.
the class TriangulationVisualization method displayTin.
public static void displayTin(final TriangulatedIrregularNetwork tin) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = tin.getBoundingBox();
double mapWidth = boundingBox.getWidth() + 4;
double mapHeight = boundingBox.getHeight() + 4;
if (mapHeight > mapWidth) {
boundingBox = boundingBox.expand((mapHeight - mapWidth) / 2, 0);
mapWidth = boundingBox.getWidth();
} else if (mapHeight < mapWidth) {
boundingBox = boundingBox.expand(0, (mapWidth - mapHeight) / 2);
mapHeight = boundingBox.getHeight();
final AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
final double pixelsPerXUnit = 800 / mapWidth;
final double pixelsPerYUnit = -800 / mapHeight;
final double originX = boundingBox.getMinX() - 2;
final double originY = boundingBox.getMaxY() + 2;
transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(pixelsPerXUnit, pixelsPerYUnit));
transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-originX, -originY));
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
final JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setSize(850, 850);
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
frame.add(new JPanel() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void paint(final Graphics graphics) {
final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics;
g2.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 800);
final AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform();
synchronized (tin) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float) (1 / pixelsPerXUnit)));
tin.forEachTriangle((triangle) -> {
g2.setPaint(WebColors.newAlpha(WebColors.Aqua, 25));
if (showCircumcircle) {
tin.forEachTriangle((triangle) -> {
final double x1 = triangle.getX(1);
final double x2 = triangle.getY(1);
final double[] centre = Triangle.getCircumcentreCoordinates(triangle.getX(0), triangle.getY(0), x1, x2, triangle.getX(2), triangle.getY(2));
final double centreX = centre[0];
final double centreY = centre[1];
final double size = 7;
final double half = size / 2;
final Ellipse2D.Double shape = new Ellipse2D.Double(centreX - half / pixelsPerXUnit, centreY - half / pixelsPerXUnit, size / pixelsPerXUnit, size / pixelsPerXUnit);
tin.forEachTriangle((triangle) -> {
final double x1 = triangle.getX(1);
final double x2 = triangle.getY(1);
final double[] centre = Triangle.getCircumcentreCoordinates(triangle.getX(0), triangle.getY(0), x1, x2, triangle.getX(2), triangle.getY(2));
final Circle circle = triangle.getCircumcircle();
final double centreX = centre[0];
final double centreY = centre[1];
final double radius = circle.getRadius();
final Ellipse2D ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(centreX - radius, centreY - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
// for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < tin.getVertexCount(); vertexIndex++) {
// final Point point = tin.getVertex(vertexIndex);
// final double x = point.getX();
// final double y = point.getY();
// final double size = 7;
// final double half = size / 2;
// final Ellipse2D.Double shape = new Ellipse2D.Double(x - half / pixelsPerXUnit,
// y - half / pixelsPerXUnit, size / pixelsPerXUnit, size / pixelsPerXUnit);
// g2.setPaint(WebColors.Yellow);
// g2.fill(shape);
// g2.setColor(WebColors.Black);
// g2.draw(shape);
// }
// {
// final Point point = pointHolder.getValue();
// if (point != null) {
// g2.setPaint(WebColors.Red);
// final double x = point.getX();
// final double y = point.getY();
// final double size = 9;
// final double half = size / 2;
// g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(x - half / pixelsPerXUnit, y - half / pixelsPerXUnit,
// size / pixelsPerXUnit, size / pixelsPerXUnit));
// }
// }
// g2.setTransform(oldTransform);
// g2.translate(0, 800);
// g2.setPaint(WebColors.Green);
// for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < tin.getVertexCount(); vertexIndex++) {
// final Point point = tin.getVertex(vertexIndex);
// final double x = point.getX();
// final double y = point.getY();
// final int screenX = (int)((x + 2) * pixelsPerXUnit);
// final int screenY = (int)((y + 2) * pixelsPerYUnit);
// g2.drawString(Integer.toString(vertexIndex), screenX + 5, screenY);
// }
}, BorderLayout.CENTER);
use of com.revolsys.elevation.tin.TriangulatedIrregularNetwork in project by revolsys.
the class TriangulationVisualization method tinVisual.
// public static void testDem() throws IOException {
// final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryFactory.fixed(3005, 1000.0);
// final bcDemConfig config = new bcDemConfig();
// final Path basePath = config.getBasePath();
// final boolean processAll = false;
// final RecordDefinition extentRecordDefinition = new RecordDefinitionBuilder("extents") //
// .addField("LETTER_BLOCK", DataTypes.STRING) //
// .addField("POLYGON", DataTypes.POLYGON) //
// .setGeometryFactory(geometryFactory) //
// .getRecordDefinition();
// final Path trim25kDirectory = config.getTrim25mAlbersDirectory();
// RecordWriter writer = null;
// if (processAll) {
// writer = RecordWriter.newRecordWriter(extentRecordDefinition,
// trim25kDirectory.resolve("extents.shp"));
// }
// try (
// RecordWriter writer2 = writer) {
// Files.walk(trim25kDirectory).forEach((demZipFile) -> {
// final String baseName = Paths.getBaseName(demZipFile);
// if (processAll || baseName.equals("92i-albers-elevation.asc")) {
// try {
// final String fileNameExtension = Paths.getFileNameExtension(demZipFile);
// if (fileNameExtension.equals("zip")) {
// final FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(demZipFile, null);
// final String letterBlock = baseName.substring(0, baseName.indexOf('-'));
// final Path demFile = fileSystem.getPath(baseName);
// final Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
// properties.put(GriddedElevationModel.GEOMETRY_FACTORY, geometryFactory);
// properties.put(EsriAsciiGriddedElevation.PROPERTY_READ_DATA, !processAll);
// final GriddedElevationModel sourceModel = GriddedElevationModel
// .newGriddedElevationModel(demFile, properties);
// final BoundingBox sourceBoundingBox = sourceModel.getBoundingBox();
// if (!processAll) {
// for (final RectangularMapTile targetTile : bcDemConfig.GRID_25m
// .getTiles(sourceBoundingBox)) {
// final BoundingBox targetBoundingBox = targetTile.getBoundingBox();
// final boolean contained = sourceBoundingBox.covers(targetBoundingBox);
// if (contained) {
// System.out.println(targetTile);
// } else {
// System.err.println(targetTile);
// }
// final Path targetPath = config.getGriddedElevationModelPath(3005, 25, targetTile,
// "asc");
// final GriddedElevationModel targetModel = config.getGriddedElevationModel(3005,
// 25, targetTile, "asc");
// final int targetHeight = targetModel.getHeight();
// final int targetWidth = targetModel.getWidth();
// for (int targetJ = 0; targetJ < targetHeight; targetJ++) {
// for (int targetI = 0; targetI < targetWidth; targetI++) {
// final double x = targetModel.getX(targetI);
// final double y = targetModel.getY(targetJ);
// final int sourceI = sourceModel.getCellX(x);
// final int sourceJ = sourceModel.getCellY(y);
// if (!sourceModel.isNull(sourceI, sourceJ)) {
// final short elevation = sourceModel.getElevationShort(sourceI, sourceJ);
// targetModel.setElevation(targetI, targetJ, elevation);
// }
// }
// }
// targetModel.writeGriddedElevationModel(targetPath);
// }
// }
// if (writer2 != null) {
// final Record record = writer2.newRecord();
// record.setValue("LETTER_BLOCK", letterBlock);
// final BoundingBox boundingBox = sourceModel.getBoundingBox();
// record.setGeometryValue(boundingBox.toPolygon(1));
// writer2.write(record);
// }
// }
// } catch (final Exception e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// });
// }
// }
private static void tinVisual(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final List<Point> points) {
final QuadEdgeDelaunayTinBuilder tinBuilder = new QuadEdgeDelaunayTinBuilder(geometryFactory);
final TriangulatedIrregularNetwork tin = tinBuilder.newTriangulatedIrregularNetwork();