use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeEquation in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translatePatternProperty.
private Expr translatePatternProperty(AgreePeriodicPattern pattern, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, EObject varReference) {
AgreeVar periodVar = new AgreeVar(PERIOD_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, null);
AgreeEquation eq = new AgreeEquation(equation("period = if event then (if time <= P then time else (0.0 -> pre period)) + P else (P -> pre period);", to("event", pattern.event), to("period", periodVar), to("P", pattern.period)), varReference);
Expr prop = expr("true -> (time >= P + j => event => (pre period) - j <= time and time <= (pre period) + j)", to("time", timeExpr), to("period", periodVar), to("P", pattern.period), to("j", pattern.jitter), to("event", pattern.event));
return prop;
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeEquation in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translateCauseCondtionPattern.
// this method registers a timeout and creates an event that is true iff the
// condition
// holds during the given interval. This is meant to essentially translate a
// condition
// pattern to a purely event based pattern. it returns an IdExpr
// corresponding to the
// event that triggers when the condition is held for the interval
private IdExpr translateCauseCondtionPattern(AgreeCauseEffectPattern pattern, IdExpr causeId, AgreeNodeBuilder builder) {
AgreeVar causeRiseTimeVar = getTimeRise(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar causeFallTimeVar = getTimeFall(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar causeHeldVar = new AgreeVar(CAUSE_CONDITION_HELD_PREFIX +, NamedType.BOOL, pattern);
AgreeVar causeHeldTimeoutVar = new AgreeVar(CAUSE_CONDITION_TIMEOUT_PREFIX +, NamedType.REAL, pattern);
IdExpr causeFallTimeId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeHeldId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeRiseTimeId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeHeldTimeoutId = new IdExpr(;
// timeout = if causeRiseTime > -1 and causeRiseTime > causeFallTime
// then
// causeRiseTime + h
// else
// -1
Expr posRise = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.GREATER, NEG_ONE);
Expr gtFall = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.GREATER, causeFallTimeId);
Expr cond = new BinaryExpr(posRise, BinaryOp.AND, gtFall);
Expr heldTime = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.PLUS, pattern.causeInterval.high);
Expr ifExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(cond, heldTime, NEG_ONE);
// builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(causeHeldTimeoutId,
// ifExpr, pattern));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, new BinaryExpr(causeHeldTimeoutId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, ifExpr), pattern));
// causeHeld = (t = causeHeldTimeout)
Expr causeHeldExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, BinaryOp.EQUAL, causeHeldTimeoutId);
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(causeHeldId, causeHeldExpr, pattern));
return causeHeldId;
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeEquation in project AMASE by loonwerks.
the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method addNodeCall.
* Method adds fault node call and nested trigger expression to the node
* builder. Ex fault node call: Sender__fault_1__node__val_out =
* Common_Faults__fail_to_real(__fault__nominal__sender_out, 1.0,
* fault__trigger__Sender__fault_1);
* Ex nested trigger expr: agree_node_output = if fault__trigger_1 then
* fault__node_1__val_out else if fault__trigger_2 then fault__node_2__val_out
* ... else __fault__nominal__output)
* @param nb NodeBuilder has these expressions added in assert stmts.
* @param f Fault that holds this fault node call information.
private void addNodeCall(AgreeNodeBuilder nb, Fault f, Map<Fault, Expr> localFaultTriggerMap) {
List<IdExpr> lhsOfNodeCall = new ArrayList<IdExpr>();
// populate outputParamToActualMap
for (VarDecl v : f.faultNode.outputs) {
String lhsId = this.createFaultNodeEqId(,;
AgreeVar actual = new AgreeVar(lhsId, v.type, f.faultStatement);
lhsOfNodeCall.add(new IdExpr(lhsId));
f.outputParamToActualMap.put(, actual);
// Call fault node and put this into lustre node as local equation.
AgreeEquation eq = new AgreeEquation(lhsOfNodeCall, new NodeCallExpr(, constructNodeInputs(f, localFaultTriggerMap)), f.faultStatement);
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeEquation in project AMASE by loonwerks.
the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method buildNonFaultCombinationAssertions.
* Method builds combinations of faults that cannot occur together based on
* probability values.
* Uses macros to shrink the size of the entire formula in case the number of
* fault combinations is too large for the Lustre parser to handle.
* @param topNode AgreeNode, top of program
* @param builder Node builder will have assertions
* added.
* @param elementProbabilities Prob of elements
* @param faultCombinationsAboveThreshold Which FaultSetProbabilities are above
* threshold given in top level annex.
private void buildNonFaultCombinationAssertions(AgreeNode topNode, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, ArrayList<FaultProbability> elementProbabilities, ArrayList<FaultSetProbability> faultCombinationsAboveThreshold) {
// With the valid fault combinations including dependent faults, and
// noFaultExpr has the default (no-fault) case. Let's construct a proposition.
Set<FaultProbability> elementProbabilitySet = new HashSet<>(elementProbabilities);
// the default (no-fault) case
Expr faultHypothesis = getNoFaultProposition(elementProbabilitySet);
// Vars for macros
List<BinaryExpr> macroList = new ArrayList<BinaryExpr>();
List<String> macroNames = new ArrayList<String>();
int noGoodEls = 0;
int unique = 0;
for (FaultSetProbability fsp : faultCombinationsAboveThreshold) {
Set<FaultProbability> goodElements = new HashSet<>(elementProbabilities);
// add the assertion that the rest of the faults are not to happen
if (!goodElements.isEmpty()) {
noGoodEls = noGoodEls + goodElements.size();
Expr local = getNoFaultProposition(goodElements);
faultHypothesis = new BinaryExpr(local, BinaryOp.OR, faultHypothesis);
// Macros
if (noGoodEls > SAFE_NUM_ELEMENTS) {
IdExpr macro = new IdExpr("GOODELS_" + noGoodEls + unique);
macroNames.add("GOODELS_" + noGoodEls + unique);
noGoodEls = 0;
BinaryExpr binMacro = new BinaryExpr(macro, BinaryOp.EQUAL, faultHypothesis);
faultHypothesis = macro;
} else // if there are all faults in the current combination
// add the assertion that all faults are allowed to happen
// which will be ORed with the default no fault case
Expr local = getAllFaultProposition(fsp.elements);
faultHypothesis = new BinaryExpr(local, BinaryOp.OR, faultHypothesis);
// Add this fault hypothesis as an assertion if not null.
if (faultHypothesis == null) {
new SafetyException("There is a problem with fault hypothesis for component: " + + ". A possible problem is that single layer analysis" + " is being run with no faults defined in lower layer." + " Check hypothesis statements and fault defs in this analysis.");
for (String s : macroNames) {
builder.addLocal(new AgreeVar(s, NamedType.BOOL, topNode.reference));
for (BinaryExpr b : macroList) {
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation((IdExpr) b.left, b.right, topNode.reference));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", b, topNode.reference));
// builder.addGuarantee(new AgreeStatement("", b, topNode.reference));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", faultHypothesis, topNode.reference));
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeEquation in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translatePatternConditionProperty.
private Expr translatePatternConditionProperty(AgreeCauseEffectPattern pattern, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, IdExpr causeId, IdExpr effectId) {
EObject varReference = pattern.reference;
AgreeVar recordVar = new AgreeVar(RECORD_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.BOOL, varReference);
AgreeVar windowVar = new AgreeVar(WINDOW_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.BOOL, varReference);
AgreeVar tRecord = getTimeOf(, builder, pattern);
Expr expr = expr("record => cause", to("record", recordVar), to("cause", causeId));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, expr, varReference));
BinaryOp left = getIntervalLeftOp(pattern.effectInterval);
BinaryOp right = getIntervalRightOp(pattern.effectInterval);
Equation eq = equation("in_window = (trecord <> -1.0) and " + "(l + trecord " + left + " time) and (time " + right + " h + trecord);", to("in_window", windowVar), to("trecord", tRecord), to("time", timeExpr), to("l", pattern.effectInterval.low), to("h", pattern.effectInterval.high));
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(eq, varReference));
return expr("in_window => effect", to("in_window", windowVar), to("effect", effectId));