use of com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product in project shopizer by shopizer-ecommerce.
the class ShoppingCartItemPopulator method populate.
public ShoppingCartItem populate(PersistableOrderProduct source, /**
* TODO: Fix, target not used possible future bug ! *
ShoppingCartItem target, MerchantStore store, Language language) throws ConversionException {
Validate.notNull(productService, "Requires to set productService");
Validate.notNull(productAttributeService, "Requires to set productAttributeService");
Validate.notNull(shoppingCartService, "Requires to set shoppingCartService");
Product product = productService.getById(source.getProduct().getId());
if (source.getAttributes() != null) {
for ( attr : source.getAttributes()) {
ProductAttribute attribute = productAttributeService.getById(attr.getId());
if (attribute == null) {
throw new ConversionException("ProductAttribute with id " + attr.getId() + " is null");
if (attribute.getProduct().getId().longValue() != source.getProduct().getId().longValue()) {
throw new ConversionException("ProductAttribute with id " + attr.getId() + " is not assigned to Product id " + source.getProduct().getId());
try {
return shoppingCartService.populateShoppingCartItem(product);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw new ConversionException(e);
use of com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product in project shopizer by shopizer-ecommerce.
the class ShopProductRESTController method getProducts.
private ReadableProductList getProducts(final int start, final int max, final String store, final String language, final String category, final List<QueryFilter> filters, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
try {
* How to Spring MVC Rest web service - ajax / jquery
MerchantStore merchantStore = (MerchantStore) request.getAttribute(Constants.MERCHANT_STORE);
Map<String, Language> langs = languageService.getLanguagesMap();
if (merchantStore != null) {
if (!merchantStore.getCode().equals(store)) {
// reset for the current request
merchantStore = null;
if (merchantStore == null) {
merchantStore = merchantStoreService.getByCode(store);
if (merchantStore == null) {
LOGGER.error("Merchant store is null for code " + store);
// TODO localized message
response.sendError(503, "Merchant store is null for code " + store);
return null;
Language lang = langs.get(language);
if (lang == null) {
lang = langs.get(Constants.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
ProductCriteria productCriteria = new ProductCriteria();
// get the category by code
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(category)) {
Category cat = categoryService.getBySeUrl(merchantStore, category);
if (cat == null) {
LOGGER.error("Category " + category + " is null");
// TODO localized message
response.sendError(503, "Category is null");
return null;
String lineage = new StringBuilder().append(cat.getLineage()).append(cat.getId()).append("/").toString();
List<Category> categories = categoryService.getListByLineage(store, lineage);
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
if (categories != null && categories.size() > 0) {
for (Category c : categories) {
if (filters != null) {
for (QueryFilter filter : filters) {
if (filter.getFilterType().name().equals( {
// the only filter implemented
com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.ProductList products = productService.listByStore(merchantStore, lang, productCriteria);
ReadableProductPopulator populator = new ReadableProductPopulator();
ReadableProductList productList = new ReadableProductList();
for (Product product : products.getProducts()) {
// create new proxy product
ReadableProduct readProduct = populator.populate(product, new ReadableProduct(), merchantStore, lang);
return productList;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while getting products", e);
response.sendError(503, "An error occured while retrieving products " + e.getMessage());
return null;
use of com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product in project shopizer by shopizer-ecommerce.
the class ProductItemsRESTController method getProductItemsByGroup.
* Query for a product group
* public/products/{store code}/products/group/{id}?lang=fr|en
* no lang it will take session lang or default store lang
* @param store
* @param language
* @param groupCode
* @param request
* @param response
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ReadableProductList getProductItemsByGroup(@PathVariable String store, @PathVariable final String code, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
try {
MerchantStore merchantStore = (MerchantStore) request.getAttribute(Constants.MERCHANT_STORE);
if (merchantStore != null) {
if (!merchantStore.getCode().equals(store)) {
// reset for the current request
merchantStore = null;
if (merchantStore == null) {
merchantStore = merchantStoreService.getByCode(store);
if (merchantStore == null) {
LOGGER.error("Merchant store is null for code " + store);
// TODO localized message
response.sendError(503, "Merchant store is null for code " + store);
return null;
Language lang = languageUtils.getRequestLanguage(request, response);
// get product group
List<ProductRelationship> group = productRelationshipService.getByGroup(merchantStore, code, lang);
if (group != null) {
Date today = new Date();
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (ProductRelationship relationship : group) {
Product product = relationship.getRelatedProduct();
if (product.isAvailable() && DateUtil.dateBeforeEqualsDate(product.getDateAvailable(), today)) {
ReadableProductList list = productItemsFacade.listItemsByIds(merchantStore, lang, ids, 0, 0);
return list;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while getting products", e);
response.sendError(503, "An error occured while retrieving products " + e.getMessage());
return null;
use of com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product in project shopizer by shopizer-ecommerce.
the class ProductImageApi method imageDetails.
* Patch image (change position)
* @param id
* @param files
* @param position
* @param merchantStore
* @param language
* @throws IOException
@RequestMapping(value = { "/private/products/{id}/image/{imageId}", "/auth/products/{id}/image/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
@ApiImplicitParams({ @ApiImplicitParam(name = "store", dataType = "String", defaultValue = "DEFAULT"), @ApiImplicitParam(name = "lang", dataType = "String", defaultValue = "en") })
public void imageDetails(@PathVariable Long id, @PathVariable Long imageId, @RequestParam(value = "order", required = false, defaultValue = "0") Integer position, @ApiIgnore MerchantStore merchantStore, @ApiIgnore Language language) throws IOException {
try {
Product p = productService.getById(id);
if (p == null) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Product image [" + imageId + "] not found for product id [" + id + "] and merchant [" + merchantStore.getCode() + "]");
if (p.getMerchantStore().getId() != merchantStore.getId()) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Product image [" + imageId + "] not found for product id [" + id + "] and merchant [" + merchantStore.getCode() + "]");
Optional<ProductImage> productImage = productImageService.getProductImage(imageId, id, merchantStore);
if (productImage.isPresent()) {
productImageService.updateProductImage(p, productImage.get());
} else {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Product image [" + imageId + "] not found for product id [" + id + "] and merchant [" + merchantStore.getCode() + "]");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while deleting ProductImage", e);
throw new ServiceRuntimeException("ProductImage [" + imageId + "] cannot be edited");
use of com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product in project shopizer by shopizer-ecommerce.
the class ShoppingCartModelPopulator method createCartItem.
private com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartItem createCartItem(com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCart cart, ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem, MerchantStore store) throws Exception {
Product product = productService.getById(shoppingCartItem.getProductId());
if (product == null) {
throw new Exception("Item with id " + shoppingCartItem.getProductId() + " does not exist");
if (product.getMerchantStore().getId().intValue() != store.getId().intValue()) {
throw new Exception("Item with id " + shoppingCartItem.getProductId() + " does not belong to merchant " + store.getId());
com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartItem item = new com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartItem(cart, product);
// attributes
List<ShoppingCartAttribute> cartAttributes = shoppingCartItem.getShoppingCartAttributes();
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cartAttributes)) {
Set<com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartAttributeItem> newAttributes = new HashSet<com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartAttributeItem>();
for (ShoppingCartAttribute attribute : cartAttributes) {
ProductAttribute productAttribute = productAttributeService.getById(attribute.getAttributeId());
if (productAttribute != null && productAttribute.getProduct().getId().longValue() == product.getId().longValue()) {
com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartAttributeItem attributeItem = new com.salesmanager.core.model.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartAttributeItem(item, productAttribute);
if (attribute.getAttributeId() > 0) {
// newAttributes.add( attributeItem );
// item.setAttributes( newAttributes );
return item;