use of in project by revolsys.
the class AbstractRecordReader method newRecordDefinition.
protected RecordDefinition newRecordDefinition(final String baseName, final List<String> fieldNames) throws IOException {
this.hasPointFields = Property.hasValue(this.pointXFieldName) && Property.hasValue(this.pointYFieldName);
if (this.hasPointFields) {
this.geometryType = DataTypes.POINT;
} else {
this.pointXFieldName = null;
this.pointYFieldName = null;
final List<FieldDefinition> fields = new ArrayList<>();
FieldDefinition geometryField = null;
for (final String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName != null) {
DataType type;
int length = 0;
boolean isGeometryField = false;
if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.geometryColumnName)) {
type = this.geometryType;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("GEOMETRY".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.GEOMETRY;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("SHAPE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.GEOMETRY;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "GEOMETRY_COLLECTION".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("POINT".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.POINT;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("MULTI_POINT".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTIPOINT".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.MULTI_POINT;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("LINE_STRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "LINESTRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "LINE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.LINE_STRING;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("MULTI_LINESTRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTILINESTRING".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTILINE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTI_LINE".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.MULTI_LINE_STRING;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("POLYGON".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.POLYGON;
isGeometryField = true;
} else if ("MULTI_POLYGON".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || "MULTIPOLYGON".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
type = DataTypes.MULTI_POLYGON;
isGeometryField = true;
} else {
type = DataTypes.STRING;
length = 4000;
final FieldDefinition field;
if (isGeometryField) {
field = new GeometryFieldDefinition(this.geometryFactory, fieldName, type, false);
geometryField = field;
} else {
field = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type, length, false);
if (this.hasPointFields) {
if (geometryField == null) {
geometryField = new FieldDefinition(this.geometryColumnName, this.geometryType, true);
if (geometryField != null) {
geometryField.setProperty(FieldProperties.GEOMETRY_FACTORY, this.geometryFactory);
final RecordStoreSchema schema = getProperty("schema");
String typePath = getProperty("typePath");
if (!Property.hasValue(typePath)) {
typePath = "/" + baseName;
String schemaPath = getProperty("schemaPath");
if (Property.hasValue(schemaPath)) {
if (!schemaPath.startsWith("/")) {
schemaPath = "/" + schemaPath;
typePath = schemaPath + typePath;
final PathName pathName = PathName.newPathName(typePath);
this.recordDefinition = new RecordDefinitionImpl(schema, pathName, getProperties(), fields);
return this.recordDefinition;